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Events What we offer For Postdocs and Advanced Researchers For Doctoral Researchers © BYRD/Universität Bremen Workshops and Events As an early-career researcher, you can choose from our wide range of
Section: Sites
The sponsors Our sponsors – You support smart minds and socially engaged students. © Miklas Wrieden / Universität Bremen Overview of the sponsors in the funding year 2024/2025 Companies Anheuser-Busch
Section: Cooperation & Transfer
Study Work Life Week 2024 The Digital "Vereinbarkeitswoche" (Study Work Life Week) at the University of Bremen will take place from Monday, May 13th, 2024, to Friday, May 17th, 2024 The preparations a
Master Programs Important Information regarding Admission Admission to a master's program always follows a Bachelor's degree in a relevant subject or a comparable achievement. However, you can already
Our Services The services of the ADE are available to all employees, supervisors, staff council, students, and trainees of the public universities (University of Bremen, Bremen University of Applied S
Section: Referate
Education Research Group Eickhoff Topics for bachelor and master students Interested? Please contact Prof. Martin Eickhoff Optical spectroscopy of two-dimensional semiconductor materials Two-dimension
Section: FB1
Lectures Course catalog of Fachbereich 1 Physik/Elektrotechnik Complete course catalog of University of Bremen
Expeditions © AWI Bremerhaven The research vessel Polarstern in dense sea ice PS137 - Expedition to the Gakkel Ridge and Lena Trough with FS Polarstern Expedition PS137, named ALOIS (Arctic Lithospher
Section: FB5
ScienceChat: Ecological Seminar and Discussion Series Introducing Science Chat Science Chat is a BYRD (Bremen Early Research Development) funded doc-network. It was founded in 2016 by PhD students in
Section: FB2
Winter 2024/2025 Algorithmentheorie Wintersemester 2024/25, 3 SWS, 4,5 CP 03-BE-699.11 (03-IBGT-AT), Link zu StudIP Algorithmen bilden eine der wichtigsten Grundlagen der Informatik. Anschaulich besch
Section: FB3