Course Catalog
Study Program WiSe 2024/2025
Fachbereichübergreifende Studienangebote
Career Center
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
CC-15_18-11-WiSe24-25 | Career Decision for Internationals – self-employment as an alternative (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) Additional dates: Mon. 18.11.24 16:00 - 20:00 Online | Julia Heber |
Bewerbung & Selbstpraesentation
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
CC-09_04-11-WiSe24-25 | Job application for Internationals – Application documents and application procedures in Germany (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) Additional dates: Mon. 04.11.24 16:00 - 20:00 Online | Julia Heber |
CC-11_06-11-WiSe24-25 | Job application for Internationals – Fit for the job interview in Germany - preparation and training (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) Additional dates: Wed. 06.11.24 16:00 - 20:00 Online | Julia Heber |
CC-42_05-02-WiSe24-25 | Successful with social media business-networks – how to build a network for your first job in Germany (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: Anerkennung empfohlen mit 1 CP Additional dates: Wed. 05.02.25 10:00 - 16:00 Online Wed. 05.03.25 10:00 - 16:00 Online | Britta Bollermann |
CC-43_06-02-WiSe24-25 | Application Training in 3 days - Day 1: How to apply for jobs in Germany? (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1 CP Additional dates: Thu. 06.02.25 10:00 - 18:00 Online | Angela Schuette |
CC-45_10-02-WiSe24-25 | Improve your own career opportunities through strategic networkin (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) Additional dates: Mon. 10.02.25 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
CC-49a_13-02-WiSe24-25 | Fit for Future – make the most of your application process I – IV - Day 1: Application 4.0 – Tips and tricks for the professional use of digital application tools (in English) (3 or 4 days = 2 CP & at least 2 days = 1 CP) Blockeinheit (Teaching) ECTS: 3or4days=2CP; 2days=1CP Additional dates: Thu. 13.02.25 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
CC-49b_20-02-WiSe24-25 | Fit for Future – make the most of your application process I – IV - Day 2: Future Skills – competences for your professional future (in English) (3 or 4 days = 2 CP & at least 2 days = 1 CP) Blockeinheit (Teaching) ECTS: 3or4days=2CP; 2days=1CP Additional dates: Thu. 20.02.25 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
CC-49c_27-02-WiSe24-25 | Fit for Future – make the most of your application process I – IV - Day 3: Be self-confident in job interviews - how to convince others and negotiate your wishes (in English) (3 or 4 days = 2 CP & at least 2 days = 1 CP) Blockeinheit (Teaching) ECTS: 3or4days=2CP; 2days=1CP Additional dates: Thu. 27.02.25 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
CC-49d_06-03-WiSe24-25 | Fit for Future – make the most of your application process I – IV - Day 4: How to do networking with an impact (in English) (3 or 4 days = 2 CP & at least 2 days = 1 CP) Blockeinheit (Teaching) ECTS: 3or4days=2CP; 2days=1CP Additional dates: Thu. 06.03.25 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
CC-62_19-03-WiSe24-25 | Application on the fast track: online job search, active sourcing and social media profiles (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) Additional dates: Wed. 19.03.25 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
Gender- & Diversity-Kompetenzen
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
CC-38_03-02-WiSe24-25 | Diversity and application process - how to use your assets (in English) Seminar (Teaching) Additional dates: Mon. 03.02.25 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
CC-60_12-03-WiSe24-25 | Empowerment for women: Trust in your own strengths (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: Recognition with 1CP recommended Additional dates: Wed. 12.03.25 - Thu. 13.03.25 (Wed., Thu.) 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
Going International
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
CC-33_20-01-WiSe24-25 | Your Way to an Internship Abroad (in English) Seminar (Teaching) Additional dates: Mon. 20.01.25 17:00 - 18:30 Online | Rebekah Christine Cramer |
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
CC-57_03-03-WiSe24-25 | Skills for communication and negotiation (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: Recognition with 1CP recommended Additional dates: Mon. 03.03.25 - Tue. 04.03.25 (Mon., Tue.) 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
CC-61_17-03-WiSe24-25 | Is it all AI - or something?! All you need to know about Chat GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), ATS (Applicant Tracking System) and similar features) (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) Additional dates: Mon. 17.03.25 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
Selbstorganisation & Soft Skills
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
CC-17_20-11-WiSe24-25 | Holistic career planning (in English) Seminar (Teaching) Additional dates: Wed. 20.11.24 16:00 - 20:00 Online | Julia Heber |
CC-20_25-11-WiSe24-25 | Career planning and strategy development (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) Additional dates: Mon. 25.11.24 17:00 - 20:00 Online | Anja Nigl |
CC-54_21-02-WiSe24-25 | Authentic career management and leadership 1&2 | Day 1: Self Reflection in Career Management - Strength, Weeknesses, How to sell yourself (in English) Authentic career management and leadership 1&2 | Day 1: Self Reflection in Career Management - Strength, Weeknesses, How to sell yourself Blockeinheit (Teaching) ECTS: 1 CP recommended (& Certificate) Additional dates: Fri. 21.02.25 08:00 - 16:00 Online Mon. 24.02.25 08:00 - 16:00 Online | Julia Heber |
CC-63_20-03-WiSe24-25 | Resilience: The soul's immune system - building mental strength and serenity (in English) Resilience: The soul's immune system - building mental strength and serenity Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: recommended 1 CP & certificate Additional dates: Thu. 20.03.25 - Fri. 21.03.25 (Thu., Fri.) 10:00 - 16:00 Online | Amelie Schomburg |
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
CC-36_27-01-WiSe24-25 | High Performing Teams 1&2 | Day1 : How to become a high performer and work in a high performing team (in English) High Performing Teams 1&2 | Day1 : How to become a high performer and work in a high performing team Blockeinheit (Teaching) ECTS: 1 CP (& Certificate) Additional dates: Mon. 27.01.25 - Tue. 28.01.25 (Mon., Tue.) 08:00 - 16:00 Online | Julia Heber |
Veranstaltungen Studierwerkstatt
Studienmethoden & Persönlichkeit
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
Stwk W24 1.13 | Time Management (in English) Workshop in English Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Thu. 17.10.24 10:00 - 14:00 online Thu. 24.10.24 10:00 - 12:00 online Thu. 14.11.24 10:00 - 12:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 1.14 | Time Management (in English) Workshop in English Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Tue. 07.01.25 10:00 - 14:00 präsenz Tue. 14.01.25 10:00 - 12:00 präsenz Tue. 28.01.25 10:00 - 12:00 präsenz | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
Stwk W24 2.13 | Public Speaking and Presentation Skills (in English) Rhetorik und Präsentationstechniken Workshop in English Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Additional dates: Mon. 21.10.24 16:00 - 18:00 online Mon. 28.10.24 16:00 - 18:00 online Mon. 04.11.24 16:00 - 18:00 online Mon. 11.11.24 16:00 - 18:00 online Mon. 18.11.24 16:00 - 18:00 online Mon. 25.11.24 16:00 - 18:00 online Mon. 02.12.24 16:00 - 18:00 online Mon. 09.12.24 16:00 - 18:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 2.14 | Public Speaking and Presentation Skills (in English) Rhetorik und Präsentationstechniken Workshop in English Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Additional dates: Tue. 29.10.24 14:00 - 16:00 Tue. 05.11.24 14:00 - 16:00 Tue. 12.11.24 14:00 - 16:00 Tue. 19.11.24 14:00 - 16:00 Tue. 26.11.24 14:00 - 16:00 Tue. 03.12.24 14:00 - 16:00 Tue. 10.12.24 14:00 - 16:00 | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Moderation / Miteinander Reden
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
Stwk W24 2.20 | Oral Communication in English in Academic Settings (in English) An der Uni selbstbewusst Englisch sprechen Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Sat. 09.11.24 09:00 - 13:00 online Sun. 10.11.24 10:00 - 14:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben
Schreibtrainings für Hausarbeiten
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
Stwk W24 3.10 | Academic Writing Group (in English) Academic Writing in English Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Mon. 06.01.25 16:00 - 18:00 präsenz Mon. 13.01.25 16:00 - 18:00 präsenz Mon. 20.01.25 16:00 - 18:00 präsenz Mon. 27.01.25 16:00 - 18:00 präsenz | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 3.22 | Editing and revising your own texts (in English) Academic Writing in English Wissenschaftliches Schreiben in englischer Sprache Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Wed. 19.02.25 10:00 - 17:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 3.23 | Academic Writing in English (in English) Wissenschaftliches Schreiben in englischer Sprache Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Sat. 18.01.25 09:00 - 13:00 online Sun. 19.01.25 10:00 - 14:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 3.26 | Academic Writing in English (for International Students) (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Wed. 30.10.24 10:00 - 17:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 3.29 | Academic Writing in English (for International Students) (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Wed. 29.01.25 10:00 - 17:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Schreibwerkstätten für Abschlussarbeiten
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
Stwk W24 3.23 | Academic Writing in English (in English) Wissenschaftliches Schreiben in englischer Sprache Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Sat. 18.01.25 09:00 - 13:00 online Sun. 19.01.25 10:00 - 14:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 3.24 | Writing for and Publishing in Academic Journals (in English) Workshop in English Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Thu. 21.11.24 10:00 - 14:00 online Thu. 12.12.24 10:00 - 14:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 3.26 | Academic Writing in English (for International Students) (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Wed. 30.10.24 10:00 - 17:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 3.34 | Writing retreat: Finish your thesis! (in English) Writing for and Publishing in Academic Journals Workshop in English Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Additional dates: Mon. 24.02.25 16:00 - 18:00 online Tue. 25.02.25 - Wed. 26.02.25 (Tue., Wed.) 10:00 - 17:00 online Thu. 27.02.25 10:00 - 12:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Peer Learning: Tutor*innen und Coaches
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
Stwk W24 3.10 | Academic Writing Group (in English) Academic Writing in English Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Mon. 06.01.25 16:00 - 18:00 präsenz Mon. 13.01.25 16:00 - 18:00 präsenz Mon. 20.01.25 16:00 - 18:00 präsenz Mon. 27.01.25 16:00 - 18:00 präsenz | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Englisch sprachige Seminare
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
Stwk W24 1.13 | Time Management (in English) Workshop in English Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Thu. 17.10.24 10:00 - 14:00 online Thu. 24.10.24 10:00 - 12:00 online Thu. 14.11.24 10:00 - 12:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 1.14 | Time Management (in English) Workshop in English Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Tue. 07.01.25 10:00 - 14:00 präsenz Tue. 14.01.25 10:00 - 12:00 präsenz Tue. 28.01.25 10:00 - 12:00 präsenz | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 1.27 | Working with Secondary Texts in English (in English) Working with Secondary Literature in English Workshop in English Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Thu. 28.11.24 10:00 - 14:00 online Thu. 05.12.24 10:00 - 14:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 1.29 | Working with Secondary Texts in English (in English) Working with Secondary Literature in English Workshop in English Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Thu. 06.02.25 10:00 - 14:00 online Thu. 13.02.25 10:00 - 14:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 2.13 | Public Speaking and Presentation Skills (in English) Rhetorik und Präsentationstechniken Workshop in English Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Additional dates: Mon. 21.10.24 16:00 - 18:00 online Mon. 28.10.24 16:00 - 18:00 online Mon. 04.11.24 16:00 - 18:00 online Mon. 11.11.24 16:00 - 18:00 online Mon. 18.11.24 16:00 - 18:00 online Mon. 25.11.24 16:00 - 18:00 online Mon. 02.12.24 16:00 - 18:00 online Mon. 09.12.24 16:00 - 18:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 2.14 | Public Speaking and Presentation Skills (in English) Rhetorik und Präsentationstechniken Workshop in English Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Additional dates: Tue. 29.10.24 14:00 - 16:00 Tue. 05.11.24 14:00 - 16:00 Tue. 12.11.24 14:00 - 16:00 Tue. 19.11.24 14:00 - 16:00 Tue. 26.11.24 14:00 - 16:00 Tue. 03.12.24 14:00 - 16:00 Tue. 10.12.24 14:00 - 16:00 | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 2.20 | Oral Communication in English in Academic Settings (in English) An der Uni selbstbewusst Englisch sprechen Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Sat. 09.11.24 09:00 - 13:00 online Sun. 10.11.24 10:00 - 14:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 3.10 | Academic Writing Group (in English) Academic Writing in English Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Mon. 06.01.25 16:00 - 18:00 präsenz Mon. 13.01.25 16:00 - 18:00 präsenz Mon. 20.01.25 16:00 - 18:00 präsenz Mon. 27.01.25 16:00 - 18:00 präsenz | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 3.22 | Editing and revising your own texts (in English) Academic Writing in English Wissenschaftliches Schreiben in englischer Sprache Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Wed. 19.02.25 10:00 - 17:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 3.23 | Academic Writing in English (in English) Wissenschaftliches Schreiben in englischer Sprache Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Sat. 18.01.25 09:00 - 13:00 online Sun. 19.01.25 10:00 - 14:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 3.24 | Writing for and Publishing in Academic Journals (in English) Workshop in English Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Thu. 21.11.24 10:00 - 14:00 online Thu. 12.12.24 10:00 - 14:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 3.26 | Academic Writing in English (for International Students) (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Wed. 30.10.24 10:00 - 17:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 3.29 | Academic Writing in English (for International Students) (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Wed. 29.01.25 10:00 - 17:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Stwk W24 3.34 | Writing retreat: Finish your thesis! (in English) Writing for and Publishing in Academic Journals Workshop in English Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Additional dates: Mon. 24.02.25 16:00 - 18:00 online Tue. 25.02.25 - Wed. 26.02.25 (Tue., Wed.) 10:00 - 17:00 online Thu. 27.02.25 10:00 - 12:00 online | Dr. Alena Cicholewski |
Zertifikatsstudium Grundlagen Digitaler Medien in pädagogischen Kontexten
Digitale Medien in Lernumgebungen
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
03-IBGA-FI-RDL | Robot Design Lab (in English) Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 10:00 - 12:00 DFKI RH1 B0.10 Q & A weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 10:00 - 12:00 DFKI RH1 B0.10 Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 DFKI RH1 B0.10 Übung | Frank Kirchner M. Sc. Mihaela Popescu M. Sc Jonas Haack |
03-IMAA-ITMDS | IT-Management und Data Science (in English) IT Management and Data Science Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:00 - 18:00 MZH 1090 | Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter Hannah-Marie Büttner |
03-IMAA-MAD | Mobile App Development (in English) Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 10:00 - 14:00 MZH 1380/1400 Vorlesung | Prof. Dr. Rainer Malaka David Ruh Nicolas Autzen Marcus-Sebastian Schröder |
03-IMAA-STMW | Search Technology for Media & Web (in English) Search Technology for Media + Web Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 08:00 - 10:00 MZH 1470 Vorlesung weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 08:00 - 10:00 MZH 6200 Übung | Prof. Dr. Sebastian Maneth M. Sc Yvonne Jenniges |
03-IMAP-VRSIM | Virtual Reality and Physically-Based Simulation (in English) Virtuelle Realität und physikalisch-basierte Simulation Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 2) Wed. 10:00 - 12:00 MZH 5600 Vorlesung weekly (starts in week: 2) Thu. 10:00 - 12:00 MZH 1100 Übung | Prof. Dr. Gabriel Zachmann |
03-IMVP-HRI | Human Robot Interaction (in English) Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 14:00 - 16:00 DFKI RH1 A1.03 Vorlesung weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:00 - 16:00 DFKI RH1 A1.03 Übung | Frank Kirchner Dr. Lisa Gutzeit |
03-IMVP-MLAR | Machine Learning for autonomous Robots (in English) Machine Learning for autonomous Robots Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 10:00 - 12:00 DFKI RH1 B0.10 Vorlesung weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 10:00 - 12:00 Übung | Frank Kirchner Melvin Laux |
03-M-GS-14 | Starting Data Science in R (in English) a course on R programming and data science methods with practicals and projects Practical training (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 2490 (Seminarraum) Lecture plus Exercise | Prof. Dr. Stephan Frickenhaus |
08-M27-2-CBA-1 | Datenanalyse und Visualisierung (in English) Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 08:00 - 10:00 GW2 B2760 (CIP-FB 8) (2 Teaching hours per week) | Amna Bibi |
08-M27-2-CBA-2 | Geographische Informationssysteme (GIS) (in English) Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 12:00 - 14:00 GW2 B2760 (CIP-FB 8) (2 Teaching hours per week) | Dr. Karim Norouzi Moghanjoghi Dr. Raghu Ram Gudipati |
09-71-A.3-1 | Communication, Media and Ethics in Digital Society (in English) Seminar (Teaching) Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 GW2 B1216 (2 Teaching hours per week) | Dr. Dominic Ford |
eGeneral Studies
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
eGS-VA-SC-22 | Sustainability Communication (in English) Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel Dr. Christiane Bottke |
eGS-VA-SM-10 | Sustainability Marketing (in English) Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel Dr. Christiane Bottke |
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
CC-09_04-11-WiSe24-25 | Job application for Internationals – Application documents and application procedures in Germany (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) Additional dates: Mon. 04.11.24 16:00 - 20:00 Online | Julia Heber |
CC-11_06-11-WiSe24-25 | Job application for Internationals – Fit for the job interview in Germany - preparation and training (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) Additional dates: Wed. 06.11.24 16:00 - 20:00 Online | Julia Heber |
CC-15_18-11-WiSe24-25 | Career Decision for Internationals – self-employment as an alternative (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) Additional dates: Mon. 18.11.24 16:00 - 20:00 Online | Julia Heber |
CC-17_20-11-WiSe24-25 | Holistic career planning (in English) Seminar (Teaching) Additional dates: Wed. 20.11.24 16:00 - 20:00 Online | Julia Heber |
CC-20_25-11-WiSe24-25 | Career planning and strategy development (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) Additional dates: Mon. 25.11.24 17:00 - 20:00 Online | Anja Nigl |
CC-36_27-01-WiSe24-25 | High Performing Teams 1&2 | Day1 : How to become a high performer and work in a high performing team (in English) High Performing Teams 1&2 | Day1 : How to become a high performer and work in a high performing team Blockeinheit (Teaching) ECTS: 1 CP (& Certificate) Additional dates: Mon. 27.01.25 - Tue. 28.01.25 (Mon., Tue.) 08:00 - 16:00 Online | Julia Heber |
CC-38_03-02-WiSe24-25 | Diversity and application process - how to use your assets (in English) Seminar (Teaching) Additional dates: Mon. 03.02.25 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
CC-42_05-02-WiSe24-25 | Successful with social media business-networks – how to build a network for your first job in Germany (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: Anerkennung empfohlen mit 1 CP Additional dates: Wed. 05.02.25 10:00 - 16:00 Online Wed. 05.03.25 10:00 - 16:00 Online | Britta Bollermann |
CC-43_06-02-WiSe24-25 | Application Training in 3 days - Day 1: How to apply for jobs in Germany? (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1 CP Additional dates: Thu. 06.02.25 10:00 - 18:00 Online | Angela Schuette |
CC-45_10-02-WiSe24-25 | Improve your own career opportunities through strategic networkin (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) Additional dates: Mon. 10.02.25 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
CC-49a_13-02-WiSe24-25 | Fit for Future – make the most of your application process I – IV - Day 1: Application 4.0 – Tips and tricks for the professional use of digital application tools (in English) (3 or 4 days = 2 CP & at least 2 days = 1 CP) Blockeinheit (Teaching) ECTS: 3or4days=2CP; 2days=1CP Additional dates: Thu. 13.02.25 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
CC-49b_20-02-WiSe24-25 | Fit for Future – make the most of your application process I – IV - Day 2: Future Skills – competences for your professional future (in English) (3 or 4 days = 2 CP & at least 2 days = 1 CP) Blockeinheit (Teaching) ECTS: 3or4days=2CP; 2days=1CP Additional dates: Thu. 20.02.25 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
CC-49c_27-02-WiSe24-25 | Fit for Future – make the most of your application process I – IV - Day 3: Be self-confident in job interviews - how to convince others and negotiate your wishes (in English) (3 or 4 days = 2 CP & at least 2 days = 1 CP) Blockeinheit (Teaching) ECTS: 3or4days=2CP; 2days=1CP Additional dates: Thu. 27.02.25 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
CC-49d_06-03-WiSe24-25 | Fit for Future – make the most of your application process I – IV - Day 4: How to do networking with an impact (in English) (3 or 4 days = 2 CP & at least 2 days = 1 CP) Blockeinheit (Teaching) ECTS: 3or4days=2CP; 2days=1CP Additional dates: Thu. 06.03.25 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
CC-54_21-02-WiSe24-25 | Authentic career management and leadership 1&2 | Day 1: Self Reflection in Career Management - Strength, Weeknesses, How to sell yourself (in English) Authentic career management and leadership 1&2 | Day 1: Self Reflection in Career Management - Strength, Weeknesses, How to sell yourself Blockeinheit (Teaching) ECTS: 1 CP recommended (& Certificate) Additional dates: Fri. 21.02.25 08:00 - 16:00 Online Mon. 24.02.25 08:00 - 16:00 Online | Julia Heber |
CC-57_03-03-WiSe24-25 | Skills for communication and negotiation (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: Recognition with 1CP recommended Additional dates: Mon. 03.03.25 - Tue. 04.03.25 (Mon., Tue.) 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
CC-60_12-03-WiSe24-25 | Empowerment for women: Trust in your own strengths (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: Recognition with 1CP recommended Additional dates: Wed. 12.03.25 - Thu. 13.03.25 (Wed., Thu.) 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
CC-61_17-03-WiSe24-25 | Is it all AI - or something?! All you need to know about Chat GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), ATS (Applicant Tracking System) and similar features) (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) Additional dates: Mon. 17.03.25 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
CC-62_19-03-WiSe24-25 | Application on the fast track: online job search, active sourcing and social media profiles (in English) Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) Additional dates: Wed. 19.03.25 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Eva Reichmann |
CC-63_20-03-WiSe24-25 | Resilience: The soul's immune system - building mental strength and serenity (in English) Resilience: The soul's immune system - building mental strength and serenity Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: recommended 1 CP & certificate Additional dates: Thu. 20.03.25 - Fri. 21.03.25 (Thu., Fri.) 10:00 - 16:00 Online | Amelie Schomburg |