Course Catalog
Study Program WiSe 2024/2025
Fachbereich 07: Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Betriebswirtschaftslehre, B.Sc.
Bachelorprüfungsordnung 2023
Betriebswirtschaftslehre (36 CP)
Wahlpflichtmodule (6 CP)
International Business (6 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-BA37-162-01 | International Business (in English) International Business Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Thu. 10:00 - 14:00 WiWi1 A1070 Additional dates: Thu. 17.10.24 10:00 - 14:00 WiWi1 A1070 Thu. 14.11.24 10:00 - 14:00 WiWi1 A1070 | Prof. Dr. Peter Michael Anton Bican |
Profilbereich (48 CP)
Profilierungsmodule 3 (6 CP)
General Management (6 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-BA37-233-01 | Strategic Management (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Wed. 10:00 - 14:00 GW2 B3009 (Großer Studierraum) GW1-HS H0070 GW1 B0080 | Dr. Julia Maria Kensbock |
07-BA37-233-09 | Digital Future Challenge (in English) Problem Solving for a Responsible Digital Future Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 10:00 - 12:00 WiWi2 F3290 Additional dates: Tue. 28.01.25 08:00 - 10:00 WiWi2 F3290 | Prof. Dr. Benjamin Müller, MBA |
07-BA37-233-10 | Information Systems and Business Process Management (in English) Informations Systems and Business Process Management Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 16:00 - 18:00 GW2 B1820 WiWi2 F4090 | Dr. Phil Hennel |
07-BA37-233-11 | Sustainable Digitalisation and Transformation (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 12:00 - 14:00 WiWi1 A1070 | Dr. Phil Hennel |
Finanzen, Rechnungswesen und Steuern (6 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-BA37-231-04 | Behavioral Finance (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 10:00 - 12:00 WiWi1 A1100 Additional dates: Thu. 24.10.24 10:00 - 14:00 WiWi1 A1100 | Dr. Marten Laudi |
Projektmodule (12 CP)
General Management und Logistik (12 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-BA37-263-03 | Teaching Project International Management (in English) Projektplenum (Teaching) ECTS: 12 Dates: fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Tue. 12:00 - 16:00 WiWi1 A3290 | Prof. Dr. Peter Michael Anton Bican |
Modulbereich IV: Studienschwerpunkt (Wahlpflicht 45 CP)
1. Schwerpunkt IEM² (45 CP)
Modul 2 IEM² (12 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-BA37-233-01 | Strategic Management (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Wed. 10:00 - 14:00 GW2 B3009 (Großer Studierraum) GW1-HS H0070 GW1 B0080 | Dr. Julia Maria Kensbock |
07-BA37-233-09 | Digital Future Challenge (in English) Problem Solving for a Responsible Digital Future Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 10:00 - 12:00 WiWi2 F3290 Additional dates: Tue. 28.01.25 08:00 - 10:00 WiWi2 F3290 | Prof. Dr. Benjamin Müller, MBA |
07-BA37-233-10 | Information Systems and Business Process Management (in English) Informations Systems and Business Process Management Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 16:00 - 18:00 GW2 B1820 WiWi2 F4090 | Dr. Phil Hennel |
07-BA37-233-11 | Sustainable Digitalisation and Transformation (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 12:00 - 14:00 WiWi1 A1070 | Dr. Phil Hennel |
Projektmodul IEM² (12 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-BA37-263-03 | Teaching Project International Management (in English) Projektplenum (Teaching) ECTS: 12 Dates: fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Tue. 12:00 - 16:00 WiWi1 A3290 | Prof. Dr. Peter Michael Anton Bican |
2. Schwerpunkt FiRSt (45 CP)
Modul 2a FiRSt - Finanzen (12 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-BA37-231-04 | Behavioral Finance (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 10:00 - 12:00 WiWi1 A1100 Additional dates: Thu. 24.10.24 10:00 - 14:00 WiWi1 A1100 | Dr. Marten Laudi |
4. Schwerpunkt Verhaltensorientierte Wirtschaftswissenschaft (45 CP)
Modul 2 Verhaltensorientierte WiWi (12 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-BA37-231-04 | Behavioral Finance (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 10:00 - 12:00 WiWi1 A1100 Additional dates: Thu. 24.10.24 10:00 - 14:00 WiWi1 A1100 | Dr. Marten Laudi |
Modulbereich VII: General Studies (36 CP)
Wahlbereich General Studies (15 CP)
Startup Preschool: Migrant Entrepreneurship (3 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-BS37-4-20-26 | Startup Preschool: Migrant Entrepreneurship (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Additional dates: Fri. 18.10.24 16:00 - 20:00 NEOS, Room „Maschinenraum“ (2nd floor), Konrad-Zuse-Str. 6a, 28359 Bremen Sat. 19.10.24 - Sun. 20.10.24 (Sun., Sat.) 09:00 - 16:00 NEOS, Room „Maschinenraum“ (2nd floor), Konrad-Zuse-Str. 6a, 28359 Bremen | Prof. Dr. Jörg-Rainer Freiling Tenzin Yeshi |
Betriebswirtschaftslehre, M.Sc.
SBWL Marketing und Markenmanagement
Modul 2 Marketing und Markenmanagement (6 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-M37-2-02-02 | Digital Marketing Management I: Strategy & Instruments (in English) Digital Marketing Management I: Strategy & Instruments Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:00 - 16:00 WiWi1 A1070 WiWi1 A3290 | Prof. Dr. Maik Eisenbeiß |
07-M37-2-02-03 | Consumer Behavior I (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 14:00 - 16:00 WiWi1 A3290 | Prof. Dr. Kristina Klein |
SBWL Internationales Management
Modul 1 Internationales Management (6 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-M37-3-01-01 | International Business Strategy (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Wed. 10:00 - 14:00 WiWi1 A1070 Additional dates: Fri. 18.10.24 10:00 - 14:00 WiWi1 A1070 Wed. 13.11.24 10:00 - 14:00 GW1 B0080 | Prof. Dr. Peter Michael Anton Bican |
Modul 2 Internationales Management (6 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-M37-3-02-01 | Proseminar Research Methods in International Business (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Tue. 16:00 - 20:00 WiWi1 A1100 Additional dates: Tue. 15.10.24 16:00 - 20:00 WiWi1 A1100 | Prof. Dr. Peter Michael Anton Bican |
Projektmodul Internationales Management (12 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-M37-3-05-01 | Teaching Project International Management (in English) Projektplenum (Teaching) ECTS: 12 Dates: fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Thu. 14:00 - 18:00 WiWi1 A1020 Additional dates: Thu. 17.10.24 14:00 - 18:00 WiWi1 A1020 Thu. 14.11.24 14:00 - 18:00 WiWi1 A1020 | Prof. Dr. Peter Michael Anton Bican |
SBWL Rechnungswesen und Controlling
Modul 2 Rechnungswesen und Controlling (6 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-M37-5-02-01 | Strategic Management Accounting (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 WiWi2 F4090 | Prof. Dr. Mariya Shygun |
SVWL Innovationsökonomik
Modul 1 Innovationsökonomik (6 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-M37-8-01-01 | Innovation Economics: Theory (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 12:00 - 14:00 WiWi1 A3290 | Prof. Dr. Christian Claus Cordes |
Modul 2 Innovationsökonomik (6 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-M37-8-02-01 | Technology Management (in English) Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 10:00 - 12:00 WiWi1 A1100 | Prof. Dr. Martin Möhrle |
Projektmodul Innovationsökonomik (12 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-M37-8-05-04 | Projektmodul Innovationsökonomik (in English) Teaching project Innovation Economics Projektplenum (Teaching) ECTS: 12 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 08:00 - 10:00 GW2 B1820 | PD Dr. Johannes Paha |
Wahlmodul 1
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-M37-3-01-01 | International Business Strategy (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Wed. 10:00 - 14:00 WiWi1 A1070 Additional dates: Fri. 18.10.24 10:00 - 14:00 WiWi1 A1070 Wed. 13.11.24 10:00 - 14:00 GW1 B0080 | Prof. Dr. Peter Michael Anton Bican |
07-M37-8-01-01 | Innovation Economics: Theory (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 12:00 - 14:00 WiWi1 A3290 | Prof. Dr. Christian Claus Cordes |
07-M37-10-01-04 | Public Sectors Economics (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 12:00 - 14:00 WiWi2 F3290 | Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andre W Heinemann |
Wahlmodul 2
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-M37-10-02-42 | Getting Started with R (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: fortnightly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 08:00 - 12:00 WiWi1 A1100 | Dr. Gerrit Liedtke |
07-M37-10-02-52 | Innovation Economics: The Case of Artificial Intelligence (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 WiWi2 F3290 | Dr. Matheus Eduardo Leusin |
Wahlmodul 3
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-M37-10-03-36 | Industrieökonomie: Innovation (in English) Industrial Organization Innovation Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 10:00 - 12:00 WiWi1 A1100 | PD Dr. Johannes Paha |
07-M303-1-02-01 | AI and Computational Management Information Systems (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 2) Wed. 08:00 - 12:00 GW2 B1216 MZH Raum 8090 | Prof. Dr. Dr. Björn Niehaves Dr. Gerhard Klassen Dr. Marc Wyszynski Sebastian Weber Robin Fritzsche |
07-M303-1-06-01 | Management digital tranformation (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Tue. 10:00 - 14:00 WiWi2 F3290 | Dr. Julia Maria Kensbock |
Modulbereich Abschlussmodul
Modul begleitendes Seminar
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-M37-11-01-04 | LEMEX Master Theses Seminar (in English) Seminar (Teaching) Additional dates: Fri. 27.09.24 12:00 - 14:00 SFG 1010 | Prof. Dr. Jörg-Rainer Freiling |
GraduiertenGruppe Diginomics
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-M37-11-02-01 | Diginomics Brownbag Seminar (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 12:00 - 14:00 WiWi2 F4090 | Prof. Dr. Kristina Klein |
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-M37-11-01-03 | Preparatory Doctoral Seminar (in English) Seminar (Teaching) Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 16:00 - 18:00 WiWi2 F3290 | Prof. Dr. Christian Claus Cordes |
Management Information Systems, M.Sc.
Modulbereich Management Information Systems (48 CP)
Modul MIS-1 Information and Organisation (6 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-M303-1-01-01 | Information and Organisation (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: fortnightly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 10:00 - 14:00 WiWi2 F3290 | Dr. Julia Maria Kensbock |
Modul MIS-2 AI and Computational Management Information Systems (6 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-M303-1-02-01 | AI and Computational Management Information Systems (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 2) Wed. 08:00 - 12:00 GW2 B1216 MZH Raum 8090 | Prof. Dr. Dr. Björn Niehaves Dr. Gerhard Klassen Dr. Marc Wyszynski Sebastian Weber Robin Fritzsche |
Modul MIS-PM Project (24 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
03-IMPJ-SMARTB | Projekt SmartBremen (in English) (WiSe 24/25) Projektplenum (Teaching) ECTS: 30 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 12:00 - 14:00 IW3 0390 Projekt-Plenum | Prof. Dr. Dr. Björn Niehaves Dr. Gerhard Klassen Dulce Maria Villegas Nunez Robin Fritzsche Ute Bormann |
03-IMPJ-WELFC | Projekt WelfareComp (in English) (WiSe 24/25) Projektplenum (Teaching) ECTS: 30 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 16:00 - 18:00 MZH 1470 Projekt-Plenum weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 08:00 - 10:00 MZH 5600 Projekt-Plenum | Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter Paola Lopez |
07-M37-3-05-01 | Teaching Project International Management (in English) Projektplenum (Teaching) ECTS: 12 Dates: fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Thu. 14:00 - 18:00 WiWi1 A1020 Additional dates: Thu. 17.10.24 14:00 - 18:00 WiWi1 A1020 Thu. 14.11.24 14:00 - 18:00 WiWi1 A1020 | Prof. Dr. Peter Michael Anton Bican |
Modulbereich Management Digital Innovation (18 CP)
Modul MIS-MDI-1 Management and Organisation (6 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-M37-3-01-01 | International Business Strategy (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Wed. 10:00 - 14:00 WiWi1 A1070 Additional dates: Fri. 18.10.24 10:00 - 14:00 WiWi1 A1070 Wed. 13.11.24 10:00 - 14:00 GW1 B0080 | Prof. Dr. Peter Michael Anton Bican |
07-M303-1-06-01 | Management digital tranformation (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Tue. 10:00 - 14:00 WiWi2 F3290 | Dr. Julia Maria Kensbock |
07-M303-1-06-02 | New Forms of Development - Management der digitalen Transformation (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 10:00 - 12:00 WiWi2 F4090 | Dr. Phil Hennel |
Modul MIS-MDI-2 Managing Technological Change (6 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-M303-1-07-01 | Managing Technological Change (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 16:00 - 18:00 WiWi2 F3290 Additional dates: Wed. 18.12.24 14:00 - 16:00 WiWi2 F3290 | Prof. Dr. Benjamin Müller, MBA |
Modulbereich Computer Science (18 CP)
Modul MIS-INF-1a IT-Management and Data Science (6 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
03-IMAA-ITMDS | IT-Management und Data Science (in English) IT Management and Data Science Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:00 - 18:00 MZH 1090 | Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter Hannah-Marie Büttner |
Modul MIS-INF-2 Computer Science for Management Information Systems (6 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
03-IMAA-MAD | Mobile App Development (in English) Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 10:00 - 14:00 MZH 1380/1400 Vorlesung | Prof. Dr. Rainer Malaka David Ruh Nicolas Autzen Marcus-Sebastian Schröder |
Modul MIS-INF-3 Special Topics in Computer Science for Management Information Systems (6 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
03-IMAA-STMW | Search Technology for Media & Web (in English) Search Technology for Media + Web Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 08:00 - 10:00 MZH 1470 Vorlesung weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 08:00 - 10:00 MZH 6200 Übung | Prof. Dr. Sebastian Maneth M. Sc Yvonne Jenniges |
03-IMAP-AMAI | Advanced Methods of AI (in English) Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 12:00 - 14:00 MZH 6200 Vorlesung weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 16:00 - 18:00 MZH 1100 Übung | Michael Beetz Daniel Beßler |
03-IMAP-AML | Advanced Machine Learning (in English) Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 10:00 - 12:00 MZH 1090 Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 16:00 - 18:00 MZH 1100 Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 08:00 - 10:00 MZH 1470 Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 1090 Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 1380/1400 Vorlesung | Tanja Schultz Felix Putze |
Wirtschaftswissenschaft, B.Sc.
Bachelorprüfungsordnung 2023
Methoden (36 CP)
Pflichtmodule (36 CP)
Angewandte Programmierung in R (6 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-BA35-510-01 | Applied Programming in R (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 10:00 - 12:00 WiWi1 A1070 | Yongping Bao |
Profilbereich (54 CP)
Pflichtmodule (42 CP)
WiWi Projektmodul (12 CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-BA35-460-01 | Projektmodul Innovationsökonomik (in English) Teaching project Innovation Economics Projektplenum (Teaching) ECTS: 12 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 10:00 - 12:00 WiWi2 F3290 | Dr. Matheus Eduardo Leusin |
07-BA35-460-02 | Projektmodul Sustainability Economics (in English) Teaching Project Sustainability Economics Projektplenum (Teaching) ECTS: 12 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 14:15 - 15:45 External location: Fahrenheistraße 8, Raum 3105 | Prof. Dr. Achim Schlüter |
Modulbereich IV: Studienschwerpunkt (Wahlpflicht 45 CP)
Schwerpunkt Evolution der Ökonomie, menschliches Verhalten und Wirtschaftspolitik (45 CP)
Projektmodul Evolution der Ökonomie und wirtschaftspolitische Maßnahmen (12CP)
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
07-BA35-460-01 | Projektmodul Innovationsökonomik (in English) Teaching project Innovation Economics Projektplenum (Teaching) ECTS: 12 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 10:00 - 12:00 WiWi2 F3290 | Dr. Matheus Eduardo Leusin |
07-BA35-460-02 | Projektmodul Sustainability Economics (in English) Teaching Project Sustainability Economics Projektplenum (Teaching) ECTS: 12 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 14:15 - 15:45 External location: Fahrenheistraße 8, Raum 3105 | Prof. Dr. Achim Schlüter |