Course Catalog
Study Program WiSe 2024/2025
Studium Generale / interdisziplinäre Angebote aus den Fachbereichen / Sachkompetenzen
Theater und Musik / Culture4All / Performance Studies
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
09-52-GS-2 | Chor der Universität Bremen: Puccini Jahr mit Konzerten in der Universität Sorbonne, Paris und in der Glocke, Bremen Exercises (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 19:00 - 21:30 (2 Teaching hours per week) GW 1, Hörsaal H0070 | Universitätsmusikdirektor Mariano Chiacchiarini (Dirigent) |
09-52-GS-2a | Orchester der Universität Bremen: Tschaikowsky und Puccini mit Konzerten in der Universität Sorbonne, Paris und in der Glocke, Bremen Exercises (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 18:50 - 21:30 (2 Teaching hours per week) GW 1, Hörsaal H0070 | Universitätsmusikdirektor Mariano Chiacchiarini (Dirigent) |
09-52-GS-5 | Choir of the University Bremen and University of Arts Bremen Kurs (Teaching) ECTS: 2 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 18:00 - 20:00 (2 Teaching hours per week) Extern: HfK, Dechanatstr. 13-15, Galerie, Kursbeginn: 08.10.2024 | Ruscandra Popescu |
09-52-GS-6 | Kammerchor Kurs (Teaching) Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 19:00 - 21:30 (2 Teaching hours per week) Extern: HfK, Dechanatstr. 13-15, Galerie, Kursbeginn: 16.10.2024 | Prof. Detlef Bratschke |
09-52-GS-13 | Uni-Bigband Bremen Bigband Jazz, Funk, Pop und Soul Kurs (Teaching) ECTS: 2 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 20:00 - 22:00 (2 Teaching hours per week) In der Tränke 24, 28279 Bremen | Maxi Suhr |
09-52-GS-14 | „orquesta no típica“ Tango-Orchester der Universität Kurs (Teaching) ECTS: 2 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 12:00 - 14:00 (2 Teaching hours per week) ZB-B0490 Theatersaal | Licenciado en composición Juan Maria Solare |
09-60-KMW6-F-1 (alte BPO Modul 7) | TiC - Theatre Production, Part 1 Seminar (Teaching) Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 19:00 - 20:00 ZB-B B0490 (Theater) (2 Teaching hours per week) | Franz Eggstein (Lehrbeauftragter) Roland Klahr (Lehrbeauftragter) |
09-60-KMW6-F-2 (alte BPO Modul 7) | TiC - Theatre Production, Part 1 Seminar (Teaching) Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 20:00 - 22:00 ZB-B B0490 (Theater) (2 Teaching hours per week) | Franz Eggstein (Lehrbeauftragter) Roland Klahr (Lehrbeauftragter) |
09-GS-03-04c4a | Culture4all: "DrawnOut". Theory and artistically practical work on current topics, also in terms of sustainability Culture4all: "DrawnOut". Theory and artistically practical work on current topics, also in terms of sustainability Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 13:00 - 16:00 (3 Teaching hours per week) Atelier der Künsterlin, Bremen-Neustadt, Kornstraße 283 | Dina Koper |
09-GS-03-05c4a | An introduction to listening to art music – with visits to concerts Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 2 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 18:00 - 20:00 SuUB 4330 (Studio I Medienraum ) (2 Teaching hours per week) | Dr. Ulrich Matyl |
09-GS-03-06c4a | An introduction to listening to art music – with visits to concerts Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: fortnightly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 14:00 - 18:00 (2 Teaching hours per week) Krankenhaus-Museum im Klinikum Bremen-Ost Additional dates: Tue. 17.12.24 14:00 - 18:00 | Jannik Sachweh |
09-GS-3-8 | Culture4all: Creative writing about art. Literary reflections in museums and exhibitions, also in terms of sustainability. Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:15 - 17:00 (3 Teaching hours per week) Weserburg Museuem für moderne Kunst | Anke Fischer |
Gender- und Diversity-Studies
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
03-IMS-IUAG | Intelligente Umgebungen für die alternde Gesellschaft smart environment for the aging society Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 CART Rotunde - 0.67 Seminar | Christop W. Zetzsche-Schill Kerstin Schill |
eGS-DIV-16 | Diversity Kompetenzen Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dr. Christiane Bottke Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel |
META-2024/GS-03 | Data Ethics – Was hat KI mit Diskriminierung und Gender zu tun? Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1-3 CPs Additional dates: Fri. 22.11.24 10:00 - 16:30 SFG 3070 Sat. 23.11.24 10:00 - 16:30 MZH 1110 | Ayla Satilmis Kira Herff |
META-2024/GS-04 | Daten und Macht – Erkundungen in intersektionaler Perspektive Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1-3 CPs Additional dates: Fri. 17.01.25 10:00 - 16:00 SFG 3070 Fri. 24.01.25 10:00 - 16:00 GW2 B2880 | Ayla Satilmis |
Wissenschaftstheorie und Ethik
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
02-02-GS30 | Bedeutung molekulargenetischer Forschung für die Gesellschaft The relevance of new molecular genetic methods for society Seminar (Teaching) | PD Dr. Gazanfer Belge |
META-2024/GS-03 | Data Ethics – Was hat KI mit Diskriminierung und Gender zu tun? Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1-3 CPs Additional dates: Fri. 22.11.24 10:00 - 16:30 SFG 3070 Sat. 23.11.24 10:00 - 16:30 MZH 1110 | Ayla Satilmis Kira Herff |
META-2024/GS-04 | Daten und Macht – Erkundungen in intersektionaler Perspektive Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1-3 CPs Additional dates: Fri. 17.01.25 10:00 - 16:00 SFG 3070 Fri. 24.01.25 10:00 - 16:00 GW2 B2880 | Ayla Satilmis |
Offene Angebote aus den Fachbereichen
Physik / Elektrotechnik
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
01-PHY-BA-BP-V | Career Prospects Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 09:00 - 12:00 NW1 N3130 (3 Teaching hours per week) | Prof. Dr. Annette Ladstätter-Weißenmayer |
01-PHY-GS-Einf-V | Introductory Courses for Studying Natural Sciences and Engineering Einführungsveranstaltungen zum Einstieg in das Studium am FB1 Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) Additional dates: Sat. 05.10.24 10:00 - 16:00 MZH 1380/1400 | Prof. Dr. Annette Ladstätter-Weißenmayer Dr. Matthias Buschmann M. Sc Ruben Neelissen |
01-PHY-GS-VLGQ-V | Unification of Electrodynamics, Spacetime, Gravity and Quanta How Volume in Nature Founds Light, Gravity and Quanta Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Additional dates: Sat. 26.10.24 09:15 - 17:00 NW1 N3310 Sat. 09.11.24 09:15 - 17:00 NW1 N3310 Sat. 23.11.24 09:15 - 17:00 NW1 N3310 Sat. 07.12.24 09:15 - 17:00 NW1 N3310 Sat. 11.01.25 09:15 - 17:00 NW1 N3310 Sat. 25.01.25 09:15 - 17:00 NW1 N3310 | PD Dr. Hans-Otto Carmesin |
Biologie / Chemie
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
02-02-GS-CGB-01 | Biodiversität und Gesellschaft - Projektmitarbeit Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 16:15 - 18:15 BIOM 3060 | Prof. Dr. Marko Rohlfs |
02-02-GS-CGB-02 | Biodiversität und Gesellschaft - Projektentwicklung Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Prof. Dr. Marko Rohlfs |
02-02-GS-CGB-03 | Biodiversität und Gesellschaft - Projektleitung Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Prof. Dr. Marko Rohlfs |
02-02-GS-CGB-04 | Biodiversität und Gesellschaft - Konsolidierung Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Prof. Dr. Marko Rohlfs |
02-02-GS3 | Fascination Biosciences Lecture (Teaching) Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 10:00 - 12:00 NW2 C0290 (Hörsaal 1) | Prof. Dr. Kai Bischof Prof. Dr. Martin Reemt Diekmann Prof. Dr. Andreas Dotzauer Prof. Dr. Ralf Dringen Prof. Dr. Michael W. Friedrich Prof. Dr. Rita Helene Groß-Hardt Prof. Dr. Michael Koch Prof. Dr. Uwe Nehls Prof. Dr. Barbara Reinhold-Hurek Dr. Detlef Wegener Prof. Dr. Christian Wild Prof. Dr. Marko Rohlfs Prof. Dr. Olivia Masseck Prof. Dr. Andreas Kreiter Dr. Jan-Hendrik Hehemann Dr. Marlis Reich Dr. Kathrin Mädler Prof. Dr. Matthew Erik Nielsen PD Dr. Holger Auel Prof. Dr. Sami Hassan Dr. rer. nat. Birgit Rommel Dr. Hans Konrad Nettmann Prof. Dr. Katrin Deinhardt |
02-02-GS17 | Intercultural Exchange - A glance into Cape Town's coloured community (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dr. Ute Meyer Studienbüro Fachbereich Bio Chemie |
02-02-GS24 | Ringvorlesung im Übersee-Museum: Wildnis: Traum, Ziel oder Irrweg - Einblicke in aktuelle Projekte zur Schaffung und Entwicklung von Wildnisgebieten in Mitteleuropa Wilderness: dream, goal or aberration - insights into current projects for the creation and development of wilderness areas in Central Europe Wildnis: Traum, Ziel oder Irrweg - Einblicke in aktuelle Projekte zur Schaffung und Entwicklung von Wildnisgebieten in Mitteleuropa Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 2) Mon. 20:00 - 21:30 Ringvorlesung im Übersee-Museum | Dr. Hans Konrad Nettmann Prof. Dr. Marko Rohlfs |
02-02-GS30 | Bedeutung molekulargenetischer Forschung für die Gesellschaft The relevance of new molecular genetic methods for society Seminar (Teaching) | PD Dr. Gazanfer Belge |
Mathematik / Informatik
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
03-585 | Lernen und Forschen im FabLab - offene Werkstatt Kurs (Teaching) ECTS: 3 ECTS Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 10:00 - 12:00 External location: GW2 A4100 (FabLab) Kurs | Dr. Iris Bockermann Michael Lund |
03-DMB-MI-1-MI1 | Media Informatics Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 16:00 - 18:00 MZH 1090 NW2 A0242 (Stufenhörsaal) Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 16:00 - 18:00 MZH 6200 Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 10:00 - 12:00 MZH 1450 Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 10:00 - 12:00 MZH 5500 Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 12:00 - 14:00 Übung Online weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 10:00 - 12:00 MZH 1470 MZH 1110 Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 10:00 - 12:00 MZH 1090 Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 12:00 - 14:00 MZH 1110 Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 12:00 - 14:00 MZH 1450 Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 10:00 - 12:00 MZH 1110 Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 10:00 - 12:00 MZH 1450 Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 10:00 - 12:00 CART 0.01 (Besprechungsraum) Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 10:00 - 12:00 MZH 6200 Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 12:00 - 14:00 HS 2010 (Großer Hörsaal) Vorlesung Additional dates: Mon. 10.02.25 10:00 - 12:00 MZH 1090 Wed. 19.02.25 09:00 - 12:00 HS 2010 (Großer Hörsaal) Wed. 19.02.25 09:00 - 12:00 HS 1010 (Kleiner Hörsaal) Wed. 19.02.25 09:00 - 12:00 NW1 H 1 - H0020 Wed. 19.02.25 09:00 - 12:00 GW1-HS H0070 | Udo Frese |
03-DMB-MI-21-GDP | Introduction to Programming Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 NW2 C0290 (Hörsaal 1) GW1 A0160 Vorlesung weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 16:00 - 18:00 MZH 1090 Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 16:00 - 18:00 MZH 1100 Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 12:00 - 14:00 MZH 1450 Übung weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 12:00 - 14:00 MZH 1470 Übung Additional dates: Thu. 06.03.25 09:00 - 13:00 HS 2010 (Großer Hörsaal) | Dr. Tim Laue |
03-IBGA-IUG | Informatik und Gesellschaft Computer and Society Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 08:00 - 10:00 MZH 1090 Seminar weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 10:00 - 12:00 MZH 1090 Seminar weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 12:00 - 13:00 MZH 1090 Seminar | Ralf Eric Streibl |
03-M-AC-2 | High-Performance-Visualisierung High-Performance Visualization Ausgewählte Publikationen aus dem Bereich der Visualisierung großer wissenschaftlicher Datensätze Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 4,5 / 6 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 1110 Seminar | Prof. Dr. Andreas Gerndt |
03-M-GS-5 | Statistical Consulting (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 10:00 - 12:00 Seminar | Dr. Martin Scharpenberg |
03-M-GS-14 | Starting Data Science in R (in English) a course on R programming and data science methods with practicals and projects Practical training (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 2490 (Seminarraum) Lecture plus Exercise | Prof. Dr. Stephan Frickenhaus |
03-M-GS-42 | Modelle und Mathematik Models and Mathematics Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 1100 Seminar | Ronald Stöver |
eGS-RDM-05 | Recht der digitalen Medien - Grundlagen und Praxis Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Prof. Dr. Iris Kirchner-Freis, LL.M.Eur. Dr. Christiane Bottke Dr. Oliver Ahel Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau |
META-2024/GS-03 | Data Ethics – Was hat KI mit Diskriminierung und Gender zu tun? Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1-3 CPs Additional dates: Fri. 22.11.24 10:00 - 16:30 SFG 3070 Sat. 23.11.24 10:00 - 16:30 MZH 1110 | Ayla Satilmis Kira Herff |
META-2024/GS-04 | Daten und Macht – Erkundungen in intersektionaler Perspektive Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1-3 CPs Additional dates: Fri. 17.01.25 10:00 - 16:00 SFG 3070 Fri. 24.01.25 10:00 - 16:00 GW2 B2880 | Ayla Satilmis |
META-2024/IF-MT-07 | Scrum I – Agiles Projektmanagement: Rollen im Scrum Team, Theory of Scrum und Artefakte Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1-2 Additional dates: Mon. 25.11.24 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Mon. 25.11.24 13:30 - 17:00 BigBlueButton Tue. 26.11.24 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Tue. 26.11.24 13:30 - 17:00 BigBlueButton Wed. 27.11.24 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Wed. 27.11.24 13:30 - 17:00 BigBlueButton Thu. 28.11.24 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Thu. 28.11.24 13:30 - 17:00 BigBlueButton | Silke Garms Selma Gebhardt |
META-2024/IF-MT-08 | Scrum II - Agiles Projektmanagement. Events, Sprints und Storyboard Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1-3 Additional dates: Mon. 02.12.24 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Mon. 02.12.24 13:30 - 17:00 BigBlueButton Tue. 03.12.24 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Tue. 03.12.24 13:30 - 17:00 BigBlueButton Wed. 04.12.24 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Wed. 04.12.24 13:30 - 17:00 BigBlueButton Thu. 05.12.24 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Thu. 05.12.24 13:30 - 17:00 BigBlueButton | Silke Garms Selma Gebhardt |
META-2024/IF-MT-09 | Scrum III - Agiles Projektmanagement. Präsentation des Scrum-Projekts und Zertifikatsprüfung «Applied Scrum Master» Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Mon. 09.12.24 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Mon. 09.12.24 13:30 - 17:00 BigBlueButton Tue. 10.12.24 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Tue. 10.12.24 13:30 - 17:00 BigBlueButton Wed. 11.12.24 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Wed. 11.12.24 13:30 - 17:00 BigBlueButton Thu. 12.12.24 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Thu. 12.12.24 13:30 - 17:00 BigBlueButton | Silke Garms Selma Gebhardt |
META-2025/IF-G-01 | Grundkurs Datenschutz Basiswissen und Anwendung des Datenschutzes in einer betrieblichen Organisation Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1-3 Additional dates: Mon. 17.02.25 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Mon. 17.02.25 13:30 - 16:00 BigBlueButton Tue. 18.02.25 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Tue. 18.02.25 13:30 - 16:00 BigBlueButton Wed. 19.02.25 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Wed. 19.02.25 13:30 - 16:00 BigBlueButton Thu. 20.02.25 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Thu. 20.02.25 13:30 - 16:00 BigBlueButton | Selma Gebhardt |
META-2025/IF-MT-01 | Scrum I – Agiles Projektmanagement: Rollen im Scrum Team, Theory of Scrum und Artefakte Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1-3 Additional dates: Mon. 24.02.25 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Mon. 24.02.25 13:30 - 16:00 BigBlueButton Tue. 25.02.25 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Tue. 25.02.25 13:30 - 16:00 BigBlueButton Wed. 26.02.25 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Wed. 26.02.25 13:30 - 16:00 BigBlueButton Thu. 27.02.25 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Thu. 27.02.25 13:30 - 16:00 BigBlueButton | Silke Garms Selma Gebhardt |
META-2025/IF-MT-02 | Scrum II - Agiles Projektmanagement. Events, Sprints und Storyboard Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1-3 Additional dates: Mon. 03.03.25 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Mon. 03.03.25 13:30 - 16:00 BigBlueButton Tue. 04.03.25 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Tue. 04.03.25 13:30 - 16:00 BigBlueButton Wed. 05.03.25 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Wed. 05.03.25 13:30 - 16:00 BigBlueButton Thu. 06.03.25 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Thu. 06.03.25 13:30 - 16:00 BigBlueButton | Silke Garms Selma Gebhardt |
META-2025/IF-MT-03 | Scrum III - Agiles Projektmanagement. Präsentation des Scrum-Projekts und Zertifikatsprüfung «Applied Scrum Master» Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1 Additional dates: Mon. 10.03.25 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Mon. 10.03.25 13:30 - 16:00 BigBlueButton Tue. 11.03.25 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Tue. 11.03.25 13:30 - 16:00 BigBlueButton Wed. 12.03.25 10:00 - 12:30 BigBlueButton Wed. 12.03.25 13:30 - 16:00 BigBlueButton | Silke Garms Selma Gebhardt |
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
04-GS-ING-001 | Introduction to Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer (in English) Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 6 | Prof. Dr. Johannes Kiefer |
04-V10-1-SPV01 | Fundamentals of Material Transformation Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 16:00 - 18:00 UFT 1790 (2 Teaching hours per week) | Prof. Dr. Jorg Thöming Dr. rer. nat. Michael Baune |
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
eGS-AME-08 | Arbeiten mit Microsoft Excel Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Prof. Dr. Martin Missong Dr. Christiane Bottke Dr. Oliver Ahel Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau |
eGS-BWL-07 | Einführung in die Betriebswirtschaftslehre Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Prof. Dr. Jörg-Rainer Freiling Dr. Christiane Bottke Dr. Oliver Ahel Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau |
eGS-PM-04 | Projektmanagement Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Prof. Dr. Martin Möhrle Dr. Christiane Bottke Dr. Oliver Ahel Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau |
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
08-zsp-GS-1009 | Balou and you - Volunteer work - Volunteer Bureau Bremen Arbeitsvorhaben (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Additional dates: Fri. 01.11.24 10:00 - 12:00 Freiwilligen-Agentur Bremen, Dammweg 18-20 | Claudia Fantz |
08-zsp-GS-1010 | Engagiere dich! Freiwilliges Engagement für und mit Bremer Grundschulkindern bei den climb-Lernferien (der gemeinnützigen CLIMB GmbH) Get involved! Voluntary commitment for and with primary school children at the climb-Lernferien (of the non-profit CLIMB GmbH) Arbeitsvorhaben (Teaching) ECTS: 6 Additional dates: Fri. 30.08.24 12:00 - 14:00 Büro CLIMB gGmbH, Bornstraße 14/15 Fri. 20.09.24 12:00 - 14:00 Büro CLIMB gGmbH, Bornstraße 14/15 Fri. 07.02.25 12:00 - 14:00 Büro CLIMB gGmbH, Bornstraße 14/15 Fri. 14.03.25 12:00 - 14:00 Büro CLIMB gGmbH, Bornstraße 14/15 | Leon-Nicolas Florian Elias Micha Dörre |
08-zsp-GS-1016 | Organizing events and trade fairs* currently means "breaking a lot of new ground" also in the context of fair trade, sustainable development and international cooperation. Organising events and trade fairs* means working for and with people. "Always breaking new ground and creating emotions" also in the context of fair trade, sustainable development and international cooperation Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Additional dates: Sat. 23.11.24 - Sun. 24.11.24 (Sun., Sat.) 10:00 - 16:00 GW2 B2880 Sat. 07.12.24 - Sun. 08.12.24 (Sun., Sat.) 10:00 - 16:00 GW2 B2890 | Frank Ernst Willy Fromme |
08-zsp-GS-1017 | Public Transport Lab: A roadmap for Bremen´s traffic transformation? What a mobility or transport turnaround law for Bremen could look like. Public Transport Lab: Bus and Tram - We strike, we fight, we ride Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 16:00 - 18:00 GW2 B2880 (2 Teaching hours per week) | Dominik Lange, M.A. |
META-2024/GS-04 | Daten und Macht – Erkundungen in intersektionaler Perspektive Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1-3 CPs Additional dates: Fri. 17.01.25 10:00 - 16:00 SFG 3070 Fri. 24.01.25 10:00 - 16:00 GW2 B2880 | Ayla Satilmis |
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
09-30-B3-006B / 09-30-T1-010A | Wittgenstein: Tractatus logico-philosophicus Seminar (Teaching) Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 SFG 1080 (2 Teaching hours per week) | Prof. Dr. Dr. Norman Sieroka |
09-30-B3-1B | Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy Lecture (Teaching) Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 10:00 - 12:00 SFG 0140 (2 Teaching hours per week) | Dr. Frank Kannetzky |
09-30-B4-23B | Introduction to Practical Philosophy Introduction to Ethics Seminar (Teaching) Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 10:00 - 12:00 SFG 0150 (2 Teaching hours per week) | Prof. Dr. Georg Mohr |
09-30-B5-B-I | Lecture series History of Philosophy, Part I Lecture (Teaching) Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 10:00 - 12:00 SFG 0150 (2 Teaching hours per week) | Dr. Kathi Beier Prof. Dr. Dagmar Hella Borchers Joseph Kretzschmar, M.A. Jens Tammo Lossau Prof. Dr. Georg Mohr Olivia Erna Maegaard Nielsen Dr. Abootaleb Safdari Prof. Dr. Dr. Norman Sieroka |
09-51-GS-2 | Künstlerische Praxis II: Analoge Fotografie Seminar (Teaching) Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:00 - 18:00 GW2 B3790+B3840 | Josua Schindewolf Henry Gröne |
09-51-M4-10 | Architecture Seminar (Teaching) Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 10:00 - 13:00 Extern City 46; Kommunalkino Bremen e. V. (Birkenstr. 1, 28195 Bremen) (3 Teaching hours per week) | Prof. Dr. Winfried Pauleit Nils Gloistein |
09-51-M12-1 | Gender|U – Intersektionale Perspektiven auf Gender und Gefühl. Interdisziplinäre Online-Ringvorlesung Hochschulübergreifende Kooperationsveranstaltung mit Kerstin Brandes (Universität Bremen), Linda Hentschel (Kunsthochschule Mainz), Friederike Nastold (Universität Oldenburg), Thari Jungen (Wien), Julia Reichenpfader (JGU Mainz) Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 4) Mon. 16:00 - 18:00 Online (2 Teaching hours per week) Additional dates: Mon. 28.10.24 18:00 - 20:00 Online | Prof. Dr. Kerstin Brandes |
09-54-1-R1 | Einführung in die Religionswissenschaft A Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 10:00 - 12:00 SpT C4180 (2 Teaching hours per week) Additional dates: Fri. 07.02.25 10:00 - 12:00 SFG 0140 | Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler |
09-54-1-R1/2 | Einführung in die Religionswissenschaft B Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 10:00 - 12:00 SpT C4180 (2 Teaching hours per week) Additional dates: Fri. 07.02.25 10:00 - 12:00 SFG 0140 | Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler |
09-54-1-R3 | Einführung in den Islam Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 2) Wed. 16:00 - 18:00 SFG 1040 (2 Teaching hours per week) | Prof. Dr. Gritt Maria Klinkhammer |
09-54-1-R3/2 | Einführung in den Hinduismus Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 SpT C4180 (2 Teaching hours per week) | PD Dr. Beatrix Hauser |
09-54-1-R3/3 | Einführung in das Christentum Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:00 - 16:00 SFG 1040 (2 Teaching hours per week) | Yan Ananda Suarsana |
09-54-3-R4 | Zum Teufel nochmal - Rezeptions- und Transformationsprozesse in rezenten Medien Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 14:00 - 16:00 GW1-HS H1000 (2 Teaching hours per week) | Bodil Stelter |
09-54-3-R7 | Eine kleine Geschichte religiöser Toleranz Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 08:00 - 12:00 External location: SpT C6240 (2 Teaching hours per week) | Thorsten Wettich |
09-54-5-R11 | Theorien des Vergleichs und ihre religionswissenschaftlichen Anwendungsfelder Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Mon. 16:00 - 20:00 GW1 A1260 (2 Teaching hours per week) Additional dates: Mon. 06.01.25 16:00 - 20:00 GW1 A1260 Mon. 20.01.25 16:00 - 20:00 GW1 A1260 | Kathrin Trattner |
09-54-GS | Mental Health Teil II - Umgang mit Krisen und Traumata - ein religionswissenschafllicher, psychologischer und sozialwissenschaftlicher Diskurs Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Additional dates: Fri. 08.11.24 14:00 - 19:30 SFG 1040 Sat. 09.11.24 10:00 - 16:00 SFG 1040 Sat. 07.12.24 14:00 - 19:30 SFG 1040 Sun. 08.12.24 10:00 - 16:00 SFG 0150 | Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Peter Kaiser |
09-GS-03-06 | Kunstrausch 2025: Veranstaltungsplanung mit der Kunsthalle Bremen Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 11:00 - 13:00 (2 Teaching hours per week) Die Veranstaltung findet in der der Kunsthalle statt | Pauline Reischuck Theresa Lange |
09-M39-1-01-05 | Urteilen und Entscheiden: Psychologie Judgment and Decision Making: Psychology 2 SWS Seminar (Teaching) Dates: fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Wed. 14:00 - 18:00 Forum am Domshof - 20042 (2 Teaching hours per week) Additional dates: Wed. 05.02.25 14:00 - 18:00 SFG 3070 Mon. 10.02.25 10:00 - 13:00 GW2 B2900 | Michael Schottmayer, Dipl.-Psych. |
09-M39-1-02-05 | Einführung in das Philosophische Denken Introduction into Philosophical Thinking Lecture (Teaching) Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 10:00 - 12:00 SFG 1030 (2 Teaching hours per week) | Prof. Dr. Dagmar Hella Borchers |
09-M52-01-01-03-21 | Philosophy of Time Lecture (Teaching) Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 10:00 - 12:00 SFG 2020 (2 Teaching hours per week) | Prof. Dr. Dr. Norman Sieroka |
09-M52-01-05-06-08 | Current topics in theoretical philosophy Seminar (Teaching) Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 16:00 - 18:00 SFG 2080 (2 Teaching hours per week) | Prof. Dr. Dr. Norman Sieroka |
09-M52-01-19-03-09 | Philosophy of Cosmology, Space and Space Travel (in English) Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 ECTS/CP Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:00 - 16:00 SFG 2010 (2 Teaching hours per week) | Prof. Dr. Claus Lämmerzahl Prof. Dr. Dr. Norman Sieroka |
META-2024/GS-04 | Daten und Macht – Erkundungen in intersektionaler Perspektive Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1-3 CPs Additional dates: Fri. 17.01.25 10:00 - 16:00 SFG 3070 Fri. 24.01.25 10:00 - 16:00 GW2 B2880 | Ayla Satilmis |
Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
10-78-BA-Z-3 | Borges y la literatura inglesa Exercises (Teaching) Dates: weekly (starts in week: 8) Mon. 08:00 - 12:00 External location: Online (2 Teaching hours per week) | Dr. Maria Florencia Sannders |
10-GS-2-01 | "Die romanischen Sprachen - (im Kontakt mit dem Deutschen)" Seminar (Teaching) Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 10:00 - 12:00 GW2 B1630 | Dr. Katrin Mutz |
10-GS-9-01 | Debattierclub: Theoretische und angewandte Rhetorik Exercises (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 16:00 - 18:00 MZH 1460 | Prof. Dr. Christian Kirchmeier |
Human- und Gesundheitswissenschaften
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
11-PH-MA-8-G-2 | GS: Short course "Mental Health Epidemiology" (Online-Seminar, englischsprachig) (in English) Seminar (Teaching) Additional dates: Wed. 20.11.24 13:30 - 19:30 Online Wed. 27.11.24 13:00 - 19:00 Online Wed. 04.12.24 14:00 - 18:30 Online Wed. 11.12.24 14:00 - 18:30 Online | Prof. Dr. Daniela-Christina Fuhr |
11-PSY-BA-THEPSY-01 | Theoretische Psychologie und Wissenschaftstheorie Seminar (Teaching) Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 14:00 - 16:00 UNICOM 3.0220 Seminarraum 4 (2 Teaching hours per week) Additional dates: Tue. 18.02.25 10:00 - 12:00 GRA2A H 0100 Wed. 02.04.25 10:00 - 12:00 GRA2 0080 | Prof. Dr. Hans-Christian Waldmann |
11-PSY-MA-MKOGPS-01 | Entscheidungspsychologie Lecture (Teaching) Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 Cog 2030 (2 Teaching hours per week) | Prof. Dr. Bettina Helversen-Helversheim |
Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaften
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
12-55-E/P-SQ-100 | learning workshop (GSW) - a good place for interes orientation, cooperative and participative teamwork Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 1, 2 oder 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 16:00 - 18:00 SFG 1040 (2 Teaching hours per week) | Dr. Silvia Thünemann Prof. Dr. Meike Wulfmeyer |
12-55-E/P-SQ-104 | Eastern wisdom - western rationality? Intercultural communication between tradition and modern life Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 10:00 - 12:00 GW2 A4330 (2 Teaching hours per week) | Christoph Fantini |
12-55-E/P-SQ-120 | The art of guiding oneself as a teacher and a group of learners: classroom management Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Additional dates: Fri. 11.10.24 10:00 - 16:00 GW2 B1700 Sat. 12.10.24 10:00 - 16:00 GW2 B2900 Fri. 08.11.24 16:00 - 19:00 GW2 B3850 Sat. 09.11.24 10:00 - 16:00 GW2 B1580 Fri. 15.11.24 16:00 - 19:00 GW2 B2900 | Ulrike Becker (LB) |
12-55-E/P-SQ-129 | Social learning in and with nature Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1-3 Additional dates: Sat. 12.10.24 - Sun. 13.10.24 (Sun., Sat.) 11:00 - 16:30 SFG 0150 Fri. 15.11.24 18:00 - 20:00 SFG 0150 Fri. 24.01.25 18:00 - 20:00 SFG 0150 Sat. 15.03.25 - Sun. 16.03.25 (Sun., Sat.) 11:00 - 16:30 SFG 0150 | Dorothea Ahlemeyer |
12-55-E/P-SQ-131 | Storytelling - Methods for inventing stories and presentation skills Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1-3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 12:00 - 14:00 GW2 B1170 (2 Teaching hours per week) | Barbara Weller |
12-55-E/P-SQ-132 | Promoting Communicative Skills and Cooperation by Methods in Theatrical Work Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1-3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 10:00 - 12:00 RSG 1090 (RSG-Halle) (2 Teaching hours per week) | Barbara Weller |
12-55-E/P-SQ-133 | Introduction to Nonviolent Communication (M. Rosenberg) and its application in private and professional everyday life. Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1-3 Additional dates: Tue. 04.02.25 15:00 - 20:00 Online Thu. 06.02.25 15:00 - 20:00 Online Tue. 11.02.25 15:00 - 20:00 Online Thu. 13.02.25 15:00 - 21:00 Online | Gabriele Kumm (LB) |
12-55-E/P-SQ-134 | Conversational skills in challenging situations Seminar (Teaching) ECTS: 1-3 Additional dates: Wed. 02.10.24 10:00 - 17:30 SFG 1030 Wed. 09.10.24 10:00 - 17:30 SFG 2080 Fri. 11.10.24 10:00 - 17:30 SFG 2080 | Gabriele Kumm (LB) |
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
08-zsp-GS-1016 | Organizing events and trade fairs* currently means "breaking a lot of new ground" also in the context of fair trade, sustainable development and international cooperation. Organising events and trade fairs* means working for and with people. "Always breaking new ground and creating emotions" also in the context of fair trade, sustainable development and international cooperation Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Additional dates: Sat. 23.11.24 - Sun. 24.11.24 (Sun., Sat.) 10:00 - 16:00 GW2 B2880 Sat. 07.12.24 - Sun. 08.12.24 (Sun., Sat.) 10:00 - 16:00 GW2 B2890 | Frank Ernst Willy Fromme |
CC-14_14-11-WiSe24-25 | Circular economy and sustainable development Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1 CP & Zertifikat Additional dates: Thu. 14.11.24 - Fri. 15.11.24 (Thu., Fri.) 16:00 - 20:00 Online | Lars Kaletka |
CC-37_29-01-WiSe24-25 | Sustainable business management Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1 CP & Zertifikat Additional dates: Wed. 29.01.25 - Thu. 30.01.25 (Wed., Thu.) 16:00 - 20:00 Online | Lars Kaletka |
CC-41_05-02-WiSe24-25 | Business and corporate ethics Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1 CP & Zertifikat Additional dates: Wed. 05.02.25 - Thu. 06.02.25 (Wed., Thu.) 16:00 - 20:00 Online | Lars Kaletka |
CC-46_11-02-WiSe24-25 | (Sustainable) innovation management Blockveranstaltung (Teaching) ECTS: 1 CP & Zertifikat Additional dates: Tue. 11.02.25 - Wed. 12.02.25 (Tue., Wed.) 16:00 - 20:00 Online | Lars Kaletka |
eGS-DIV-16 | Diversity Kompetenzen Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dr. Christiane Bottke Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel |
eGS-VA-FE-13 | Literatur, Filme, eGames und Nachhaltigkeit - Fiktive Erfahrungsräume zur Kompetenzvermittlung von BNE Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dr. Christiane Bottke Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel |
eGS-VA-MKW-24 | Der menschengemachte Klimawandel – Ursachen, Effekte und Lösungswege Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel Dr. Christiane Bottke |
eGS-VA-NHB-09 | Nachhaltigkeit und Betriebswirtschaftslehre Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel Dr. Christiane Bottke |
eGS-VA-NHE-07 | Nachhaltige Entwicklung Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel Dr. Christiane Bottke |
eGS-VA-NHM-08 | Nachhaltiges Management Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel Dr. Christiane Bottke |
eGS-VA-PSW-21 | Psychologie des sozial-ökologischen Wandels Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel Dr. Christiane Bottke |
eGS-VA-PWÖ-23 | Einführung in die Postwachstumsökonomik Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel Dr. Christiane Bottke |
eGS-VA-SC-22 | Sustainability Communication (in English) Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel Dr. Christiane Bottke |
eGS-VA-SDG-18 | Die Sustainable Development Goals - Globale Ziele und Zukunftskompetenzen Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel Dr. Christiane Bottke |
eGS-VA-SM-10 | Sustainability Marketing (in English) Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel Dr. Christiane Bottke |
eGS-VA-SWN-19 | Solidarisches Wirtschaften für eine Nachhaltige Entwicklung Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel Dr. Christiane Bottke |
eGS-VA-TSN-17 | Tourismusmanagement im Spannungsfeld von Nachhaltigkeit Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel Dr. Christiane Bottke |
eGS-VA-WFN-14 | Weltfinanzsystem und Nachhaltigkeit Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel Dr. Christiane Bottke |
Fachübergreifende Ringvorlesungen
Course number | Title of event | Lecturer |
02-02-GS24 | Ringvorlesung im Übersee-Museum: Wildnis: Traum, Ziel oder Irrweg - Einblicke in aktuelle Projekte zur Schaffung und Entwicklung von Wildnisgebieten in Mitteleuropa Wilderness: dream, goal or aberration - insights into current projects for the creation and development of wilderness areas in Central Europe Wildnis: Traum, Ziel oder Irrweg - Einblicke in aktuelle Projekte zur Schaffung und Entwicklung von Wildnisgebieten in Mitteleuropa Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 2) Mon. 20:00 - 21:30 Ringvorlesung im Übersee-Museum | Dr. Hans Konrad Nettmann Prof. Dr. Marko Rohlfs |
eGS-VA-NHB-09 | Nachhaltigkeit und Betriebswirtschaftslehre Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel Dr. Christiane Bottke |
eGS-VA-NHE-07 | Nachhaltige Entwicklung Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel Dr. Christiane Bottke |
eGS-VA-SM-10 | Sustainability Marketing (in English) Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel Dr. Christiane Bottke |
eGS-VA-TSN-17 | Tourismusmanagement im Spannungsfeld von Nachhaltigkeit Lecture (Teaching) ECTS: 3 | Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau Dr. Oliver Ahel Dr. Christiane Bottke |
IA-DECISION-18-V | Universal Characteristics of Decision Making Ringveranstaltung Colloquium (Teaching) ECTS: 3 Dates: weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 16:00 - 18:00 CART Rotunde - 0.67 (2 Teaching hours per week) Cartesium, Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 5 | Prof. Dr. Dagmar Hella Borchers Prof. Dr. Hans-Günther Döbereiner Stefan Bornholdt |