Course Catalog

Study Program WiSe 2024/2025

Englisch Fachwissenschaften/Fachdidaktik, M.Ed


SP-3 Sprachpraxis, (MPO 2023) Wintersemester

Modulbeauftragte/r: Dr. Vanessa Herrmann

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen (Prüfungsplan WiSe 23/24) finden Sie auf der Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-E76-3-SP3-01The Language of Young Adult Fiction (in English)

Exercises (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 08:00 - 10:00 GW2 B3010 (Kleiner Studierraum) GW2 A4020 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Please note that this class is part of the Master of Education and only MA students are eligible to take part.

The aim of this course is to show that YA fiction is not “dumbed down” or a subcategory of literature as some people may suggest. Quite the contrary is the case, a this section of literature provides insights into human nature and helps young adults understand the complexities of this world. We will analyse the language of selected pieces of YA fiction in this class and find ways to incorporate the texts into the language classroom.

This course is part of the Practical Language Module, and therefore the focus is on the language functions and the active use of the language rather than didactic concepts.

Preliminary reading list (excerpts provided in class):
  • Fforde, Jasper: The Last Dragonslayer (2010)
  • Hughes, Kiku: Displacement (2020)
  • McManus, Karen M.: One of Us is Lying (2017)
  • Oseman, Alice: Heartstopper Vol. 1 (2019)

Dr. Vanessa Herrmann
10-E76-3-SP3-02Visual Language of Graphic Novels (in English)

Exercises (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 10:00 - 12:00 GW2 A4020 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Please note that this class is part of the Master of Education and only MA students are eligible to take part.

The aim of this course is to reveal the literary depths and the core meanings of this branch of literature as well as to expand on the resources needed for your future teaching profession. We will analyse the verbal and visual languages of selected graphic novels in this class and find ways to incorporate the texts into the language classroom.

This course is part of the Practical Language Module SP-3, and therefore the focus is on the language functions and the active use of the language rather than didactic concepts.

Preliminary reading list (excerpts provided in class):
Hughes, Kiku: Displacement (2020)
Reynolds, Jason: Long Way Down (2020)
(more to follow)

Dr. Vanessa Herrmann
10-E76-3-SP3-03The Language of Improvisation (in English)

Exercises (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 GW2 B1820 GW1 A1260 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Please note that this class is part of the Master of Education and only MA students are eligible to take part.

The aim of this course is to establish a deeper understanding of theatrical improvisation and consider potential insights that can be applied to the language classroom. First, we will take a closer look at the history as well as contemporary forms of improvisational theatre, focusing especially on "Chicago-style long-form improv”, that originated in Chicago in the 1990s and has spread to New York and L.A., having a significant impact on the US entertainment industry and specifically the writing rooms of many TV series and movies. In addition, we will investigate how the language used in this form of theatrical improvisation differs from and is similar to everyday communication and whether principles and exercises from improvisational theatre can serve as tools to emphasize particular aspects of language use. We will reflect how this can be applied in the language classroom, focusing on areas such as specificity, idiomatic use of language, and cohesion. Finally, we will examine how more general skills relevant for improvisation, such as listening, flexibility, and ability to empathize can be of use in teaching situations.

This course is part of the Practical Language Module, and therefore the focus is on the language functions and the active use of the language rather than didactic concepts.

Tobias Sailer

FD-3-a Transfermodul Fachdidaktik, (MPO 2023)

Studierende wählen zwei Veranstaltungen aus dem Pool \\\\\\\"Handlungskompetenzen\\\\\\\".

Modulbeauftragte/r: Dr. Tim Giesler

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen (Prüfungsplan WiSe 23/24) finden Sie auf der Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-E76-1-FD 3/FD 3a-01Handlungskompetenzen
Learner diversity in the foreign language classroom

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 08:30 - 10:00 SFG 2010 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Learner diversity is as an umbrella term that encompasses various dimensions of individual variation observed in the language classroom, e.g. learner proficiency, cultural and linguistic variation, multilingualism, specific learning differences, cognitive and personality-related preferences. The seminar aims at fostering diagnostic skills with respect to these various dimensions, i.e. it provides students with an understanding of the mechanisms leading to individual variation. It also poses the question in what ways these various forms of learner diversity can and should be recognized in the classroom so that they act as an asset to learning.

Upon the completion of the course, the students will be able to:

• Discuss the causes of observed variation in learner proficiency and their implications for foreign language teaching and evaluation
• Discuss the role of multilingualism, multiculturalism and language awareness and their implications for foreign language teaching
• Discuss the impact of cognitive, affective and personality-related factors on communicative competence and their implications for foreign language teaching
• Discuss the notion of specific learning differences and their implications for foreign language teaching
• Develop lesson plans that focus on addressing chosen forms of learner diversity in the language classroom

Dr. Joanna Pfingsthorn
10-E76-1-FD 3/FD 3a-02Handlungskompetenzen
Förderung der Mündlichkeit in geöffneten Unterrichtsszenarien

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 12:00 - 13:30 SFG 2020 (2 Teaching hours per week)

In vielen Bremer (Ober)Schulen findet inzwischen ein Teil des Unterrichts in offenen bzw. geöffneten Unterrichtsszenarien wie "Projektzeit" oder "Lernbüro) statt. In diesen Szenarien arbeiten die Lernenden häufig selbstständig an selbst gewählten und strukturierten Unterrichtsinhalten, z.B. in Form von Arbeits- oder Wochenplänen. Lehrkräften kommt dabei eine beratende und begleitende Rolle zu. Für den Fremdsprachenunterricht ergibt sich hierbei die Herausforderung, dass ein Teil der Zeit für angeleitete Unterrichtsgespräche wegfällt; die individualisierte Arbeit fördert nur selten die Mündlichkeit.
Im Rahmen dieses Handlungskompetenzen-Kurses erarbeiten wir gemeinsam mit der Gesamtschule Mitte Wege, um im Rahmen eines "English Village" Mündlichkeit in geöffneten Unterrichtsszenarien zu fördern. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Teile des Seminars in der Begleitung des Unterrichts an der Schule bestehen; das Lernbüro findet an der Gesamtschule Mitte im Schuljahr montags zwischen 12:00 und 13:30 statt; im Ablauf sind alle Termine an der Schule vermerkt, die aber nicht komplett besucht werden müssen.

Dr. Tim Giesler
10-E76-1-FD 3/FD 3a-03Handlungskompetenzen
The 'hidden curriculum' - textbooks and their language in the EFL classroom

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 12:15 - 13:45 GW1 A0010 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Das Schulbuch ist trotz aller Kritik eine der wichtigsten Ressourcen im heutigen Englischunterricht. Seine Rolle reicht von einer Quelle regelmäßigen Inputs mitunter hin zum 'heimlichen Lehrplan' (Fäcke), dessen genaue Befolgung das Kollegium (und die Schüler:innen) von der Lehrkraft erwartet. Daher ist es wichtig, die Stärken und Limitationen dieses Mediums zu reflektieren.

Während dieses Seminars werden wir einen vielschichtigen Blick auf das Konzept des ELT-Lehrbuchs und die verschiedenen Interessengruppen und Faktoren werfen, die es bei dessen Erstellung beeinflussen. Anschließend werden wir uns auf die verwendete Sprache in Schulbuchtexten konzentrieren und deren Lesbarkeit messen, vergleichen und interpretieren.

Begleitend zu den Seminarsitzungen werden Ihnen regelmäßig vorbereitende Texte zur Verfügung gestellt werden, deren Bearbeitung empfehlenswert ist. Nach Möglichkeit werden diese Texte aber angemessen gekürzt und wichtige Passagen bereits vorab markiert worden sein.

Oliver Kück, M.Ed.
10-E76-1-FD 3a-01Handlungskompetenzen (in English)
Creative Approaches to Teaching Literature in the EFL classroom

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Thu. 12.12.24 13:00 - 18:30 GW2, A 3570
Fri. 13.12.24 09:00 - 16:00 GW2, A 3570
Thu. 23.01.25 13:00 - 18:30 GW2, A 3570
Fri. 24.01.25 09:00 - 16:00 GW2, A 3570

The course has a dual objective: It demonstrates ways in which literary texts can be taught in a creative and activity-orientated way in English lessons at late lower secondary level and upper secondary level; it encourages students to implement these in their practical phases. Central to this is (auto-)biographical storytelling, the use of multimodal media (graphic novels, films, picture books, etc.) alongside traditional texts and, at times, the creative use of AI tools. Invited international speakers will contribute with their inputs and provide hands-on activities.
The individual parts of the interactive course build on each other and cannot be attended independently of each other.

Sabine Oda Doff


FaMo Subject Specific Module Master of Education, (MPO 2023) Wintersemester

Studierende wählen zwei der aufgeführten Veranstaltungen.

Modulbeauftragte/r: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Knopf

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen (Prüfungsplan WiSe 23/24) finden Sie auf der Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-E76-3-FaMo-01Feminist Functions of the Science Novel

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 14:15 - 15:45 GW2 B1580 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Science novels build a bridge between science and society and can thus fulfill various functions. This course will concern itself with the feminist side of these functions, exploring a range of literary case studies before examining Megan Abbott’s novel ‘Give Me Your Hand’ (2018) in detail. Topics will include key characteristics of the science novel as a genre, the importance of role models for women in the natural sciences, women’s physical and mental health, and intersectional factors.

Since this is a MA class, students will be familiarized with advanced methods of literary analysis. They will further be given an opportunity to ask questions and to acquire essential skills in academic writing and presentations.

If you wish to take this course, you will be expected to buy a copy of ‘Give Me Your Hand’ (ideally before the semester starts). The novel is easily accessible on Amazon. You may purchase a new, a used, or an e-book version.

Class requirements further include:

▪ Active participation
▪ In-depth knowledge of all primary and secondary reading materials
▪ A presentation and/or term paper (depending on your chosen module)

Padlet link:

Cora Övermann (LB)
10-E76-3-FaMo-02Caribbean Women's (Neo-)Slave Narratives

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 14:15 - 15:45 SFG 2030 (2 Teaching hours per week)
Dr. Alena Cicholewski (LB)
10-E76-3-KULT-01Key Topics in Cultural History for Master Students: Teaching Climate Change (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 10:15 - 11:45 SFG 1010 (2 Teaching hours per week)

In this course we will critically dicuss how discourses about climate change transform cultural ideas of progress, human-nature relationships, agency and participation. Employing different scholarly approaches and methodological frameworks we will gain insight into different conceptualizations and narrativizations of environmental issues.
Requirements for ungraded SL:
• regular attendance and oral participation
• in-depth knowledge of the reading material
• oral presentation and handout
For the PL you may either do a “thesis paper” and a term paper (eight-pages)
or just a term paper (15 pages).

Dr. Karin Esders-Angermund
10-E76-3-LING-01Key Topics in Linguistics: Individual and societal multilingualism (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 16:15 - 17:45 GW1 A0010 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Multilingualism is a normal condition for most people in this world. Monolingual people, in turn, are the minority.
This seminar will examine different aspects of multilingualism and plurilingualism. We will look at individual multilingualism (i.e., plurilingualism) such as early bilingual language acquisition, multilingualism in education (e.g., language awareness, and plurilingual teaching and learning approaches), as well as multilingualism in the societies (e.g., linguistic landscapes).
The class work will consist of input, group work, individual work, and discussions.
The aim of the seminar is to summarize an academic article in easier words, and to develop your own mock research project in the area of multilingualism and plurilingualism.

For the ungraded “Seminarleistung” (SL) you will be required to
(1) write an OASIS summary ( of an article related to multilingualism, and
(2) present your summary in class at the end of the semester.

For the graded “Prüfungsleistung” (PL) you will—additionally to the summary and presentation—complete a portfolio with three tasks: (1) proposal of your mock research project, (2) comparison of articles, and (3) reflection task.

Stephanie Bergmann, M.A.
10-M80-3-SpecMo-02Reading Abdulrazak Gurnah (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 12:15 - 13:45 SFG 2030 (2 Teaching hours per week)
Prof. Dr. Katrin Althans

LINK Fachdidaktisch-fachwissenschaftliches Vernetzungsmodul, (MPO 2023) Wintersemester

Studierende wählen eine fachwissenschaftliche Veranstaltung und eine darauf bezogene fachdidaktische Veranstaltung.

Modulbeauftragte/r: Matthias Myrczek

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen (Prüfungsplan WiSe 23/24) finden Sie auf der Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-E76-3-LING-02Key Topics in Linguistics for Teachers of English: Global Englishes Language Teaching (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:15 - 15:45 GW2 A3390 (CIP-Labor FB 10) (2 Teaching hours per week)

Please note that this seminar is offered in conjunction with the seminar in language education "Seminar: 10-E76-3-LINK-02 Teaching Linguistics". Students need to register and participate in both seminars to complete the module.

The massive spread and diversification of the English language, its dominance as a second/foreign language and its use as a global lingua franca has brought about a change in the foundations of how English should be taught and learned. However, in English Language Teaching (ELT) in Germany there is still an exclusive exonormative orientation towards "Standard English", i.e. British and/or American English. But setting a monolingual, inner-circle native-speaker benchmark for todays' learners, including the corresponding cultural norms, does not correspond to the linguistic reality and is therefore no longer considered appropriate in many contexts. This seminar aims at helping teacher students develop an awareness of the sociolinguistic and pedagogical implications of the global spread of English, also beyond school curricula. In this linguistics seminar we will approach World Englishes from a pedagogical point of view and discuss the sociolinguistic and pedagogical implications of the global spread of English.

Suggested reading:

Selvi, A.F., Galloway, N. and Rose, H. (2023) Teaching English as an International Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Prof. Dr. Marcus Callies
10-E76-3-LINK-01Teaching Literature (in English)
African American History and Black Atlantic Culture

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 10:15 - 11:45 MZH 1460 (2 Teaching hours per week)

This course will be given in close cooperation with Dr. Paula von Gleich's "African American History and Black Atlantic Culture". Attending both classes is mandatory if you want to take the credits for the new LINK module (MPO 2023).
Based on your insights from Dr. von Gleich's course, we will discuss and plan teaching possibilities for various kinds of literature. Active participation and weekly readings assignments are required. A lesson plan needs to be handed in as "Prüfungsleistung" after the course has ended.

Matthias Myrczek
Dr. Paula von Gleich
10-E76-3-LINK-02Teaching Linguistics (in English)
Varieties in the classroom

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 08:15 - 09:45 SFG 1020 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Please note that this seminar is offered in conjunction with the seminar in linguistics "Seminar: 10-E76-3-LING-02 Key Topics in Linguistics for Teachers of English: Global Englishes Language Teaching". Students need to register and participate in both seminars to complete the module.

This seminar is the practical application of the knowledge gained in the linguistics seminar “Key Topics in Linguistics for Teachers of English: Global Englishes Language Teaching”. We will tie sociolinguistic and pedagogical implications of the global spread of English with curricular requirements and discuss potential ways of incorporating different varieties of English into teaching practice, focusing on the evaluation of existing teaching and learning materials.

Dr. Joanna Pfingsthorn
10-E76-3-LINK-03African American History and Black Atlantic Culture (in English)
Coastal Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:15 - 15:45 GW1 B1070 (2 Teaching hours per week)

African American history is American history, the history of the transatlantic trade in enslaved people, of chattel slavery, the Deep South, and of liberation movements from abolitionism, Civil Rights and Black Power, to Black Feminism and Black Lives Matter. With Paul Gilroy, it is also part of the transatlantic history of the Black Atlantic as counterculture of modernity (1993). This seminar introduces students to the analysis of these histories and cultures through the study of literature and film, centering coastal Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida.
This class is part of the two-part LINK module in the M.Ed. Englisch. In this class students study African American history and Black Atlantic culture from literary and cultural studies perspectives, while the course “Teaching Literature” by Matthias Myrczek explores corresponding teaching possibilities for the EFL classroom. Completing both classes is mandatory to receive credit for the LINK module (MPO 2023). Prior enrolment via Stud.IP is mandatory. Please check Stud.IP regularly for updates.
• active participation in weekly in-person meetings,
• in-depth study of the primary and secondary material (including extensive weekly study and reading assignments) in preparation for each session,
• assignment in accordance with the module requirements.

Dr. Paula von Gleich
Matthias Myrczek

FD-4 Modul Masterarbeit (inkl. Kolloquium), (MPO 2023) Sommersemester

In Vorbereitung auf die Masterarbeit belegen Studierende in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Semestern (i.d.R beginnend mit dem WiSe) das Begleitseminar \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Case Studies\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".

Modulbeauftragte/r: Dr. Tim Giesler

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen (Prüfungsplan WiSe 23/24) finden Sie auf der Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-E76-3-FD 4-01Case Studies
Begleitseminar zur Masterarbeit im Fach Englisch; Teil 1

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 10:15 - 11:45 SFG 2030 (2 Teaching hours per week)

In dem zweisemestrigen Begleitseminar "Case Studies" (regulär beginnend im WiSe) werden anhand eigener studentischer Forschungsprojekte zentrale Aspekte im Zusammenhang mit der Planung, Durchführung und kritischen Evaluation von (meist empirischer) Masterarbeiten im Rahmen eines Kolloquiums besprochen.

Dr. Tim Giesler


FD-3 Transfermodul Fachdidaktik, Gy u. BiPEB (MPO 2014) Wintersemester

Es werden regulär keine Veranstaltungen „Bewertungs- und Reflexionskompetenzen“ aus dem auslaufenden MEd mehr angeboten. Sollten Sie noch einen solchen Kurs belegen müssen, wenden Sie sich bitte per Mail an den Modulbeauftragten.

MPO 2014

Modulbeauftragte/r: Dr. Tim Giesler

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen (Prüfungsplan WiSe 15/16) finden Sie auf unserer Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-E76-1-FD 3/FD 3a-01Handlungskompetenzen
Learner diversity in the foreign language classroom

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 08:30 - 10:00 SFG 2010 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Learner diversity is as an umbrella term that encompasses various dimensions of individual variation observed in the language classroom, e.g. learner proficiency, cultural and linguistic variation, multilingualism, specific learning differences, cognitive and personality-related preferences. The seminar aims at fostering diagnostic skills with respect to these various dimensions, i.e. it provides students with an understanding of the mechanisms leading to individual variation. It also poses the question in what ways these various forms of learner diversity can and should be recognized in the classroom so that they act as an asset to learning.

Upon the completion of the course, the students will be able to:

• Discuss the causes of observed variation in learner proficiency and their implications for foreign language teaching and evaluation
• Discuss the role of multilingualism, multiculturalism and language awareness and their implications for foreign language teaching
• Discuss the impact of cognitive, affective and personality-related factors on communicative competence and their implications for foreign language teaching
• Discuss the notion of specific learning differences and their implications for foreign language teaching
• Develop lesson plans that focus on addressing chosen forms of learner diversity in the language classroom

Dr. Joanna Pfingsthorn
10-E76-1-FD 3/FD 3a-02Handlungskompetenzen
Förderung der Mündlichkeit in geöffneten Unterrichtsszenarien

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 12:00 - 13:30 SFG 2020 (2 Teaching hours per week)

In vielen Bremer (Ober)Schulen findet inzwischen ein Teil des Unterrichts in offenen bzw. geöffneten Unterrichtsszenarien wie "Projektzeit" oder "Lernbüro) statt. In diesen Szenarien arbeiten die Lernenden häufig selbstständig an selbst gewählten und strukturierten Unterrichtsinhalten, z.B. in Form von Arbeits- oder Wochenplänen. Lehrkräften kommt dabei eine beratende und begleitende Rolle zu. Für den Fremdsprachenunterricht ergibt sich hierbei die Herausforderung, dass ein Teil der Zeit für angeleitete Unterrichtsgespräche wegfällt; die individualisierte Arbeit fördert nur selten die Mündlichkeit.
Im Rahmen dieses Handlungskompetenzen-Kurses erarbeiten wir gemeinsam mit der Gesamtschule Mitte Wege, um im Rahmen eines "English Village" Mündlichkeit in geöffneten Unterrichtsszenarien zu fördern. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Teile des Seminars in der Begleitung des Unterrichts an der Schule bestehen; das Lernbüro findet an der Gesamtschule Mitte im Schuljahr montags zwischen 12:00 und 13:30 statt; im Ablauf sind alle Termine an der Schule vermerkt, die aber nicht komplett besucht werden müssen.

Dr. Tim Giesler
10-E76-1-FD 3/FD 3a-03Handlungskompetenzen
The 'hidden curriculum' - textbooks and their language in the EFL classroom

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 12:15 - 13:45 GW1 A0010 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Das Schulbuch ist trotz aller Kritik eine der wichtigsten Ressourcen im heutigen Englischunterricht. Seine Rolle reicht von einer Quelle regelmäßigen Inputs mitunter hin zum 'heimlichen Lehrplan' (Fäcke), dessen genaue Befolgung das Kollegium (und die Schüler:innen) von der Lehrkraft erwartet. Daher ist es wichtig, die Stärken und Limitationen dieses Mediums zu reflektieren.

Während dieses Seminars werden wir einen vielschichtigen Blick auf das Konzept des ELT-Lehrbuchs und die verschiedenen Interessengruppen und Faktoren werfen, die es bei dessen Erstellung beeinflussen. Anschließend werden wir uns auf die verwendete Sprache in Schulbuchtexten konzentrieren und deren Lesbarkeit messen, vergleichen und interpretieren.

Begleitend zu den Seminarsitzungen werden Ihnen regelmäßig vorbereitende Texte zur Verfügung gestellt werden, deren Bearbeitung empfehlenswert ist. Nach Möglichkeit werden diese Texte aber angemessen gekürzt und wichtige Passagen bereits vorab markiert worden sein.

Oliver Kück, M.Ed.


FD MEd.: Abschlussmodul (MPO 2014)

MPO 2014

Modulbeauftragte: Prof. Dr. Sabine Oda Doff

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen finden Sie auf unserer Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-E76-1-FD MEd-01Case Studies
Begleitseminar zur Masterarbeit im Fach Englisch; Teil 1

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 10:15 - 11:45 External location: SFG 2030 (2 Teaching hours per week)

In dem zweisemestrigen Begleitseminar "Case Studies" (regulär beginnend im WiSe) werden anhand eigener studentischer Forschungsprojekte zentrale Aspekte im Zusammenhang mit der Planung, Durchführung und kritischen Evaluation von (meist empirischer) Masterarbeiten im Rahmen eines Kolloquiums besprochen.

Dr. Joanna Pfingsthorn
10-E76-1-FD MEd-02Forschungskolloquium Fremdsprachendidaktik für Promovierende und fortgeschrittene Studierende

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:15 - 15:45 GW2 A4020 (2 Teaching hours per week)

In dieser Veranstaltung diskutieren wir aktuelle Projekte in der Englischdidaktik in Forschung, Lehre und Transfer. Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Studierende im BA oder Master of Education sowie an alle Forschenden und Lehrenden in der Fremdsprachendidaktik Englisch. Voranmeldung ist erforderlich unter

Sabine Oda Doff

SP-3 Sprachpraxis / Practical Language Module for Secondary School (MPO 2014)

Modulbeauftragter: Dr. Vanessa Herrmann

1 Übung, 3 CP

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen finden Sie auf unserer Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-76-5-GS-01English Theatre Workshop (in English)

Exercises (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 16:00 - 18:00 GW2 B3010 (Kleiner Studierraum) (2 Teaching hours per week)

Additional dates:
Mon. 24.02.25 - Fri. 28.02.25 (Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri.) 10:00 - 13:30 ZB-B B0490 (Theater)

In this workshop, we will explore and experiment with contemporary methods of improvisational theater, which is the art of making up theatrical moments on the spot, without a script. It is one of the liveliest and most current forms of theater of today and ingrained in US popular culture. You will first learn the basic principles of improvisational theater and then apply them to improvised scenework. We will also reflect on the impact of improvisational theater on popular culture, explore its practical approaches to comedic as well as dramatic narrative structures, consider its applications in other fields, such as language teaching, and draw comparisons between communication in improvised dialogue and other types of communication.

There will be a regular class on Thursday 16.15 - 17.45 during the semester, in which we will cover the basics of improvisational theater, followed by an intensive in the lecture-free period (24-28 February, 10am-1.30pm) led by the student assistant Tarja Spiekermann, which will focus on a specific form and prepare for a performance. There is no obligation to be part of the performances. You can also support the performances by helping with the organization and marketing.

Tobias Sailer
10-E76-3-SP3-01The Language of Young Adult Fiction (in English)

Exercises (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 08:00 - 10:00 GW2 B3010 (Kleiner Studierraum) GW2 A4020 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Please note that this class is part of the Master of Education and only MA students are eligible to take part.

The aim of this course is to show that YA fiction is not “dumbed down” or a subcategory of literature as some people may suggest. Quite the contrary is the case, a this section of literature provides insights into human nature and helps young adults understand the complexities of this world. We will analyse the language of selected pieces of YA fiction in this class and find ways to incorporate the texts into the language classroom.

This course is part of the Practical Language Module, and therefore the focus is on the language functions and the active use of the language rather than didactic concepts.

Preliminary reading list (excerpts provided in class):
  • Fforde, Jasper: The Last Dragonslayer (2010)
  • Hughes, Kiku: Displacement (2020)
  • McManus, Karen M.: One of Us is Lying (2017)
  • Oseman, Alice: Heartstopper Vol. 1 (2019)

Dr. Vanessa Herrmann
10-E76-3-SP3-02Visual Language of Graphic Novels (in English)

Exercises (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 10:00 - 12:00 GW2 A4020 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Please note that this class is part of the Master of Education and only MA students are eligible to take part.

The aim of this course is to reveal the literary depths and the core meanings of this branch of literature as well as to expand on the resources needed for your future teaching profession. We will analyse the verbal and visual languages of selected graphic novels in this class and find ways to incorporate the texts into the language classroom.

This course is part of the Practical Language Module SP-3, and therefore the focus is on the language functions and the active use of the language rather than didactic concepts.

Preliminary reading list (excerpts provided in class):
Hughes, Kiku: Displacement (2020)
Reynolds, Jason: Long Way Down (2020)
(more to follow)

Dr. Vanessa Herrmann
10-E76-3-SP3-03The Language of Improvisation (in English)

Exercises (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 GW2 B1820 GW1 A1260 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Please note that this class is part of the Master of Education and only MA students are eligible to take part.

The aim of this course is to establish a deeper understanding of theatrical improvisation and consider potential insights that can be applied to the language classroom. First, we will take a closer look at the history as well as contemporary forms of improvisational theatre, focusing especially on "Chicago-style long-form improv”, that originated in Chicago in the 1990s and has spread to New York and L.A., having a significant impact on the US entertainment industry and specifically the writing rooms of many TV series and movies. In addition, we will investigate how the language used in this form of theatrical improvisation differs from and is similar to everyday communication and whether principles and exercises from improvisational theatre can serve as tools to emphasize particular aspects of language use. We will reflect how this can be applied in the language classroom, focusing on areas such as specificity, idiomatic use of language, and cohesion. Finally, we will examine how more general skills relevant for improvisation, such as listening, flexibility, and ability to empathize can be of use in teaching situations.

This course is part of the Practical Language Module, and therefore the focus is on the language functions and the active use of the language rather than didactic concepts.

Tobias Sailer

LIT Literaturwissenschaft (MPO 2014)

Modulbeauftragte: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Knopf

1 Seminar \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Literatures in English\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", 3 CP

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen finden Sie auf unserer Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-E76-3-FaMo-01Feminist Functions of the Science Novel

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 14:15 - 15:45 GW2 B1580 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Science novels build a bridge between science and society and can thus fulfill various functions. This course will concern itself with the feminist side of these functions, exploring a range of literary case studies before examining Megan Abbott’s novel ‘Give Me Your Hand’ (2018) in detail. Topics will include key characteristics of the science novel as a genre, the importance of role models for women in the natural sciences, women’s physical and mental health, and intersectional factors.

Since this is a MA class, students will be familiarized with advanced methods of literary analysis. They will further be given an opportunity to ask questions and to acquire essential skills in academic writing and presentations.

If you wish to take this course, you will be expected to buy a copy of ‘Give Me Your Hand’ (ideally before the semester starts). The novel is easily accessible on Amazon. You may purchase a new, a used, or an e-book version.

Class requirements further include:

▪ Active participation
▪ In-depth knowledge of all primary and secondary reading materials
▪ A presentation and/or term paper (depending on your chosen module)

Padlet link:

Cora Övermann (LB)
10-E76-3-FaMo-02Caribbean Women's (Neo-)Slave Narratives

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 14:15 - 15:45 SFG 2030 (2 Teaching hours per week)
Dr. Alena Cicholewski (LB)

LING Sprachwissenschaft (MPO 2014)

Modulbeauftragter: Prof. Dr. Marcus Callies

1 Seminar "Key Topics in Linguistics for Teachers of English", 3 CP

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen finden Sie auf unserer Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-E76-3-LING-01Key Topics in Linguistics: Individual and societal multilingualism (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 16:15 - 17:45 GW1 A0010 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Multilingualism is a normal condition for most people in this world. Monolingual people, in turn, are the minority.
This seminar will examine different aspects of multilingualism and plurilingualism. We will look at individual multilingualism (i.e., plurilingualism) such as early bilingual language acquisition, multilingualism in education (e.g., language awareness, and plurilingual teaching and learning approaches), as well as multilingualism in the societies (e.g., linguistic landscapes).
The class work will consist of input, group work, individual work, and discussions.
The aim of the seminar is to summarize an academic article in easier words, and to develop your own mock research project in the area of multilingualism and plurilingualism.

For the ungraded “Seminarleistung” (SL) you will be required to
(1) write an OASIS summary ( of an article related to multilingualism, and
(2) present your summary in class at the end of the semester.

For the graded “Prüfungsleistung” (PL) you will—additionally to the summary and presentation—complete a portfolio with three tasks: (1) proposal of your mock research project, (2) comparison of articles, and (3) reflection task.

Stephanie Bergmann, M.A.
10-E76-3-LING-02Key Topics in Linguistics for Teachers of English: Global Englishes Language Teaching (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:15 - 15:45 GW2 A3390 (CIP-Labor FB 10) (2 Teaching hours per week)

Please note that this seminar is offered in conjunction with the seminar in language education "Seminar: 10-E76-3-LINK-02 Teaching Linguistics". Students need to register and participate in both seminars to complete the module.

The massive spread and diversification of the English language, its dominance as a second/foreign language and its use as a global lingua franca has brought about a change in the foundations of how English should be taught and learned. However, in English Language Teaching (ELT) in Germany there is still an exclusive exonormative orientation towards "Standard English", i.e. British and/or American English. But setting a monolingual, inner-circle native-speaker benchmark for todays' learners, including the corresponding cultural norms, does not correspond to the linguistic reality and is therefore no longer considered appropriate in many contexts. This seminar aims at helping teacher students develop an awareness of the sociolinguistic and pedagogical implications of the global spread of English, also beyond school curricula. In this linguistics seminar we will approach World Englishes from a pedagogical point of view and discuss the sociolinguistic and pedagogical implications of the global spread of English.

Suggested reading:

Selvi, A.F., Galloway, N. and Rose, H. (2023) Teaching English as an International Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Prof. Dr. Marcus Callies

KULT Kultur- und Sprachgeschichte (MPO 2014)

Modulbeauftragte: Dr. Karin Esders

1 Seminar "Key Topics in Cultural History for Teachers of English" oder "Key Topics in Language History for Teachers of English", 3 CP

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen finden Sie auf unserer Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-E76-3-KULT-01Key Topics in Cultural History for Master Students: Teaching Climate Change (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 10:15 - 11:45 SFG 1010 (2 Teaching hours per week)

In this course we will critically dicuss how discourses about climate change transform cultural ideas of progress, human-nature relationships, agency and participation. Employing different scholarly approaches and methodological frameworks we will gain insight into different conceptualizations and narrativizations of environmental issues.
Requirements for ungraded SL:
• regular attendance and oral participation
• in-depth knowledge of the reading material
• oral presentation and handout
For the PL you may either do a “thesis paper” and a term paper (eight-pages)
or just a term paper (15 pages).

Dr. Karin Esders-Angermund