Course Catalog

Study Program WiSe 2024/2025

Media and Public Engagement, M.A.

A.1 Mediated Engagement

12 CP
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
09-406-A.1-1Mediated Engagement: Media and Communication Theory (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 10:00 - 12:00 SFG 2080

Dr. Anke Offerhaus
09-406-A.1-2Mediated Engagement: Media, Movements, and Engagement (in English)
Media, Movements, and Engagement

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 18:00 - 20:00 SFG 1040 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger

B.1 Transcultural Media

9 CP
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
09-54-MED-1-R13.1/2Conspiracy Theories over time

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 GW2 B1410 GW1 A1260 (2 Teaching hours per week)

On January 6, 2021, the United States Capitol was stormed in an attempt to overturn Donald Trump’s defeat in the 2020 presidential election. Many of his followers were also supporters of QAnon – a group which became famous during the last years with accusations against so so-called elite because of Satanism, Pizzagate, G5 or organized child abuse to obtain the life-extending chemical called adrenochrome. However, what exactly are conspiracy theories? Are they theories, myths, or narratives? What is the relation between them and fake news? Furthermore, are digital media responsible for making them so popular?
In the seminar we will first discuss existing concepts of defining and problematizing these phenomena. In a second step we will look into different conspiracy theories over time and in different global contexts.

This seminar with 3 CPs can be attended for two different study programs:
1. Master Media and Public Engagement, Transcultural Media
Two courses must be attended here. Please attend
1. the course by Ms. Radde Antweiler "Conspiracy Theories over time" +
2. the course by Mr. Dom Ford "Transcultural Media: Digital Games and Community"

2. Master Ungleichheiten in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Modul REL-MA-UReli
Hier müssen zwei Veranstaltungen besucht werden. Bitte belegen Sie
1. die Veranstaltung "Conspiracy Theories over time" sowie
2. die Veranstaltung "Antisemitismus und soziale Medien"

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler
09-406-B.1-1Transcultural Media: Digital Games and Community (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 08:00 - 10:00 SFG 1030 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Dr. Dominic Ford

C.2 Media Practice

9 CP
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
09-50-M2b-1Campus TV Studio

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 10:00 - 14:00 GW2 A4120 (4 Teaching hours per week)
Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Bullwinkel
09-50-M2b-3#Media and App Lab

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 10:00 - 14:00 GW2 A4120 (4 Teaching hours per week)
Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Bullwinkel
09-60-KMW6-A (alte BPO Modul 7)Play Design (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 16:00 - 18:00 GW2 B1216 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Dr. Dominic Ford
09-60-KMW6-B (alte BPO Modul 7)Media Practice - YESSS - Constructive Reporting on Polar Research (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 08:00 - 10:00 SFG 2080 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Christoph Sodemann (Lehrbeauftragter)
09-60-KMW6-C (alte BPO Modul 7)News Service: Generative AI and Platform Governance (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Mon. 14:00 - 18:00 GW2 A4330 (2 Teaching hours per week)


Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach
09-60-KMW6-D (alte BPO Modul 7)TV and Online Video Market: Structures, Economy and Marketing

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Fri. 10.01.25 12:00 - 18:00 GW1 B0080
Sat. 11.01.25 10:00 - 15:00 GW1 B0080
Fri. 24.01.25 12:00 - 18:00 GW1 B0080
Sat. 25.01.25 10:00 - 15:00 GW1 B0080

Oliver Kempfer (Lehrbeauftragter)
09-60-KMW6-E (alte BPO Modul 7)Media System in Practice

Blockveranstaltung (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Sat. 19.10.24 10:00 - 18:00 SFG 1010
Fri. 22.11.24 13:00 - 18:00 GW1 A0150
Fri. 22.11.24 16:00 - 18:00 SFG 1010
Fri. 06.12.24 16:00 - 18:00 SFG 1010
Fri. 13.12.24 16:00 - 18:00 SFG 1010
Sat. 25.01.25 10:00 - 18:00 SFG 1010

Simon Sax (Lehrbeauftragter (LB))
09-60-KMW6-G (alte BPO Modul 7)Corporate Communication

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Fri. 08.11.24 14:15 - 17:45 SFG 1080
Fri. 15.11.24 14:15 - 17:45 SFG 1080
Fri. 22.11.24 14:15 - 17:45 SFG 1080
Fri. 29.11.24 14:15 - 17:45 SFG 1080
Fri. 13.12.24 14:15 - 17:45 SFG 1080
Fri. 10.01.25 14:15 - 17:45 GW1 A1260

Cornelia Holsten (Lehrbeauftragte (LB))
09-60-KMW6-H (alte BPO Modul 7)Corporate Communication
Podcast – format development and practice

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Fri. 22.11.24 14:00 - 20:00 SFG 1030
Sat. 23.11.24 11:00 - 17:00 SFG 1080
Fri. 10.01.25 14:00 - 20:00 SFG 1030
Sat. 11.01.25 11:00 - 17:00 GW1-HS H1000


Bitte beachten Sie die Anwesenheitsregelung in Modul KMW 6/ C.2 aufgrund der spezifischen Praxisausrichtung und begrenzten Kapazität.

Daniel Kähler (Lehrbeauftragter (LB))
09-60-KMW6-I (alte BPO Modul 7)Corporate Communication
How to create websites and blogs with WordPress

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Wed. 23.10.24 08:00 - 12:00 GW1-HS H1000
Wed. 06.11.24 08:00 - 12:00 GW1-HS H1000
Wed. 20.11.24 08:00 - 12:00 GW1-HS H1000
Wed. 04.12.24 08:00 - 12:00 GW1-HS H1000
Wed. 18.12.24 08:00 - 12:00 GW1-HS H1000
Wed. 08.01.25 08:00 - 12:00 GW1-HS H1000
Wed. 22.01.25 08:00 - 12:00 GW1-HS H1000


Bitte beachten Sie die Anwesenheitsregelung in Modul KMW 6/ C.2 aufgrund der spezifischen Praxisausrichtung und begrenzten Kapazität.

Melanie Christina Öhlenbach (Lehrbeauftragte (LB))
09-60-KMW6-J (alte BPO Modul 7)Corporate Communication
Power of Media in a Society of Consumerism

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 14:00 - 16:00 HS 1010 (Kleiner Hörsaal) GW1 B2070 (2 Teaching hours per week)


Bitte beachten Sie die Anwesenheitsregelung in Modul KMW 6/ C.2 aufgrund der spezifischen Praxisausrichtung und begrenzten Kapazität.

Klaus Wolschner (Lehrbeauftragter (LB))
09-60-KMW6-K (alte BPO Modul 7)Media education and media literacy as career opportunity

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 16:00 - 18:00 IW3 0330 GW2 B1580 GW1-HS H1000 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Dr. Anke Offerhaus
09-60-KMW6-L (alte BPO Modul 7)Corporate Communication
Journalistic writing for the online magazine

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 18:00 - 20:00 GW1 B2070 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Additional dates:
Tue. 04.02.25 - Thu. 06.02.25 (Tue., Wed., Thu.) 17:30 - 20:00

Aqib Butt (Lehrbeauftragter)

D.1 Methods

12 CP
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
09-406-D.1Seminar: Introduction to Digital Methods (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 12:00 - 14:00 GW1 B0100

Prof. Dr. Cornelius Puschmann