Course Catalog

Study Program WiSe 2024/2025

Space Sciences and Technologies (Space-ST)

General Information

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
Introductory Course (Mathematics + Chemistry) (in English)

Blockveranstaltung (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Mon. 07.10.24 - Tue. 08.10.24 (Mon., Tue.) 13:00 - 15:00 NW1 S3260
Wed. 09.10.24 10:00 - 12:00 NW1 S3260
Thu. 10.10.24 13:00 - 16:00 NW1 S3260
Fri. 11.10.24 09:00 - 13:00 NW1 S3260

07 - 11 October 2024
Schedule for students of the M.Sc. program Environmental Physics:
Schedule for students of the M.Sc. program Space Sciences and Technologies:

Prof. Dr. Annette Ladstätter-Weißenmayer
01-Ref02-SiSchu (Englisch)Safety training including Fire Drill (in English)
For new English-speaking students and those who have not attended before

Blockveranstaltung (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Wed. 23.10.24 10:00 - 12:00 lecture
Wed. 23.10.24 12:00 - 14:00 practical fire drill

lecture: HS 2010 (großer Hörsaal)
practical fire drill: Emmy-Noether-Str. behind the SFG Building

The practical fire drill takes place outdoors. Please wear weatherproof clothing and suitable footwear.

Mihaela Gianina Torozan

Foundations (Compulsory Modules)

30 CP (semester 1)
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
01-ET-MA-ComSp-VCommunication Technologies for Space (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 12:00 - 14:00 NW1 H 3 - W0040/W0050 (2 Teaching hours per week) Vorlesung
weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 NW1 H 1 - H0020 (2 Teaching hours per week) Übungen
Dr. Carsten Bockelmann
01-ET-MA-CTh1(a)-VControl Theory 1 (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)
ECTS: 6 (4)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 08:00 - 12:00 NW1 H 2 - W0020 (4 Teaching hours per week)
Prof. Dr. Kai Michels
01-ET-MA-SpEl(a)-VSpace Electronics (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 15:00 - 17:00 NW1 H 1 - H0020 (2 Teaching hours per week) NW1, H1
Prof. Dr. Alberto Garcia-Ortiz
01-PHY-MA-AMMDA-VApplied Mathematical Methods and Data Analysis (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 10:00 - 12:00 HS 1010 (Kleiner Hörsaal) (2 Teaching hours per week) Vorlesung
weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 12:00 - 14:00 HS 1010 (Kleiner Hörsaal) (2 Teaching hours per week) Übungen
Prof. Dr. Michail Vrekousis
01-PHY-MA-AtPhy-VAtmospheric Physics (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 08:00 - 10:00 NW1 H 3 - W0040/W0050 (2 Teaching hours per week) Vorlesung
weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 10:00 - 12:00 NW1 H 3 - W0040/W0050 (2 Teaching hours per week) Übungen
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Bösch
01-PHY-MA-SEM-VScience and Exploration Missions (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 08:00 - 10:00 NW1 S1260 (2 Teaching hours per week) Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Claus Lämmerzahl
Dr. Marco Scharringhausen, Dipl.-Math. (LB)

Remote Sensing and Communication (Compulsory Modules)

27 CP (semester 2 + 3)
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
01-ET-MA-CNSp-VCommunication Networks for Space (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 13:00 - 16:00 NW1 N3310 (3 Teaching hours per week)
Prof. Dr. Anna Förster
Dr. Andreas Könsgen
Dr. Asanga Udugama
01-ET-MA-LSpa2-PSpace Lab, Part 2 (in English)

Practical training (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 14:00 - 18:00 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Please check StudIP for the exact course days.

Prof. Dr. Anna Förster
Dr. Andreas Könsgen
Dr. Carsten Bockelmann
01-PHY-MA-GG-VGeodesy and Gravity (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 16:00 - 18:00 NW1 N3310 (2 Teaching hours per week)
Prof. Dr. Claus Lämmerzahl

Physics for Space Observation (PSO)

Compulsory Elective Modules

12 CP (semester 2 + 3)
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
01-PHY-MA-AtCM1-VAtmospheric Chemistry Modelling: Part 1 (Theory) (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 7) Wed. 09:00 - 11:00 NW1 S3260 (1.5 Teaching hours per week) Vorlesung
weekly (starts in week: 7) Wed. 11:00 - 13:00 NW1 S3260 (0.5 Teaching hours per week) Übungen

This course has 2 semester weekly hours (1,5x lecture + 0,5 example classes). The course will start on 27 November 2024.

Prof. Dr. Michail Vrekousis

Information Technologies for Space (ITS)

Compulsory Elective Modules

12 CP (semester 2 + 3)
Students select two modules out of three.
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
01-ET-MA-DiTe(a)-VDigital Technology (in English)
Digital Technology

Lecture (Teaching)
ECTS: 6 (4)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 08:00 - 10:00 NW1 S1360 (2 Teaching hours per week)
weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 08:00 - 10:00 NW1 S1360 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Additional dates:
Mon. 17.02.25 10:00 - 12:00 NW1, H1
Prof. Dr. Alberto Garcia-Ortiz

Elective Modules (PSO and ITS)

This folder contains elective modules for both specialization subjects: PSO and ITS
9 CP
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
01-ET-MA-InS(a)-VIntegrated Circuits (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)
ECTS: 6 (4)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 08:00 - 10:00 NW1 H 2 - W0020 (2 Teaching hours per week)
weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 12:00 - 14:00 GW2 B1410 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Additional dates:
Wed. 05.03.25 09:30 - 12:00 HS 1010 (Kleiner Hörsaal)
Wed. 05.03.25 09:30 - 12:00 HS 2010 (Großer Hörsaal)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Paul
01-ET-MA-ML-VMachine Learning for Swarm Exploration (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Mon. 03.02.25 - Tue. 04.02.25 (Mon., Tue.) 09:00 - 17:00 NW1 S1360
Wed. 05.02.25 09:00 - 17:00 NW1 N3110
Thu. 06.02.25 09:00 - 17:00 NW1 H 3 - W0040/W0050

Block-Course (around end of semester)

Elective course for M.Sc. CIT, Electrical Engineering & Information Technology and Space-ST.

• Why swarm exploration – some motivational examples with applications in space and on Earth
• Preliminaries: selected mathematical formalism (vector spaces, matrices, representation and approximations in vector spaces, least squares, convex optimization)
• Recap of probability and statistics (calculus of probabilities, moments, Bayesian theory)
• Machine learning tools (supervised learning, linear regression, kernel methods, neural networks, impact of regularization, sparsity and compressed sensing)
• Models for multi-agent networks (connected network models, distributed inference strategies)
• Distributed machine learning and exploration (models for static spatial regression, information-theoretic exploration approaches, Bayesian sequential methods for learning and exploration)
• Discussion of several practical examples of swarm exploration solutions (cooperative localization, information-driven sparse mapping of magnetic fields, exploration of sparse gas sources using a swarm of mobile robots)
As outcome, the students should be able to:
• Understand key concepts in distributed information processing over networks,
• Explain and apply mathematical tools needed to implement classical machine learning algorithms in distributed settings

Prof. Dr. Armin Dekorsy
01-PHY-MA-Dyn1-VDynamics I (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:00 - 16:00 NW1 S1360 (2 Teaching hours per week) Vorlesung
weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 16:00 - 18:00 NW1 S1360 (2 Teaching hours per week) Übungen
Prof. Dr. Thomas Jung
09-M52-01-19-03-09Philosophy of Cosmology, Space and Space Travel (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:00 - 16:00 SFG 2010 (2 Teaching hours per week)

In this seminar, we will study foundational, historical, and philosophical questions of cosmology, of space and time, and of space travel. The syllabus comprises topics and concepts such as key elements of the cosmological standard model, of cosmology as a science and how contemporary research benefits from an awareness of its historical development, and of further epistemological and methodological questions regarding, for instance, the heavy reliance on strong idealisations and extrapolations.

Formally, no prerequisite knowledge in either cosmology or philosophy is needed, but a willingness to engage in both is essential.

Learning outcome/learning goals:
• Basic knowledge of cosmology and of the physics of space and time
• Knowledge of basic relevant notions from the philosophy of the natural sciences
• Basic insights into the aims of scientific inquiry and the generation of scientific knowledge

Prof. Dr. Claus Lämmerzahl
Prof. Dr. Dr. Norman Sieroka

MASS Master in Astrophysics and Space Science


Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
01-ET-MA-ComSp-VCommunication Technologies for Space (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 12:00 - 14:00 NW1 H 3 - W0040/W0050 (2 Teaching hours per week) Vorlesung
weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 NW1 H 1 - H0020 (2 Teaching hours per week) Übungen
Dr. Carsten Bockelmann
01-PHY-MA-BH-VBlack Holes

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 16:00 - 18:00 NW1 S1330 (2 Teaching hours per week)
weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 14:00 - 16:00 NW1 S1330 (2 Teaching hours per week)
PD Dr. Volker Perlick
01-PHY-MA-CelMe-VCelestial Mechanics (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 16:00 - 18:00 NW1 S1330 (2 Teaching hours per week)
weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 12:00 - 14:00 NW1 S1260 (2 Teaching hours per week)
Audrey Trova ((LB))
01-PHY-MA-GG-VGeodesy and Gravity (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 16:00 - 18:00 NW1 N3310 (2 Teaching hours per week)
Prof. Dr. Claus Lämmerzahl
01-PHY-MA-GRGeneral Relativity

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 10:00 - 14:00 NW1 S1330 (4 Teaching hours per week)
weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 10:00 - 12:00 NW1 S1270 (2 Teaching hours per week)
Dr. Eva Höne ((Hackmann))
01-PHY-MA-QTSPQuantum Technology for Space

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 10:00 - 12:00 NW1 S1330 (2 Teaching hours per week)
Dr. Sven Herrmann
09-M52-01-19-03-09Philosophy of Cosmology, Space and Space Travel (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:00 - 16:00 SFG 2010 (2 Teaching hours per week)

In this seminar, we will study foundational, historical, and philosophical questions of cosmology, of space and time, and of space travel. The syllabus comprises topics and concepts such as key elements of the cosmological standard model, of cosmology as a science and how contemporary research benefits from an awareness of its historical development, and of further epistemological and methodological questions regarding, for instance, the heavy reliance on strong idealisations and extrapolations.

Formally, no prerequisite knowledge in either cosmology or philosophy is needed, but a willingness to engage in both is essential.

Learning outcome/learning goals:
• Basic knowledge of cosmology and of the physics of space and time
• Knowledge of basic relevant notions from the philosophy of the natural sciences
• Basic insights into the aims of scientific inquiry and the generation of scientific knowledge

Prof. Dr. Claus Lämmerzahl
Prof. Dr. Dr. Norman Sieroka