Australia and New Zealand

Reports from Australia
1. University of Queensland, Brisbane
1. SoSe 2015, Produktionstechnik 2. WS 14/15, Marine Biology
University of Queensland, Coral Reef Ecosystems (CRE) Laboratory und CSIRO in Hobart, Tasmanien
Studien- und Forschungsaufenthalt WS 16/17, ISATEC
2. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane
1. WS 17/18, System Engineering, 2. WS 16/17, BWL
3. University of Melbourne
1. WS 16/17, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, 2. WS 14/15, Freemover, Wirtschaftswissenschaft
University of Melbourne, Graduated School of Education, Youth Research Centre
Wirtschaftspsychologie, Forschungspraktikum
1. SoSe 17, 2. WS 16/17, 3. SoSe 16 , 4. SoSe 16
4. University of Newcastle
1. WS 16/17, BWL, 2. WS 16/17, BWL
5. James Cook University (JCU), Townsville
1. WS 16/17, Biologie
6. The University of Sydney
1. WS 15/16 , Praktikum am Menzies Centre for Health Policy
2. WS 14/15, Praktikum am Brain and Mind Research Institute
7. Macquarie University, Sydney
1. SoSe 2017, Public Health
8. Southern Cross University, Gold Coast
1. WS 17/18, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, 2. WS 17/18, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
9. University of Western Australia, Perth
1. WS 17/18, Psychologie, Praktikum, 2. SoSe 2016, Produktionstechnik, Praktikum
10. Murdoch University, Perth
1. WS 17/18, Englisch
Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), Townsville
SoSe 2016 , Praktikum, Biologie
Institut for Glycomics, Gold Coast
WS 17/18, Biochemie, Praktikum
Kirby Institute for infection and immunity in society in Sydney
1. WS 16/17 , Public Health, Praktikum, 2. WS 14/15, Public Health, Praktikum
Reports from New Zealand
1. University of Auckland, School of Population Health
1. WS 16/17, Public Health, Praktikum, 2. SoSe 2016, Public Health, Praktikum
2. Massey University, Palmerstone
1. WS 16/17, Informatik
3. Waikato University, Hamilton
1. SoSe 2018, Informatik, 2. SoSe 2018, Geowissenschaften
3. WS 16/17, Geowissenschaften, 4. WS 15/16, Geowissenschaften, 5. WS 15/16, Geowiss.
4. Victoria University, Wellington
1. SoSe 17, Soziologie
Ko Awatea-Health System Innovation and Improvement in Middlemore Krankenhaus in South Auckland
WS 16/17, Public Health, Praktikum
Cook Islands - unabhängiger Inselstaat in freier Assoziierung mit Neuseeland im südlichen Pazifik
Pacific Island Conservation Initiative
Forschunsaufenthalt auf Aitutaki WS 16/17
Reports from Oceania
University of the South Pacific, Fiji
1. WiSe 15/16, Forschung Masterarbeit Biologie, 2. WiSe 15/16, Forschung Marine Sciences