Anti-discrimination Policy

Putting the anti-discrimination policy into practice!

In April 2024, the Academic Senate of the University of Bremen adopted an university anti-discrimination policyThe anti-discrimination brochure complements the University of Bremen’s Anti-Discrimination Policy. As the policy is based on legal regulations, questions may arise as of how to put it into practice. This brochure explains the university‘s policy and thus facilitates its application.

A Culture of Anti-Discrimination Needs Everyone!

Every one of us has a responsibility to reduce discrimination in everyday university life and to take a stand against discriminatory behavior. But what does that mean in practice? How can we react appropriately and avoid discrimination wherever possible? What can you do if you yourself are discriminated against, witness discrimination, or are accused of discriminating against someone else? What support does the university executive board provide? The following pages will provide you with answers to all these questions.

What Are Protected Characteristics?

The term discrimination is limited to disadvantages and unequal treatment based on actual or attributed diversity characteristics: gender (including pregnancy or parenthood) / gender identity,sexual identity, ethnicity and racist ascriptions, religious affiliation and belief, age and disability/chronic illness. The university regards these as characteristics worthy of protection based on the AGG. In addition, the university has decided to expand the characteristics worthy of protection to include the following: appearance, socio-economic background, language, nationality and citizenship, way of life (e.g. marital/family status or care responsibilities). Discrimination and unequal treatment on the basis of all these characteristics are therefore prohibited at the University of Bremen.

What can I do in the case of discrimination?

Who Can I Contact?

First points of contact and information in accordance with the Anti-Discrimination Policy

Where and to Whom Does the Policy Apply?

Information on the extent of the anti-discrimination policy

How do we understand discrimination?

Our understanding of discrimination, with definitions and examples

Services and Support

Advice and Counseling on Discrimination:

ADE – Anti-Discrimination and Conflict Management Office – Advice and Counseling
Mail: adeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Phone: +49 421 218 – 60170
(Phone consultation hours: Tuesday 10 to 11:30 a.m., Thursday 4 to 5:30 p.m.)

Complaints Offices:

Discrimination Complaints Office for Students
Legal Office (Unit 06)
VWG building, P.O. Box 330440, 28334 Bremen

Discrimination Complaints Office for Employees
Human Resources Department (Administrative Department 2)
P.O. Box 330440, 28334 Bremen

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