
Bremen Student Launches Online Magazine for the World Cup

World cup fever is at a pitch – and the University of Bremen is no exception. Student of media culture, Cord Sauer, thought up a very special way to indulge his love of football and founded his own online magazine called "FUMS" ( "FUMS" stands for the maxim “football is fun”, and true to this motto, for the past few weeks Sauer and his fellow football-fan helpers have been posting a number of highly entertaining items about football and the World Cup in Brazil: Exclusive interviews, some biting comments ("Sauer gibt Saures"), but also articles that make light and amusing reading. BILD, Stern, Sky and the Münchner Abendblatt have all taken notice. It’s well worth taking a look at the "FUMS" web pages.

The underlying idea of presenting football information with a mix of humor and satire came to Cord Sauer about a year ago. "My aim was to start an online magazine that sets itself apart from run-of-the-mill blogs. Content and format were also to project a serious and professional image", says Sauer. After doing some groundwork with presence in diverse social media and his own homepage he was ready to take the next step. This was done within the context of a seminar called "Media Economy" led by Marco Höhn, during which Sauer developed a professional business plan for the launch of his magazine. "Our Master‘s program 'Media Culture' gives creative students the opportunity to implement their own independently run projects", says Höhn, clearly pleased with the result.

For Cord Sauer "FUMS" is another stepping stone towards the career he’s been dreaming of. "I want to make a career in sport journalism, and there – like all journalism – the future lies in the online media", Sauer has no doubt. Right now he is picking up a lot of journalistic merits. The World Cup in Brazil offers the perfect opportunity. "The site '' takes a look at the World Cup from a different angle, always on the ball with daily columns, anecdotes and quotes".

You can obtain further information on this topic by contacting:
University of Bremen
Faculty of Cultural Studies
Center for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI)
Marco Höhn
e-mail: marco.hoehnprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Cord Sauer
e-mail: cord.sauerprotect me ?!yahooprotect me ?!.de
Google Plus:

Junger Mann mit Fußball und Tablet-PC.
In seinem Online-Magazin "FUMS" verbindet Cord Sauer Fußball, Humor und Satire zu einem informativen Lesevergnügen. Foto: Harald Rehling/Universität Bremen.