The term in office lasts eight years and the 51-year-old has worked closely with the university for the past 25 years and is very familiar with the institution. “I am extremely pleased that we have found a competent and experienced successor for our long-standing Director of Finance and Administration, Dr. Martin Mehrtens, in Frauke Meyer,” says the President of the University of Bremen, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter. After an eight-year term, Mehrtens will enter into retirement at the end of the year at nearly 68 years of age. He was appointed Director of Finance and Administration in November 2013. Prior to this period, Mehrtens had held the role provisionally for a year.
The graduate of business and financial controller Frauke Meyer took on the role as head of the newly-established Administrative Unit for Finance Controlling at the University of Bremen in 1995. The 51-year-old has also been the head of the Administrative Department for Third-party Funding and Personnel Budget at the university since 2014. Meyer has been the deputy of the current Director of Finance and Administration for roughly three years.
“I would like to thank that Academic Senate for its trust in me. I am looking forward to my future tasks as Director of Finance and Administration and as part of the University Executive Board,” says Frauke Meyer. The university will face great challenges in the coming years: On an international level, the university of Bremen is creating one of the first European universities as part of the YUFE alliance – Young Universities for the Future of Europe. Nationally, the university hopes to be successful in the next round of the Excellence Initiative of the Federal Government and Länder. Additionally, tasks such as the work of the U Bremen Research Alliance must be fostered. Together with eleven non-university research institutes funded by the government, the University of Bremen has formed the aforementioned network of outstanding science. “The University of Bremen must credit its successes to the great cooperation and above-average dedication and creativity of all its staff,” says Meyer. In order for this to remain the case, the environment for the whole institution must be right and must grow with the increasing requirements. “I therefore see the focus of my role as Director of Finance and Administration in modern personnel development and a process-oriented change in the organization. My aim is to form the university so that it is an inspiring place of work and learning for all.” Additionally, the controlling of the underfinanced university budget remains a continual challenge, she states. Frauke Meyer was chosen in the course of a university staff-appointment-process.
Prof. Dr. Bernd Scholz-Reiter
President and Academic Senate Chairman
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60011
Email: rektorprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de