Yasemin Karakaşoğlu has been awarded the German Dialogpreis. The BundDeutscher Dialoginstitutionen [Association of German dialogue institutions] conferred the prize on the Bremen professor in the category for science. Karakaşoğlu is a University of Bremen professor for intercultural education in its Faculty for Pedagogical and Educational Sciences – and at the same time the University’s Vice Rectress for Intercultural and International Affairs.
The Bremen scholar was awarded the prize for her trend-setting research in the area of intercultural pedagogy. The jury’s statement reads: “Yasemin Karakaşoğlu advocates a shift in awareness, whereby multiculturalism and multilingualism should not be perceived as a threat but rather as an asset. Her research constitutes a major contribution towards informing German society about its fellow German-Turkish and Muslim citizens.” Worthy of specific mention is her work on the conditions under which young migrants grow up, and the significance of the family, school, and vocational training, as well as religious beliefs and living in partnership for mutual understanding.
Under the motto “people build bridges” the Bund Deutscher Dialoginstitutionen awards the prize in recognition of a person’s achievements in respect of promoting dialogue between cultures and religions, and their peaceful coexistence. This year Yasemin Karakaşoğlu shares the prizewith Dr. Navid Kermani, writer and specialist in Middle Eastern and oriental studies, Dr. Tovia Ben Chorin, rabbi and leader of the Jewish community in Berlin, and Dr. Thomas Lemmen from the Catholic University of North Rhein-Westfalia – each in an amount of 3,000 euros. The four prizewinners stressed that in today’s world the dialogue beyond borders is more important for social peace than at any time before.
If you would like to receive more information on this topic, please contact:
University of Bremen
Faculty of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences
Prof.Dr. Yasemin Karakaşoğlu
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