“Gestaltung von Kapitalgesellschaften zwischen Freiheit und Zwang – Venture Capital in Deutschland und den USA” [Setting up joint-stock corporations in the face of freedom and coercion – venture capital in Germany and the USA] is the title of the post-doctoral dissertation submitted by Professor Thilo Kuntz in the Law Faculty of the University of Bremen. In recognition of this outstanding work he has been awarded the University Prize conferred by the Deutsches Aktieninstitut (DAI).
The Deutsches Aktieninstitut is an association of German banks for the promotion of participation in equities. Founded in 1953, the association represents German corporations involved in capital markets. The association has 200 members. Every year it awards the University Prize for the best academic thesis on the topic of “Shares and capital Markets”. An academic advisory panel comprising highly renowned professors of Law and Economics decides who is to receive the honor.
Professor Kuntz received his appointment in the Law Faculty in January 2015. His research interests include: civil law, company law, and legal theory. His post-doctoral dissertation analyzes the constraints placed on the freedom to determine the contractual parameters when setting up joint-stock corporations with the participation of venture capital. His thesis encompasses an exhaustive comparative study of German and US law with particular regard to economic aspects and the law governing stock companies. It is soon to appear in the prestigious monograph series “Jus Privatum" published by Verlag Mohr Siebeck.
For further information please contact:
University of Bremen
Faculty of Law
Prof.Dr. Thilo Kuntz
Phone:0421 218-66004 (office)
e-mail: tkuntzprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de