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Senior Citizen Studies: Program for Lecture-Free Period Online

The Senior Citizen Studies Program is starting with a digital class schedule for the lecture-free period on February 17, 2021. Alongside the fine arts – art, music, and literature – history and natural science are also being offered. Registration is possible now.

Since spring 2020, the Senior Citizen Study Program at the University of Bremen has been taking place online due to corona. Thanks to the comprehensive support offers, around 650 senior citizens are now studying via video conferences and learning platforms.
Jaroslaw Wasik, the coordinator of the Senior Citizen Study Program at the University of Bremen, made a virtue of necessity when face-to-face classes were no longer possible due to the corona pandemic. “No one should have to forgo their active studies right now,” he emphasizes. That is why since March 2020, a number of classes have been offered digitally. “Many of the older students took advantage of the chance,” explains the program coordinator happily.

Classes during Lecture-Free Period also Digital

The class schedule starting on February 17, 2021, which always takes place during the lecture-free period, is also made up of online classes. Those who have no experience with online lessons and video conferences can receive support. Experienced students offer individual help to senior citizens on their path from analogue to digital studies.

“The transfer to online studies is more than an emergency measure for us,” says Wasik. “It offers us the opportunity to go in a new direction and expand our offers and learning formats – especially for those who were unable to make use of all possibilities up until now.” For example for senior citizens, for whom the journey to the university was too far. Or for the mobility-restricted senior students. They can now simply turn on their computer and take part in university classes.

Further Information: (in German only)


Jaroslaw Wasik
Academy of Continuing Education
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-61616
Email: seniorenprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de




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