
Teaching Cooperation with Transformation Consultancy HRpepper and Lernhacks

On January 20, 2025, students in the bachelor's module in organizational and business psychology, led by Dr. Julian Decius, were guests in Berlin at the transformation consultancy HRpepper. During the winter semester, the students had reviewed literature and conducted interviews with employees and managers from various organizations in order to assess the empirical evidence base of the “Learning Culture Framework” and to provide specific recommendations for further developing the framework. The “Learning Culture Framework” is a model representing the factors of a conducive learning culture in organizations, which was developed and is distributed by Lernhacks, the second partner company of the teaching cooperation. Upon invitation by HRpepper, the final presentation took place on site in Berlin-Kreuzberg. The work group of Organizational Psychology would like to thank Dr. Laura Creon of HRpepper, Dr. Thomas Tillmann and Alicia Novacek of Lernhacks, and last but not least, the dedicated students of the seminar for the fruitful teaching cooperation.

Group of students and Mr. Decius are surrounded by an old stone building