
Ein neuer Workshop von Professorin Sibylle Heilbrunn!

Am 07.06. bietet Professorin Sibylle Heilbrunn den englischsprachigen Workshop „Challenges of Data Gathering: How to Overcome Cultural Barriers” für Phd-Studierende an. Hier lernen Teilnehmende, mit den Herausforderungen von kultureller Vielfalt in Forschungsgebieten umzugehen und diese für eine…

Einladung: Vorsitzender der FDP-Bundestagsfraktion am Fachbereich 7

am Donnerstag, den 04.05.2023 kommt Christian Dürr, Vorsitzender der FDP-Bundestagsfraktion zwischen 11:30–13:30 Uhr an den Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft.

Zeigt den Text Research Talk Prof. Dr. Thomas Scholdra University of Cologne. Trick or Treat ? The Stock Market Impact of Fake Reviews

Research Talk mit Professor Dr. Thomas Scholdra (Universität zu Köln)

Am kommenden Mittwoch findet der Research Talk mit dem ehemaligen Doktoranden des markstones Institut Professor Dr. Thomas Scholdra zum Thema "Trick or Treat? The Stock Market Impact of Fake Reviews" statt. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen.

Showes the text which says World Patent Information. At the top left corner is the logo of the Elsvier company

New Publication on Assessment of Patentability by Means of Semantic Patent Analysis

Valentin J. Schmitt, Lothar Walter and Frank C. Schnittker from the IPMI published a new paper in the World Patent Information journal titled „Assessment of patentability by means of semantic patent analysis – A mathematical-logical approach“.

In the top right corone it shows the logo of Lemex in the middle is a text which says "Neue Veranstaltung! - New Course!"

New Course from LEMEX!

In the upcoming summer semester of 2023, Professor Sybille Heilbrunn will offer "Who are the Winners and the Losers of Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship?" in English.

2021 Best Paper Award in der Kategorie "Highly Commented"

2021 Best Paper Award in the category "Highly Commented"

The article "The Injection of Resources by Transnational Entrepreneurs: Towards a Model of the Early Evolution of an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem," authored by Aki Harima, Jan Harima, and Jörg Freiling, was selected by the Editorial Board of the journal "Entrepreneurship & Regional Development".

Quynh Duong Phuong und Leon Marquardt

LEMEX in Neapel

On 16 Nov 22, the RENT Conference was held in Naples, Italy, under the heading "Re-thinking Entrepreneurship After the Crisis." This year, the focus was on exploring the impact of the COVID pandemic on start-up activity and the survival of start-ups and entrepreneurs.

Publikation Tenzin Harima Freiling

New publication by Tenzin Yeshi, Aki Harima, and Jörg Freiling in European Management Journal on: "Resilience on an emotional rollercoaster: Refugee entrepreneurship under adversity."

Refugee entrepreneurs need to develop and maintain a high degree of resilience in pursuing an entrepreneurial path despite adversities.

International Journal of Operations & Production Management

Aseem Kinra joins the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Operations & Production Management (IJOPM)

Professor Aseem Kinra has joined the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Operations & Production Management (IJOPM). IJOPM is a leading journal in the field and is listed as a rank 4 (A) journal within Operations and Technology Management in the prestigious Academic Journal Guide (AJG).…

International Journal of Production and Research

New article by Aseem Kinra in the International Journal of Production Research analyses global supply chain productivity impacts of Covid-19

Aseem Kinra, together with Xavier Brusset, Davide La Torre and Morteza Javari have published a new article in the International Journal of Production Research (IJPR). In their article, the authors demonstrate the spatio-temporal spread of the Covid-19 pandemic along supply chain networks, visualize…