
Structural Sparsity | Prof. Sebastian Siebertz (Universität Bremen)

Kurzbeschreibung: Gemeinsames Kolloqium Mathematik / Informatik
Startdatum und Uhrzeit: 21.01.2020 - 16:00
Enddatum und Uhrzeit: 21.01.2020 - 17:30
Adresse: Cartesium | Rotunde
Organisator/Ansprechpartner: Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler, +49 421 218 63932
Preis: 0€

A primary concern in many areas of mathematics is to
classify structures (or classes of structures) according to their intrinsic
complexity. In this lecture I will consider three approaches and their
interplay to the notion of structural complexity: the model theoretic
approach based on the standard dividing lines that are stability and
dependence, the algebraic approach founding the notion of rankwidth
and linear rankwidth, and a more classical graph theoretical approach
based on colorings and decompositions of graphs.

Einladung von Prof. Rolf Drechsler