The ITAFORUM is a scientific event organised by the Federal Ministry of Research and Innovation (BMBF) that brings together scientists and policy makers to discuss the results of research projects funded within the ITA program (Innovations- und Technikanalysen) of the BMBF.
The research project presented by Björn Jindra deals with innovation activities in emerging economies and possible policy implications for advanced countries. The results point to the fact that emerging economies, especially China, are catching up with respect to innovation activities. The project received funding from the BMBF and was carried out jointly by the University of Bremen (research group of Jutta Günther) and the Technical University Berlin (research group of Knut Blind).
Björn Jindra is a leading researcher in the working group of Jutta Günther at the University of Bremen and a Professor for International Business at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. His research is related to the internationalisation of research and innovation, technological catching-up and development in emerging and transition economies.