
Jutta Günther and Mahmood Shubbak visited the Department of Energy and Semiconductor Research (EHF) at the University of Oldenburg

On invitation, Jutta Günther and Mahmood Shubbak visited the Department of Energy and Semiconductor Research (EHF) within the Faculty of Physics at the University of Oldenburg.

The program started with a guided tour through some of the physics and chemistry laboratories of the department. The tour was given by Dr. Martin Knipper, one of the leading scientists in the department. It included laboratories for development and manufacturing of thin-film CIGS and organic solar cells, chemical laboratories for materials preparation, thermal and electrical testing of solar cells under various circumstances, cells testing and analysis under the scanning electron microscope SEM, as well as energy storage Lithium-ion batteries development. After this, Mahmood Shubbak presented in the department’s research colloquium a methodological approach on identifying patent applications related to photovoltaics technologies. The presentation entitled "The Technological System of Photovoltaics: Identification and Analysis with Patent Classes" provided a comprehensive definition of the PV technological system in terms of its structure and components on one hand, and introduced a methodology for capturing its development trends using patent data on the other. This research aims toward a better understanding of the technological change processes and their relation to economic development.
It was a fruitful exchange and insightful visit, and we thank Professor Parisi and his team for their hospitality.

The internationally recognized scientist, Professor Jürgen Parisi, is head of the Department of Energy and Semiconductor Research (EHF) at the Institute of Physics of OldenburgUniversity. His research activities range from the physical basis of condensed matter to the technical applications of renewable energy systems. In addition to other supervisory activities in research facilities, foundations and companies, Professor Parisi is a member in the Physics Department of the German Research Association.

Link for the Department of Energy and Semiconductor Research (EHF):