
Neue Publikation: Comprehensive Patent Data of the German Democratic Republic 1949-1990—technical report and dataset overview

Ann Hipp, Jutta Günther, Marcel Lange und Mariia Shkolnykova haben gemeinsam mit Michael Fritsch, Maria Greve, Christian Liutik, Beate Pfeifer und Michael Wyrwich ein Diskussionspapier mit dem Titel „Comprehensive Patent Data of the German Democratic Republic 1949-1990—technical report and dataset overview“ in der Jena Economic Research Papers Reihe veröffentlicht.


: This paper documents the generation and the content of the Comprehensive Patent Database (CPDB) of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) (1949-1990), Version 1.1, which is freely available at GESIS The database contains all patents granted in the GDR and published by the Office of Inventions and Patents (AfEP, later: German Patent and Trade Mark Office/DPMA) in the period between 1 January 1939 (application before but granted in the GDR) and 29 June 2006 (application in but granted after the GDR). The core database covers the years 1950 to 1990 and contains 24 variables with manually cleaned and processed information on a total of 261,822 unique patents of the GDR. The data was collected and prepared for the purpose of research on innovation activity in the GDR.

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Profilbilder von Ann Hipp, Jutta Günther, Marcel Lange und Mariia Shkolnykova