
Neue Publikation: Structural stability of the research & development sector in European economies despite the economic crisis

Am 21. April 2016 präsentierte Jutta Günther auf der XVII. April International Conference der Higher School of Economics Moscow empirische Befunde des gemeinsam mit Maria Kristalova und Udo Ludwig verfassten Papers zum Einfluss der globalen Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise auf den Forschungs- und Entwicklungssektor in europäischen Volkswirtschaften. Das Paper wurde nun in der Zeitschrift „Journal of Evolutionary Economics“ publiziert.

Abstract: When an external shock such as the economic crisis in 2008/2009 occurs, the inter-connectedness of sectors can be affected. This paper investigates whether the R&Dsector experienced changes in its sectoral integration through the recession. Based onan input-output analysis, it can be shown that the linkages of the R&D sector with othersectors remain stable. In some countries, the inter-sectoral integration becomes evenstronger. Policy makers can be encouraged to use public R&D spending as a means offiscal policy against an economic crisis.


Cover: Journal of Evolutionary Economics