Dieser Artikel zeigt, dass Firmen die Anzahl ihrer F&E-Kooperationen über den gesamten Lebenszyklus einer Industrie erhöhen. Das gilt insbesondere für F&E-Kooperationen mit forschungsbasierten Organisationen wie Universitäten und öffentlichen Forschungseinrichtungen. Die Analyse erfolgt am Beispiel der deutschen Photovoltaikindustrie.
Abstract: Industrial evolution prompts firms to enter into R&D collaborations to ensure competitiveness and substantial growth. This study expands the industry life cycle concept to include the extent and types of R&D collaborations. I analyze 6581 R&D collaborations by 60 manufacturers in the German photovoltaics (PV) industry from 1980 to 2016 using a negative binomial regression model. The results indicate that the number of R&D collaborations is higher in the post-shakeout than in the pre-shakeout period of an industry. While this is particularly true for science-based R&D collaborations with universities and public research organizations, market-based R&D collaborations evolve from predominantly competitors before an industry’s shakeout to suppliers and customers after a shakeout has occurred.