
New Journal Publication in „Regional Studies“: Systemic interventions in regional innovation systems: entrepreneurship, knowledge accumulation and regional innovation

In the paper by Andreas Pyka, Muhamed Kudic and Matthias Müller, the authors provide a theoretical framework that allows for identifying potential system failures at the regional level while simultaneously serving as a blueprint for deriving and designing potential policy interventions.

We break new ground by applying ABM for ex-ante policy evaluation drawing upon the VISIBLE model (Virtual Simulation Lab for the Analysis of Investments in Learning and Education), which is designed for systematic ex-ante policy evaluations in an in-silicio simulation environment.


The paper employs a regional innovation system concept and divides system failures into three categories: institutional infrastructure, organizational landscape and structural connectedness. To analyze the economic effects of systemic interventions, it employs the VISIBLE model, which allows ex-ante policy experiments to be conducted in a virtual simulation environment. First, the findings show that regional learning and knowledge exchange are accompanied by pronounced non-linearities and combined learning strategies generate highest regional returns. Second, systemic interventions, originally designed to stimulate qualitatively different types of entrepreneurial entries, show – against the backdrop of different regional learning regimes – rather ambiguous effects for both the target firms and the incumbent firms. Finally, it can be seen that interventions designed to affect individual linking behaviour of entrepreneurial firms are effective and robust even for different learning regimes.

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Regional Studies