Review of ISPSD 2024 in Bremen - Message from the Chair
ISPSD2024 has ended and we are cleaning up the last bits and pieces. I have just submitted the papers to IEEE and hope that they will appear on IEEE Xplore soon.
Before I “mentally close the books”, I would like to take the opportunity to thank everybody who has contributed to the programme: Senator for Environment, Climate and Science Katrin Moosdorf, IEEE President Dr. Thomas Coughlin, University of Bremen Vice President Prof. Michal Kucera, our plenary speakers, the short course speakers, our exhibitors and everybody who has shared her/his work with the ISPSD community. Not to forget the artists who made our days even more enjoyable: Bremer Kaffeehaus-Orchester, the Bremen Town Musicians (Club Volcano), Emanuel Jahreis Jazz Trio, and also the guide in the Kunsthalle Bremen before the AdCom dinner, the guides of the ladies’ programme and Dr. Henrike Hans at the TPC dinner.
I also would like to thank the people who managed ISPSD2024 in the back ground or on stage: TPC Chairperson Prof. Ulrike Grossner, the entire TPC, Short Course Chairman Prof. Florin Udrea, IEEE Women in Engineering Moderator Sarah Rugen, the GUARANT International team around Pavla Hlinková, Anna Prazakova and Jan Kolář, Birgit Höft and the rest of my university team IALB - Institute for Electrical Drives, Power Electronics and Devices (red shirts), the Bremen Convention Bureau around Andrea Hess, the people in Die Glocke (Bremen) around Sven Rapp, the City Hall people around Frank Alles and Heico Geffken, and of course, the caterers.
And I thank my family, my wife Stephanie who arranged the ladies’ programme and the music acts and my junior Max who took photos and both of them for passing on so many of my family hours to the ISPSD community.
Many thanks to all of them and to everybody who attended the conference. From the very positive feedback I received, I can conclude that people have really enjoyed the event and that ISPSD2024 was indeed a success. Most rewarding. Thank you! I have attached some impressions of ISPSD2024. Many more will be available on the ISPSD2024 homepage soon.
Finally, I would like to wish our successors good luck. May the force be with ISPSD2025, its General Chairman Prof. Ichiro Omura and TPC Chairman Dr. Yuichi Onozawa!
Originally published on LinkedIn by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nando Kaminski