Theaterarbeit mit ehemaligen Drogenabhängigen als kulturpädagogische Suchtprävention und Rückfallprophylaxe
Dr. Albert Kern (Projektleitung);
The central question of this thesis is how to integrate culture pedagogical approaches in the three areas medical rehabilitation, aftercare and addiction prevention. Basis of this thesis are the experiences of the 1990 established "Wilde Bühne" (Wild Stage), a socio-cultural forum of former drug addicts. The following results have arisen:
- theatre work in the inpatient medical rehabilitation for former drug addict contributes to the success of the therapy.
- development of a play on addiction prevention based on the experiences of former drug addicts in the aftercare phase represents an effective relapse prevention.
- the pupils assess the cultural educational drug prevention of the "Wilde Bühne" (theatre performance and subsequent discussion with former drug addicts) almost entirely positive.