"Effective Teaching in Higher Education"
Veranstaltungen 2024
Higher Education Didactics Workshops
Higher Education Didactics Workshop
"Effective Teaching in Higher Education"
This workshop was provided on October 22, 2024 aiming towards improving own teaching skills in the classroom and lab. Participants learned the basic concepts of creating a teaching portfolio, were informed about the different learning processes of students from different cultures and backgrounds and have been introduced to the history and science of learning. This workshop was a valuable one in terms of acquiring important skills and competences in higher education teaching at an early stage of your academic career.
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
Entitled "Science meets Industry", the MAPEX workshop on October 1, 2024 highlighted a broad spectrum of pathways after a successful academic track. Early Career Researchers from MAPEX found out about career options after their doctorate. Three alumni of the University of Bremen and two professors from Bremen shared their personal experiences.
In the first part of the workshop, three alumni of the University of Bremen presented their path from academia to the private sector. Dr. Eike Volkmann emphasised the importance of managing interdisciplinary teams. The Head of Materials, Processes and Cleanliness at OHB System AG pointed out that he started to learn about the relevance of teamwork as a doctoral student at the University of Bremen. Andre Abrath from BREWA wte GmbH demonstrated his extensive experience in the management of industrial projects. He gave insights into the day-to-day responsibility for the maintenance and operation of an industrial energy supply plant. Finally, Dr. Daniel Otero Baguer described his transition from a successful academic to a founder and CEO of a company. His start-up aisencia GmbH focuses on the vision to become the global leader in AI-powered dermatopathology.
"In the end, everything makes sense and is fun"
In the second part of the workshop, two MAPEX Principal Investigators presented their paths to a professorship. Prof. Dr. Sven Kerzenmacher from the University of Bremen and Prof. Dr. Dorothea Brüggemann from Bremen University of Applied Sciences outlined the opportunities and difficulties that may arise along the way. As passionate researchers, they are happy to work in detail on research topics that interest them. At the end, both took part in an exciting and lively discussion with the participants. The Early Career Researchers took the opportunity to learn more about the career option of a professorship.
Science Communication Workshop
"Filming your Science with your Smartphone"
Science Communication Workshop
"Filming your Science with your Smartphone"
One of the best ways to explain science is through the use of video. All you need is a good idea and the smartphone in your pocket! The workshop on June 13, 2024, introduced researchers to the basics of scientific video storytelling and took them through the technical steps to produce short videos. They learned how videos for science can be shot with apps and how they can be published online. During the workshop they developed their own storyboard and put together a short film. With freelance journalist, trainer and blogger Matthias Süßen, the participants learned how to make the most of their smartphone for content production with this practical bootcamp.
MAPEX-CF Workshop 2024
"Electron Microscopy"
MAPEX-CF Workshop 2024
"Electron Microscopy"
The workshop took place from september 25 to september 27, 2024, on campus. The workshop brought together scientists from different institutions who use electron microscopy. Together, they expanded their network and discussed the latest scientific advances. For early career researchers, the workshop offered the opportunity to present themselves and their work, e.g. in the poster session. Key topics included: Transmission electron microscopy and methods based on it for the analysis of nanostructures, low energy electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy methods.
Particle-Based Materials Symposium 2024
"Processing of functional nanoparticles into higher-order structures"
Particle-Based Materials Symposium 2024
"Processing of functional nanoparticles into higher-order structures"
Particle-Based Materials Symposium 2024
"Processing of functional nanoparticles into higher-order structures"
Particle-Based Materials Symposium 2024
"Processing of functional nanoparticles into higher-order structures"
Particle-Based Materials Symposium 2024
"Processing of functional nanoparticles into higher-order structures"
Particle-Based Materials Symposium 2024
"Processing of functional nanoparticles into higher-order structures"
Particle-Based Materials Symposium 2024
"Processing of functional nanoparticles into higher-order structures"
The Particle-Based Materials Symposium took place on September 23 and 24, 2024, at the House of Science in Bremen. With 70 participants from across Germany and neighboring countries, the symposium successfully fulfilled its promise: bringing together scientists and engineers from different communities that share the goal of creating functionality in materials using particles. With this year’s focus on "processing of functional nanoparticles into higher-order structures" and an introduction to the MAPEX research landscape by Kurosch Rezwan, the symposium effectively connected to ongoing research at the University of Bremen. In addition to the excellent keynote presentations, there were 33 oral presentations delivered by scientists at various career levels, ranging from Ph.D. students to experienced professors. The poster session featured 23 posters, with three selected for the poster prize. A tour of the Schnoor quarter and a dinner at Ratskeller Bremen rounded out the program, giving participants ample time to explore the historic sights and network with each other. We look forward to the next Particle-Based Materials Symposium, which will be held at FAU Erlangen in 2025!
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
On May 24, MAPEX organized the annual Early Career Researcher Workshop with a focus on 'Building bridges across faculties and institutes'. The MAPEX ECR Workshops give participants the opportunity to interact with colleagues from different areas of the STEM subjects.
The 17th ECR workshop gave the participating Early Career Reasearchers the opportunity to meet two experts in their respective fields. Dr. Cem Örnek from Leibniz-IWT, Institute for Materials-Oriented Technologies, started with an inspiring talk. He focussed on new approaches and techniques to overcome the degradation challenges of high performance steels in an industrial environment. Dr. Camilla Tossi from ZARM, Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity, continued. She introduced the participants to the possibilities and opportunities of synthesizing nanomaterials under the specific conditions of microgravity. Additionally, she underlined how important it is to think and act outside the box in order to conduct successful innovative research. Finally the participants got to know each other during a scientific speed dating session. The speed dating offered the opportunity to learn from each other's research and to exchange beyond scientific disciplines and positions.
Science Communication Workshop
"Science Slam"
Science Communication Workshop
"Science Slam"
On April 8 and 9, 2024, some MAPEX doctoral students at the University of Bremen transformed themselves into science slammers. Lesson learned: Science with humor can work. Scientific results can be explained to a wide audience in an entertaining and correct way using props, visualizations and performative elements.
The participants of the science slam workshop were able to try out how to present their research projects to a non-specialist audience on the spot: Doctoral students from the STEM fields took part in the workshop together with doctoral students from the humanities. The workshop was jointly organized by the MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes and the Research Training Group Worlds of Contradiction. The biologist and science slam organiser Dr. Julia Offe worked with the participants on a wide variety of topics.
On May 7, 2024, some of the new slammers from the University of Bremen performed live on stage at the Science Slam in the Bremer Schlachthof.
MAPEX Workshop
"Design Thinking Basics"
MAPEX Workshop
"Design Thinking Basics"
The workshop on April 2, 2024, covered various creativity techniques and guided the participants through a full design thinking cycle.They worked hands-on in small teams under time pressure on a fictitious problem. Design thinking is a practical and creative problem solving and innovation approach. It involves a human-centric, non-linear, iterative process that is especially useful to tackle complex or ill-defined problems. The addressed participants who had little to no experience with design thinking.