MAPEX Veranstaltungen, ausgewählte Symposien und Kolloquien

MAPEX PhD Welcoming Event

Veranstaltungsort: aib (Hochschulring 40)
Beginn: 21. Januar 2025, 11:00 Uhr
Ende: 21. Januar 2025, 12:00 Uhr

The MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme supports doctoral candidates in acquring transversal skills and competenicies useful for future leading tasks inside and outside of academia.

We are pleased to announce the first Welcoming Event for Doctoral Candidates within MAPEX. This event offers you a perfect opportunity to get to know other Early Career Researchers within MAPEX, find out about the wide range of offers by MAPEX and its qualification programme and how we support you in your doctoral project.


Join us for this event, if you would like to ...

- get to know the various offers of MAPEX and the University of Bremen for its Early Career Researchers.

- make valuable contacts with other doctoral candidates in the MAPEX community.

- receive useful tips and advice for your doctorate and your professional development.



21. January 2025

11:00 - 12:00

aib building (Hochschulring 40) - rooms tba



Please confirm your participation by dropping an email to mapexphdprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Please note that your registration is binding. If you are unable to attend, please let us know in advance.

ECR 16
Aktualisiert von: MAPEX