MAPEX Veranstaltungen, ausgewählte Symposien und Kolloquien

Workshop: Sketchnoting in Science

Veranstaltungsort: MARUM I (main) building, room 2060
Beginn: 20. Februar 2025, 09:00 Uhr
Ende: 21. Februar 2025, 17:00 Uhr

The MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme supports doctoral candidates in acquiring transversal skills and competencies useful for future leading tasks inside and outside of academia.

In cooperation with MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, we are organising a workshop on the creation and use of sketchnotes for academic purposes.


Workshop Description:


… are visual notes that combine drawings and text. They can be used to quickly record content and visualise it in a way that it is easy to understand and more memorable.

… can be used, for example, to illustrate the outcome of meetings, to visualise the main objectives of a research project or to make scientific content understandable for non-experts (in films, blogs, presentations, etc.).

… focus on the essentials. Drawings are therefore reduced and lack many details. Simple objects and symbols, as well as a variety of text characters, are typical of the sketchnote style.


In this course you will

... learn to draw symbols in an easy way

… discover different forms of typography

… learn how to include colours

… develop ideas for drawings and start a collection of images

… practice to combine your ears, eyes and hand

… experience situations, in which you can use sketchnotes


Target Group:

Everyone who is interested.

In the course (or shortly after the course), participants are expected to draw a sketchnoteof an aspect of their scientific work, which will then be published on the web page of MARUM/MAPEX. The sketchnote must be submitted no later than 2 weeks  after the course.

You find some examples of sketchnotes that have been drawn in previous workshops here


Workshop Instructor:

Janine Lancker is a trainer for flipchart design, graphic recording and sketchnoting. Following her studies of cultural sciences and German philology with majors in gestalt psychology and neuromarketing, she worked as a graphic assistant in a large company before founding her own business as a trainer and graphic recorder.



20.02.2025 & 21.02.2025

9am - 5pm

MARUM I (main) building, room 2060



Complete your registration via this online registration form.

A maximum of 7 people will be able to participate. No participation fees are charged.

If a critical number of registrations is not reached by 20 January 2025, the course will have to be cancelled.


Please note that your registration will be binding. If you are unable to attend the workshop for important reasons, please let us know in advance.

Any enquiries regarding the course should be addressed to mapexphdprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Eine Zeichnung von einer lächelnden Person mit Mikroskop.
Aktualisiert von: MAPEX