"AI Tools for the Academic Workflow"
MAPEX Workshops
MAPEX Workshops
At the MAPEX workshops, you can develop interdisciplinary skills and establish transdisciplinary networks. The workshops are in English and part of the MAPEX doctoral qualification programme. MAPEX offers:
- Early Career Researcher Workshops
- Higher Education Didactics Workshops
- Science Communication Workshops
- Courses on Fundamental Competences
- Early Career Researcher Networking
MAPEX Core Facility Workshops
At the Methods Workshops by the MAPEX Core Facility, you can exchange on 3D materials analytics, electron microscopy, surface analytics, spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction or materials modeling.
Upcoming Workshops
Courses on Fundamental Competences
Courses on Fundamental Competences
"AI Tools for the Academic Workflow"
February 13 & 14, 2025
This workshop provides a practical introduction to using artificial intelligence (AI) tools in academic research, particularly tailored for material science researchers of the MAPEX community. As AI tools, including large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, are increasingly becoming integral to academic and research workflows, this workshop aims to explore their potential and risks. Participants will explore a variety of tools for research, data analysis, literature research, and writing support. The workshop will include hands-on sessions and tutorials to help participants apply AI tools to their own academic challenges in an informed and cautious manner.
Science Communication Workshop
"Sketchnoting in Science"
Science Communication Workshop
"Sketchnoting in Science"
February 20 & 21, 2025
In cooperation with Janine Lancker and the MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, we are providing a workshop on how to create and make use of sketchnotes for academic purposes.
In this workshop you will
- learn to draw symbols in an easy way
- discover different forms of typography
- learn how to include colours
- develop ideas for drawings and start a collection of images
- practice to combine your ears, eyes and hand
- experience situations, in which you can use sketchnotes
Science Communication Workshop
"Poster Design and Graphical Abstracts"
Science Communication Workshop
"Poster Design and Graphical Abstracts"
April 1-3, 2025
In cooperation with Dr. Liesbeth Smit and Stephan Duin and the MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, we are providing a workshop on how to communicate your research by using infographics, posters and graphical abstracts. Create beautiful and effective infographics, posters and graphical abstracts.
You will learn the best practices in science communication and design to make sure your work gets noticed and understood. This course is the starting point to kick off your science communication skills. Learn to think about the goal and audience of your communication, the essentials of good design, how to avoid common design mistakes, and create your own designs that will help you get your message across.
Higher Education Didactics Workshops
"Effective Teaching in Higher Education"
Higher Education Didactics Workshop
"Effective Teaching in Higher Education"
June 19, 2025
The aim of this workshop is to improve teaching skills in the course and in the lab and to develop a teaching portfolio. Participants will explore their own pedagogical signature, learn about different methods, topics and teachers. They will be also introduced to the history and science of learning and will discuss about various learning processes. How to structure a curricula, workload and grading systems to maximize deep learning will be another focus of this workshop.
Science Communication Workshop
"Filming your Science with your Smartphone"
Science Communication Workshop
"Science on Screen: Creating Videos with Your Smartphone"
October 6, 2025
One of the best ways to explain science is through the use of video. All you need is a good idea and the smartphone in your pocket!
This workshop will introduce researchers to the basics of scientific video storytelling and take them through the technical steps to produce short videos. Gain practical tips on shooting high-quality footage, enhancing visuals with simple techniques, and crafting compelling narratives to make your work stand out. Perfect for researchers and scientists aiming to amplify their impact through digital media!
Past Workshops
Science Communication Workshop
"Blog Posts and Press Releases"
Science Communication Workshop
"Blog Posts and Press Releases"
Science Communication Workshop
"Blog Posts and Press Releases"
Science Communication Workshop
"Blog Posts and Press Releases"
Science Communication Workshop
"Blog Posts and Press Releases"
Researcher have exciting topics and a lot to say. How can they communicate this outside their scientific community? PhD students from MAPEX and MARUM met on January 29, 2025, to take a closer look at this question. Communicating scientific methods and results outside of a scientific community, boosts reputation as a scientist and helps to increase trust in research. But how to balance science communication between labs, talks and papers? Blog posts and press releases are a good solution here. While social media posts quickly disappear in the daily traffic, blog posts and press releases remain online for a long time and are easy to find. In this workshop the participants learned about blog posts and press releases as a form of digital science communication. They received input, started writing and got feedback. Completed blog posts will be published on the science blog of the University of Bremen.
Early Career Researcher Networking
"MAPEX PhD Welcoming Event"
Early Career Researcher Networking
"MAPEX PhD Welcoming Event"
Early Career Researcher Networking
"MAPEX PhD Welcoming Event"
Early Career Researcher Networking
"MAPEX PhD Welcoming Event"
Early Career Researcher Networking
"MAPEX PhD Welcoming Event"
Early Career Researcher Networking
"MAPEX PhD Welcoming Event"
Early Career Researcher Networking
"MAPEX PhD Welcoming Event"
Early Career Researcher Networking
"MAPEX PhD Welcoming Event"
On January 21, 2025 we were pleased to invite new PhD candidates to the 1st MAPEX PhD Welcoming Event. The Early Career Researchers stemming from a wide range of disciplines, faculties and institutions, all engaged in materials science research topics, were given an insight into what MAPEX is all about and what it can offer in terms of a successful fulfilment of their doctoral studies and, beyond that, a successful career after graduation. The MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme and its specific and structured offerings, focusing on the enhanced development of professional skills and competencies, were introduced, as well as the services provided by the MAPEX Core Facility.
We welcome all new doctoral candidates within MAPEX on their individual path to becoming a promising researcher in their field and research topics and wish them every possible success.
Higher Education Didactics Workshops
"Effective Teaching in Higher Education"
Higher Education Didactics Workshop
"Effective Teaching in Higher Education"
This workshop was provided on October 22, 2024 aiming towards improving own teaching skills in the classroom and lab. Participants learned the basic concepts of creating a teaching portfolio, were informed about the different learning processes of students from different cultures and backgrounds and have been introduced to the history and science of learning. This workshop was a valuable one in terms of acquiring important skills and competences in higher education teaching at an early stage of your academic career.
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
18th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
Entitled "Science meets Industry", the MAPEX workshop on October 1, 2024 highlighted a broad spectrum of pathways after a successful academic track. Early Career Researchers from MAPEX found out about career options after their doctorate. Three alumni of the University of Bremen and two professors from Bremen shared their personal experiences.
In the first part of the workshop, three alumni of the University of Bremen presented their path from academia to the private sector. Dr. Eike Volkmann emphasised the importance of managing interdisciplinary teams. The Head of Materials, Processes and Cleanliness at OHB System AG pointed out that he started to learn about the relevance of teamwork as a doctoral student at the University of Bremen. Andre Abrath from BREWA wte GmbH demonstrated his extensive experience in the management of industrial projects. He gave insights into the day-to-day responsibility for the maintenance and operation of an industrial energy supply plant. Finally, Dr. Daniel Otero Baguer described his transition from a successful academic to a founder and CEO of a company. His start-up aisencia GmbH focuses on the vision to become the global leader in AI-powered dermatopathology.
"In the end, everything makes sense and is fun"
In the second part of the workshop, two MAPEX Principal Investigators presented their paths to a professorship. Prof. Dr. Sven Kerzenmacher from the University of Bremen and Prof. Dr. Dorothea Brüggemann from Bremen University of Applied Sciences outlined the opportunities and difficulties that may arise along the way. As passionate researchers, they are happy to work in detail on research topics that interest them. At the end, both took part in an exciting and lively discussion with the participants. The Early Career Researchers took the opportunity to learn more about the career option of a professorship.
Science Communication Workshop
"Filming your Science with your Smartphone"
Science Communication Workshop
"Filming your Science with your Smartphone"
One of the best ways to explain science is through the use of video. All you need is a good idea and the smartphone in your pocket! The workshop on June 13, 2024, introduced researchers to the basics of scientific video storytelling and took them through the technical steps to produce short videos. They learned how videos for science can be shot with apps and how they can be published online. During the workshop they developed their own storyboard and put together a short film. With freelance journalist, trainer and blogger Matthias Süßen, the participants learned how to make the most of their smartphone for content production with this practical bootcamp.
MAPEX-CF Workshop 2024
"Electron Microscopy"
MAPEX-CF Workshop 2024
"Electron Microscopy"
The workshop took place from september 25 to september 27, 2024, on campus. The workshop brought together scientists from different institutions who use electron microscopy. Together, they expanded their network and discussed the latest scientific advances. For early career researchers, the workshop offered the opportunity to present themselves and their work, e.g. in the poster session. Key topics included: Transmission electron microscopy and methods based on it for the analysis of nanostructures, low energy electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy methods.
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
17th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
On May 24, MAPEX organized the annual Early Career Researcher Workshop with a focus on 'Building bridges across faculties and institutes'. The MAPEX ECR Workshops give participants the opportunity to interact with colleagues from different areas of the STEM subjects.
The 17th ECR workshop gave the participating Early Career Reasearchers the opportunity to meet two experts in their respective fields. Dr. Cem Örnek from Leibniz-IWT, Institute for Materials-Oriented Technologies, started with an inspiring talk. He focussed on new approaches and techniques to overcome the degradation challenges of high performance steels in an industrial environment. Dr. Camilla Tossi from ZARM, Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity, continued. She introduced the participants to the possibilities and opportunities of synthesizing nanomaterials under the specific conditions of microgravity. Additionally, she underlined how important it is to think and act outside the box in order to conduct successful innovative research. Finally the participants got to know each other during a scientific speed dating session. The speed dating offered the opportunity to learn from each other's research and to exchange beyond scientific disciplines and positions.
Science Communication Workshop
"Science Slam"
Science Communication Workshop
"Science Slam"
On April 8 and 9, 2024, some MAPEX doctoral students at the University of Bremen transformed themselves into science slammers. Lesson learned: Science with humor can work. Scientific results can be explained to a wide audience in an entertaining and correct way using props, visualizations and performative elements.
The participants of the science slam workshop were able to try out how to present their research projects to a non-specialist audience on the spot: Doctoral students from the STEM fields took part in the workshop together with doctoral students from the humanities. The workshop was jointly organized by the MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes and the Research Training Group Worlds of Contradiction. The biologist and science slam organiser Dr. Julia Offe worked with the participants on a wide variety of topics.
On May 7, 2024, some of the new slammers from the University of Bremen performed live on stage at the Science Slam in the Bremer Schlachthof.
MAPEX Workshop
"Design Thinking Basics"
MAPEX Workshop
"Design Thinking Basics"
MAPEX Workshop
"Design Thinking Basics"
MAPEX Workshop
"Design Thinking Basics"
MAPEX Workshop
"Design Thinking Basics"
The workshop on April 2, 2024, covered various creativity techniques and guided the participants through a full design thinking cycle.They worked hands-on in small teams under time pressure on a fictitious problem. Design thinking is a practical and creative problem solving and innovation approach. It involves a human-centric, non-linear, iterative process that is especially useful to tackle complex or ill-defined problems. The addressed participants who had little to no experience with design thinking.
16th Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
16th Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
16th Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
16th Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
16th Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
16th Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
16th Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
16th Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
16th Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
16th Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
16th Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
16th Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
16th Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
16th Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
16th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
The MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes hosted the "Science meets Industry" workshop on December 7, 2023. The workshop took place in the LION building on the campus of the University of Bremen and was open to MAPEX doctoral and postdoctoral researchers.
Do I want to work in industry after my doctorate?
The workshop offered the opportunity to get in touch with alumni of the University of Bremen who transferred from research to industry after their doctorate. In presentations and moderated discussions, participants were able to get to know the individual career paths of the invited guests. Between the sessions, there was an opportunity to exchange ideas with the guests and other early career researchers.
Dr. Deepanjalee Dutta made the start. The biomaterials scientist presented her research and gave visitors an insight into her career. At the University of Bremen, she recently conducted research into an antibacterial alloy for potential bone implants and ceramic-based wound dressings. She will be moving into industry in the new year.
Dr. Diana Ebersberger then presented the services offered by the Bremen Early Career Reearcher Development (BYRD) at the University of Bremen. The invited alumni Dr.-Ing Heike Sonnenberg from ArianeGroup GmbH and Dr. Felipe Macul Perez from Bayer AG complimented the BYRD's offer and agreed that it had given them excellent impulses on their way from academia to industry.
"If you want it, then try it"
This was followed by a discussion with Sonnenberg and Perez. Dr. Hanna Lührs, Science Manager at MAPEX, moderated the discussion and asked the two MAPEX alumni questions about their experiences. "If you want it, then try it," Sonnenberg summarized her answer to the question of whether it makes sense for researchers to enter the private sector.
After a presentation of the MAPEX qualification program, Dr. Enis Bicer, program coordinator at MAPEX, moderated another discussion with Dr. Laura Luhede and Dr. Marzellus große Holthaus. After completing her PhD with a focus on materials science, Luhede started as a product and marketing manager at Hitachi Zosen INOVA, whose core business is the recovery of valuable resources from waste. Since completing his doctorate, Holthaus has been working for the Bremen-based family business BEGO Implant Systems, where he has been Technical Managing Director for four years. Both presented their careers and answered questions from the workshop participants.
Finally, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Fechte-Heinen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Leibniz Institute for Materials-Oriented Technologies (IWT) in Bremen, presented his professional path. It led him from research to working at thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG and back into research at the IWT.
15th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
15th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
15th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
15th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
15th ECR Workshop
Building bridges across faculties and institutes
15th ECR Workshop
Building bridges across faculties and institutes
15th ECR Workshop
Building bridges across faculties and institutes
15th ECR Workshop
Building bridges across faculties and institutes
15th ECR Workshop
Building bridges across faculties and institutes
15th ECR Workshop
Building bridges across faculties and institutes
15th ECR Workshop
Building bridges across faculties and institutes
15th ECR Workshop
Building bridges across faculties and institutes
15th ECR Workshop
Building bridges across faculties and institutes
15th ECR Workshop
Building bridges across faculties and institutes
15th ECR Workshop
Building bridges across faculties and institutes
15th ECR Workshop
Building bridges across faculties and institutes
15th ECR Workshop
Building bridges across faculties and institutes
15th ECR Workshop
Building bridges across faculties and institutes
15th ECR Workshop
Building bridges across faculties and institutes
15th ECR Workshop
Building bridges across faculties and institutes
15th ECR Workshop
Building bridges across faculties and institutes
15th ECR Workshop
Building bridges across faculties and institutes
15th ECR Workshop
"Building bridges across faculties and institutes"
MAPEX and the MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme organised the 15th ECR Workshop on June 8 2023, under the motto 'Building bridges across faculties and institutes'. The focus was to provide Early Career Researchers an opportunity to come into contact with ECR peers from across the STEM fields.
Three interesting ECI talks by Dr. Paul Benjamin Klar, Dr.-Ing. Ingmar Bösing and Dr.-Ing. Anastasiya Tönjes showed the importance and variety of different approaches to materials research. This has only been exceeded and surpassed by two inspiring MAPEX PI talks by Prof. Dr. Gordon Callsen and Prof. Dr. Andreas Rademacher, demonstrating deep insights into their scientific work and their career trajectory to a proffessorship at the University of Bremen.
ECRs submitted their academic projects by presenting scientific posters and discussing their work with collegues ECR peer from different disciplines at the workshop.
In addition we had the opportunity to learn more about the various possibilities of open access publishing, provided and promoted by the State- and University Library Bremen (SuUB) as also about the different and comprehensive services offered by the Data Science Center.
The future of materials science and engineering
How to participate and get the most out of the Digital Transformation
The future of materials science and engineering
How to participate and get the most out of the Digital Transformation
The future of materials science and engineering
How to participate and get the most out of the Digital Transformation
The future of materials science and engineering
How to participate and get the most out of the Digital Transformation
The future of materials science and engineering
How to participate and get the most out of the Digital Transformation
The future of materials science and engineering
How to participate and get the most out of the Digital Transformation
The future of Materials Science and Engineering
"How to participate and get the most out of the Digital Transformation"
MAPEX invited Chris Eberl for a talk: On February 21st , the Deputy Director of Fraunhofer IWM, lectured about “The future of Materials Science and Engineering: How to participate and get the most out of the Digital Transformation”.
In the first part of this talk, Eberl introduced the goals and realistic possibilities of ongoing initiatives. He also addressed the role of the National Research Data Infrastructure NFDI, and specifically the NFDI-MatWerk, as well as the BMBF MaterialDigital initiative.
In the second part, an introduction to practical examples from within the Fraunhofer IWM was used to show various aspects of digitalization and their use and how it might be implemented.
Chris Eberl is Deputy Director Fraunhofer IWM and Full Professor at Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials, University of Freiburg, IMTEK, Faculty of Engineering. Since 2021 he is Spokesperson at NFDI-MatWerk, since 2019 Board Member at the Innovation Platform MaterialDigital (BMBF) and also Board Member at the “Excellence Cluster livMatS”, Uni Freiburg. Chris Eberl is a member of the Fraunhofer Vintage Class.
14th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
14th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
14th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
"Science meets Industry"
Science meets Industry
14th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
14th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
14th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
14th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
14th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
14th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
14th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
14th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
14th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
14th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
14th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
MAPEX and the MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Program organized the 14th ECR Workshop, which was held in February 2023 under the motto 'Science meets Industry'. The focus of the workshop was to provide Early Career Researchers an opportunity to come into contact with graduates who are now successful in their careers in industry and business. A particular highlight of the workshop was the focus on the aspect of spin-offs from the academic research.
In two interesting and impressive career talks two experienced scientists gave a very personal view on their professional development. Dr. Mar Fernández-Méndez introduced her innovative project and idea of aquafarming the open ocean with the aim to reduce pressures on coastal natural ecosystems and their biodiversity and also contributing to reduce Carbon Dioxide at scale. As co-founder of "Seafields", she shared her personal challenges and necessities of being an academic researcher and a company founder at the same time.
Prof. Dr. Jan-Henning Dirks from Hochschule Bremen - City University of Applied Sciences gave an insightful talk about his personal career trajectory, highlighting his professional and personal experience in the private sector as well as in academic research. He explained why it was exactly the right decision for him to return to academia after a short time in industry, which eventually led to a professorship. He presented his scientific interesting work on the biomechanical properties of the cuticle exoskeleton.
Two panel sessions gave an opportunity for direct discussion and exchange with the invited panellists. In the panel discussion “moving from academia to industry”, Dr. Valentin Baric (ArcelorMittal Bremen) and Dr.-Ing. Mirko Christ (OHB System AG) gave insights into their individual career paths. They have successfully started a career in industry after being a scientist in the MAPEX community. The focus of the discussion was on important skills and competences necessary in their current professional work as well as on the differences in the daily work routine between the academic and the private sector.
“Starting a company from academia” was the second panel in which Dr. Marin Holi (TOPAS Industrial Mathematics) and Dr. Andreas Grund (GCP-Service International Ltd. & Co. KG) shared their unique perspectives and expertise on starting a business from academia. What does it take to turn ideas into a successful business model? How to deal with possible setbacks along the way? These were only some of the questions the participants discussed with our guests. In this context, Jeroen Langejan introduced BRIDGE's broad range of services as a central contact point for start-up support for members of Bremen's universities.
Finally, the workshop featured two presentations on scientific and applied work by Early Career Investigators at MAPEX. Dr. Tim Radel from BIAS gave an overview of different laser procedures for surface modification, including laser polishing and laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS). Dr. Manuel Alonso-Orts from the Institute of Solid State Physics presented his scientific work on Gallium Oxide. His goal is to overcome technical challenges related to the UWBG system by developing and applying novel fabrication methods and designs for visible and near-UV optical cavities based on epitaxial Ga 2 O 3 .
MAPEX CF-Workshop 2022
"Functional Oxides: Synthesis, Analysis, and Characterization"
MAPEX CF-Workshop 2022
"Functional Oxides: Synthesis, Analysis, and Characterization"
MAPEX CF-Workshop 2022
"Functional Oxides: Synthesis, Analysis, and Characterization"
MAPEX-CF Workshop 2022
"Functional Oxides: Synthesis, Analysis, and Characterization"
Promoted by the MAPEX-CF investigation areas Spectroscopy and X-ray Diffraction, this workshop connected researchers working with 'Functional Oxides' and provided different perspectives ranging from synthesis and characterization to the applications of such materials.Around 30 participants from diverse research areas ranging from Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering joined the event on June 9 and 10, 2022 at the campus of the University of Bremen and also online.
During the two days of the event, a multidisciplinary audience was able to follow invited talks from experts from Germany and abroad showcasing cutting-edge research done with oxides. Hot topics such as synthesis of nanoparticle oxides, thin-film and single-crystal growth, structure-property relationships, and advanced characterization techniques were covered and valuable discussions took place.
The event was closed with guided laboratory tours, where the participants could see firsthand the instrumentation available at MAPEX-CF within the investigation areas Spectroscopy, X-ray Diffraction, and Electron Microscopy.
MAPEX Methods Workshop
"Fluid Dynamics"
The fourth MAPEX Method workshop was focused on Fluid Dynamics and addressed both experimental and numerical techniques. After being delayed twice, it finally took place on May 12th 2022. The event was fully booked and the audience was filled with around 40 (PhD) students, post docs and MAPEX members that participated in lively discussions. Prof. Marc Avila, director of the ZARM and co-speaker of MAPEX, started the morning with a comprehensive lecture on computational fluid dynamics, followed by three talks that focused molecular and particle diffusion, reactive flows, and multiphase flows. The afternoon sessions focused on experimental methods and started with a lecture by Prof. Andreas Fischer, director of the BIMAQ, giving an overview of experimental techniques to investigate fluid flows. This was followed by three talks that discussed rheology, flow visualization, and microfluidics. The event was accompanied by eight posters from PhD and master students. The day was brought to an end with beers and pretzels and stimulating discussions.
13th MAPEX ECR Workshop
"Building Bridges"
Building bridges across faculties and institutes – that is one of our main goals at MAPEX. With the Workshop we encourage early-career researchers to boost their careers through interdisciplinary exchange. Our fully booked 13th Early Career Researcher Workshop hosted Christiane Heinicke, Tanja Hörner, Patric Seefeldt, Ella M. Schmidt, Björn Lüssem and Lisa T. Belkacemi. Participants had a lively program with project presentations, poster sessions and mini golf.
MAPEX-CF Workshop & User Meeting 2021
"3D Materials Analytics"
MAPEX-CF Workshop & User Meeting 2021
"3D Materials Analytics"
Developed within the investigation area 3D Materials Analytics of the MAPEX-CF , this meeting aimed to connect researchers active or interested in the fields of x-ray microscopy and x-ray computed tomography. From engineering to biology , geology , and materials science , the one-day workshop and user meeting hosted around 30 participants from various research areas in a fully virtual environment .
Early career researchers were given the opportunity to present their work and also follow an outstanding introductory lecture about 3D X-ray microscopy and X-ray microtomography given by Dr. Wolf-Achim Kahl, displaying the know-how that MAPEX and MAPEX-CF can offer to the science community . The event was complemented by round-table discussions , which instigated the knowledge exchange between the participants further strengthening the commitment of the MAPEX and MAPEX-CF to connect researchers and bridge the gaps between scientific fields .
12th MAPEX ECR Workshop
"Building Bridges"
12th MAPEX ECR Workshop
"Building Bridges"
12th MAPEX ECR Workshop
"Building Bridges"
12th MAPEX ECR Workshop
"Building Bridges"
The Workshop aimed at “building bridges” across faculties and institutes. It took place on July 22.
We used an interactive workshop environment on the platform gather.town where everyone used her:his personal avatar to:
- listen to the invited talks and poster pitches in the keynote room ;
- visit the poster exhibition for in-depth discussions with the authors ;
- join the speed dating event to get to know other local researchers ;
- meet colleagues in private spaces for small group discussions, eg at the bar or at the beach.
11th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
11th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
11th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
11th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
11th ECR Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
First edition of a MAPEX ECR workshop in a fully virtual format. Be there on November 25, 2020!
The 11th MAPEX ECR Workshop – Science Meets Industry will be the first edition of a MAPEX ECR workshop in a fully virtual format. Held via Zoom, the event will consist of moderated discussions with four panellists who have embarked on different career paths outside the university. In between the panel sessions, breakout sessions will enable the participants to get in touch with the speakers and to deepen and reflect the previous discussion with each other in an informal setting.
Register for the workshop if you would like to…
- …get to know four professionals with different backgrounds and career trajectories;
- …talk about skills and competencies that are valuable for a career in companies or scientific organizations;
- …discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with a move from university to industry;
- …build your network within and beyond MAPEX.
For the breaks we will provide you with plenty of discussion material and snacks. The surprise bags can be collected from the TAB building before the event (detailed information will be provided to registered participants).
9th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
9th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
9th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
9th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
9th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
9th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
The 9th MAPEX Early Career Researcher workshop was dedicated to early career researchers (PhD and MSc candidates, postdocs) from the University of Bremen and surrounding institutions looking for career opportunities beyond academia. Participants had the opportunity meeting alumni of the University of Bremen now working in industry. They got in touch with scientists and industry partners working on cooperation projects. The workshop provided know how to protect inventions and apply for a patent as well as know how to become a patent attorney as a scientist. Participants met with other early career researchers from the field of materials science and got to know Tim Stauch, newly appointed Professor for Theoretical Chemistry. The early career researchers had the chance getting in touch with peers, building up their own network of experts and learning from others. The workshop supported thinking out of the box, developing ideas for cooperative research projects and becoming aware of the huge potential for mutual support that can be accessed on the short way.
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
With multidisciplinary contributions from early career researchers , the 8th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop aimed at flattening the existing borders between faculties and institutes even further . Taking place in Bremen, the one-day workshop hosted more than 40 guests from almost all parts of the MAPEX research landscape that encompasses the investigation of materials with numerous theoretical and applied methods as well as process- and production-oriented technologies.Taking place in Bremen, the one-day workshop hosted more than 40 guests from almost all parts of the MAPEX research landscape that encompasses the investigation of materials with numerous theoretical and applied methods as well as process- and production-oriented technologies .
Early career researchers were given the opportunity to present their work to the audience in condensed flashlight-talks before explaining it in further detail during several extensive poster sessions. The program was complemented by a supportive session about different funding possibilities for scientific projects and an introduction to the do's and don'ts of open-access publishing provided by the State Library. Many prolific discussions arose in the coffee breaks and it is to expect that new scientific collaborations have resulted from this workshop.
Finally , an impressive plenary lecture on advances in gear manufacturing held by Prof. Bernhard Karpuschewski concluded the workshop leaving no doubt about the high importance of materials science for today`s and tomorrows world.
7th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets industry cooperation Projects and career path in(to) the industry"
7th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets industry cooperation Projects and career path in(to) the industry"
7th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets industry cooperation Projects and career path in(to) the industry"
7th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets industry cooperation Projects and career path in(to) the industry"
7th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets industry cooperation Projects and career path in(to) the industry"
7th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets industry cooperation Projects and career path in(to) the industry"
7th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
"Science meets industry cooperation Projects and career path in(to) the industry"
MAPEX was the host of previous graduates from the University of Bremen for the 7th MAPEX Early Career Research workshop. These graduates are now members of industry and presented details of their current employment focusing on roles in their employment, current research, current projects, and new and emerging technologies driven by science and technology. These presentations revealed that graduates of MAPEX members are working worldwide and have become leading experts in areas such as metallurgy, corrosion, numerical analysis and simulations, metal printing, advanced cosmetics, extreme high precision machining and tooling.Apart from learning about these areas of their employment, the audience was entertained by fascinating stories involving personal career progression and how to achieve this success. Many stories discussed how the community here at the University of Bremen was their introduction to their current and previous positions. The more than 50 participants actively listened and asked many questions regarding research, employment, and life after leaving university. Please refer to the link below for the detailed programme as this details the list of presenters as their current affiliations.During the break time, detailed discussions with the presenters took place. Participants took great advantage of the time to ask further insight into professional and personal life beyond university life. Exchanges of business cards and ideas could be heard in all parts of the break room.In addition to the focus of this workshop, Charlotte Simmat and Wiltrud Hoffmann from the Bremen Business StartUp and Job Entry, presented the support services of the universities transfer unit such as BRIDGE and the job-oriented Mentoring-Programme “Fokus Berufseinstieg”. These paths detailed the possibilities of bringing current scientific research to industry via patenting and start-up possibilities (BRIDGE). Further enquiries can be made at the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Unit, University of Bremen.
MAPEX Methods Workshop
"Computational Materials Science"
MAPEX Methods Workshop
"Computational Materials Science"
MAPEX Methods Workshop
"Computational Materials Science"
MAPEX Methods Workshop
"Computational Materials Science"
MAPEX Methods Workshop
"Computational Materials Science"
MAPEX Methods Workshop II
"Computational Materials Science"
The “simulation toolbox at the University of Bremen” was in the focus of the second MAPEX methods Workshop taking place on 17 May 2018. More than 40 experimental and computational scientists, master students as well as professors, met in the TAB building in order to get an overview about “Computational Materials Science in Bremen across multiple time and length scales”, as introduced by MAPEX speaker Lucio Colombi Ciacchi. The following eight speakers provided a comprehensive overview about their different fields of expertise, ranging from the simulation of electrons in 2D materials, electrons and atoms at interfaces over the structural prediction of biomolecules to the simulation of fluid processes and the calculation of crystal plasticity. Lively discussions during the lunch and coffee breaks demonstrated the huge potential for new ideas and collaborations.
Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science
6th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Building bridges across the boarders defined by the faculties and institutes."
6th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Building bridges across the boarders defined by the faculties and institutes."
6th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Building bridges across the boarders defined by the faculties and institutes."
6th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Building bridges across the boarders defined by the faculties and institutes."
6th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Building bridges across the boarders defined by the faculties and institutes."
6th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
"Building bridges across the boarders defined by the faculties and institutes."
More than 40 young scientists from four faculties of the university met during the sixth edition of the MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop on 25 April 2018. The flashlight and keynote presentations provided a good basis for a lively interdisciplinary exchange between postdocs, PhD candidates, and master students during the poster sessions. Colleagues from the research services unit and the Bremen Early Career Researcher Development (BYRD) answered numerous questions regarding funding schemes for postdocs as well as the support of early-career researchers at the University of Bremen. With his plenary lecture on “Semiconductor nanostructures - smart probes for biological systems” Martin Eickhoff closed the official programme of the workshop. After a day full of scientific insights, some participants enjoyed a visit of the "Hafenrummel", testing their luck and skill on a course of fairground attractions of the 1950ies.