Marine Ökologie


Prof. Dr. Christian Wild

Email: christian.wild(at)
Telefon: +49 421 218 63367
Raum: UFT 2160

UFT, Leobener Str. 6
D-28359 Bremen



Inae Kim-Frommherz

Email: inaekf(at)
Telefon: +49 421 218 62945
Raum: BIOM 1760


PhD defense by Bianca Thobor

June 5, 2024 Bianca successfully held her PhD defense. Congratulations!

Bremen Zwei - Live-Tel. Christian Wild 18.04.2024

Schlimmste Korallenbleiche der Geschichte?

15th ICRS 2022 Video

It has been over a year since the 15th International Coral Reef Conference in Bremen. We have created a 5-minute recap video summarising the key messages from the plenaries of the conference.