Study groups

The PhD topics are devised such that up to eight PhD students (including externally funded PhD students) constitute a study group. Each study group is headed by one of the PIs or by the RTG postdoc. The study groups serve several purposes of supervision, training and social interaction. In an ideal case, the study groups evolve into becoming scientific siblings in the sense that they understand and follow the scientific progress of the different PhD topics. Additionally, these study groups are an instrument for internal discussions and exchange of experiences among the PhD students. They are also the core units for organizing workshops, suggestions on the guest programme, and proposing conference visits.

One of the major task of the study groups is the organization of the winter retreats, which is the central element of communication amongst the PhD students. The winter retreats are three day meetings at remote places without the PIs.

Also, the organization of the summer/autumn schools is done by the study groups. The students did an amazing job in attracting some world leading scientists. These schools were the highlight of the academic years beyond the RTG and attracted external participants from Bremen, Germany and beyond.