
Lehrveranstaltungen WiSe 2024/2025

Studium Generale / interdisziplinäre Angebote aus den Fachbereichen / Sachkompetenzen

Veranstaltungen anzeigen: alle | in englischer Sprache | für ältere Erwachsene | mit Nachhaltigkeitszielen

Offene Angebote aus den Fachbereichen

Biologie / Chemie

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
02-02-GS17Intercultural Exchange - A glance into Cape Town's coloured community (in englischer Sprache)


Online via Zoom
montags 18-20 Uhr , bei Bedarf auch später

Weitere Informationen in Stud.IP.

Wenn Sie Interesse an Mobilität und internationalem Austausch haben und wissen wollen, wie die Welt außerhalb Deutschlands aussieht, dann können Sie das virtuell - also quasi klimaneutral, aber hautnah - am Beispiel Südafrika erleben.
Die Veranstaltung findet also als virtueller internationaler Austausch statt und richtet sich unabhängig von einem Auslandsaufenthalt an alle Studierenden, die Interesse an interkultureller Erfahrung haben.
Wir gehen ins Gespräch mit einer Person aus Kapstadt, Südafrika, aus der Coloured Community.
Wir beleuchten Themen wie die südafrikanischen „cultures“ (ethnische Gruppen in Südafrika), Rassismus, Apartheit, die Corona- Situation, Leben und Überleben, Frauen, Bildung und Chancen in Südafrika und südafrikanische Politik.
Es geht aber nicht in erster Linie um Informationsvermittlung, sondern um einen Austausch, bei dem sich die Teilnehmenden aus der Komfortzone heraus bewegen und einen Perspektivwechsel und bestehende Schubladen in Frage stellen können. Dabei sind genaues und wertschätzendes Zuhören und Fragestellen die wesentlichen Instrumente.
Die Veranstaltungssprache ist englisch, daher werden Sie auch die Gelegenheit haben, Ihre Kenntnisse in der flüssigen Umgangssprache (kein Slang!) zu verbessern.
Unsere Gesprächspartnerin lebt nicht privilegiert, hat Apartheid, Machtwechsel und den Aufbruch hautnah und engagiert miterlebt. Sie erzählt und kommentiert, was im heutigen Südafrika von den Hoffnungen geblieben ist und bringt uns Lebensumstände ganz nah, zu denen wir ansonsten nie Zugang haben würden.
Respekt, Geduld und die Bereitschaft, sich in gewisser Hinsicht „verstören“ zu lassen sind Voraussetzungen für diesen Austausch.
Unseren Austausch reflektieren wir gemeinsam meist am Ende eines Treffens.
Teilnahme begrenzt und bei Zusage verbindlich.
Fragen an Dr. Ute Meyer,

Dr. Ute Meyer
Studienbüro Fachbereich Bio Chemie

Mathematik / Informatik

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
03-M-GS-5Statistical Consulting (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Mo 10:00 - 12:00 Seminar
Dr. Martin Scharpenberg
03-M-GS-14Starting Data Science in R (in englischer Sprache)
a course on R programming and data science methods with practicals and projects


wöchentlich Mi 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 2490 (Seminarraum) Lecture plus Exercise

The course provides an introductory level of programming skills in R.
Students are welcome to present own ideas, data and projects. I expect a project report or a method talk with demo on own data. Practicals in "R" will work also on synthetic data to illustrate methods features, limitations and differences.

Prof. Dr. Stephan Frickenhaus


VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
04-GS-ING-001Introduction to Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer (in englischer Sprache)



Selected fundamentals of physics
First Law and basic concepts of thermodynamics
Volumetric properties of pure fluids
Heat effects
Second Law
Thermodynamic properties
Cycles (heat engines and heat pumps)
Mechanisms of heat transfer
Steady-state conduction of heat
Use of Python for tackling thermodynamics and heat transfer problems

Learning outcomes:

Understanding the basic concepts of engineering thermodynamics
Defining system boundaries and developing mass and energy balances
Understanding the basic concepts of heat transfer
Methods for thermodynamic assessment of simple processes
Assessment of the efficieny of energy conversion processes
Development of Python code for simple thermodynamic problems
Development of Python code for data visualization
Application of theoretical concepts to practical problems
Development and Delivery of short presentations

Prof. Dr. Johannes Kiefer


VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
09-M52-01-19-03-09Philosophy of Cosmology, Space and Space Travel [English] (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Mi 14:00 - 16:00 SFG 2010 (2 SWS)

In this seminar, we will study foundational, historical, and philosophical questions of cosmology, of space and time, and of space travel. The syllabus comprises topics and concepts such as key elements of the cosmological standard model, of cosmology as a science and how contemporary research benefits from an awareness of its historical development, and of further epistemological and methodological questions regarding, for instance, the heavy reliance on strong idealisations and extrapolations.

Formally, no prerequisite knowledge in either cosmology or philosophy is needed, but a willingness to engage in both is essential.

Learning outcome/learning goals:
• Basic knowledge of cosmology and of the physics of space and time
• Knowledge of basic relevant notions from the philosophy of the natural sciences
• Basic insights into the aims of scientific inquiry and the generation of scientific knowledge

Prof. Dr. Claus Lämmerzahl
Prof. Dr. Dr. Norman Sieroka

Human- und Gesundheitswissenschaften

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
11-PH-MA-8-G-2GS: Short course "Mental Health Epidemiology" (Online-Seminar, englischsprachig) (in englischer Sprache)


Mi 20.11.24 13:30 - 19:30 Online
Mi 27.11.24 13:00 - 19:00 Online
Mi 04.12.24 14:00 - 18:30 Online
Mi 11.12.24 14:00 - 18:30 Online

Dates: 20 November (13.30-19.30), 27 November (13.00-19.00), 4 December (14.00-18.30) and 11 December 2024 (14.00-18.30)
The short course “Mental Health Epidemiology” is a joint programme with epidemiology students at the University of Antwerp, the University of Maastricht and the University of Bremen. It will be taught jointly by faculty staff of the University of Antwerp and the University of Bremen.
Target group: Students who are interested in mental health epidemiology (Bachelor and/or Master students).
Course objective: The course introduces non-communicable disease epidemiology, focusing specifically on mental health. The course starts with a short introduction to the epidemiology of non-communicable diseases and will then focus specifically on the epidemiology of major mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorders and alcohol use. Mental health assessment and measurement will be introduced. Possible avenues regarding the prevention and treatment of mental disorders will be highlighted. The language of teaching is English. The course has an international focus and will highlight the epidemiology of mental disorders in an international perspective. The course will be held online due to the collaboration with the University of Antwerp and Maastricht.
Content: Introduction to mental health epidemiology, mental health assessment and measurement approaches, mental health care organization, treatment and prevention of mental disorders
Teaching: Due to collaboration with the University of Antwerp and University of Maastricht this course is held online. Please note that the days and time of teaching are indicative since some material is pre-recorded and can be watched in your own time. You will also be put into different groups and have to attend the timeslots that are indicated for your group only.
Assignment: Students will be mixed in groups and each group (consisting of up 5 students) will be asked to give a presentation on a topic related to mental health epidemiology. A choice of different topics will be provided but students are also free to choose their own topic. Each group will be assigned a tutor who will meet with each student group to discuss their topic and presentation in advance of them presenting it to the wider group. The student presentations will be held at the last day of the course.

Course organizer for Bremen:
Prof. Daniela Fuhr

Prof. Dr. Daniela-Christina Fuhr


VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
eGS-VA-SC-22Sustainability Communication (in englischer Sprache)

Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau
Dr. Oliver Ahel
Dr. Christiane Bottke
eGS-VA-SM-10Sustainability Marketing (in englischer Sprache)


Whether it is coping with ‘Peak Oil’, meeting the challenge of climate change, helping farmers in poorer countries through fair trade, or finding ways to keep discarded products out of the landfills, sustainability issues are the biggest challenges facing businesses. The course shows how the complexities of sustainability issues can be integrated into marketing. The systematic, step-by-step approach of sustainability marketing involves: an analysis of socio-ecological priorities to complement conventional consumer and market research; an integration of ethical values into marketing strategy; the development of sustainability marketing strategies; a new consumer-oriented sustainability marketing mix of the ‘4 Cs’ (Customer Solutions, Communications, Customer Cost, Convenience) to replace the outmoded and producer-oriented ‘4 Ps’; and finally an analysis how innovation and marketing can go beyond responding to social change to contribute to a transformation to a more sustainable society. The course is ideally suited to both students and practitioners at many different levels and disciplines, including marketing, innovation, CSR, sustainability and environmental management.

In dieser videobasierten Selbstlernveranstaltung können Sie jederzeit einsteigen, in Ihrem eigenen Lerntempo die Videos durcharbeiten und den Prüfungstermin zum Abschluss der Lehrverantaltung frei wählen.

Weitere Infos finden Sie hier bei Stud.ip oder auf unserer Website

Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich gern an:

Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau
Dr. Oliver Ahel
Dr. Christiane Bottke

Fachübergreifende Ringvorlesungen

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
eGS-VA-SM-10Sustainability Marketing (in englischer Sprache)


Whether it is coping with ‘Peak Oil’, meeting the challenge of climate change, helping farmers in poorer countries through fair trade, or finding ways to keep discarded products out of the landfills, sustainability issues are the biggest challenges facing businesses. The course shows how the complexities of sustainability issues can be integrated into marketing. The systematic, step-by-step approach of sustainability marketing involves: an analysis of socio-ecological priorities to complement conventional consumer and market research; an integration of ethical values into marketing strategy; the development of sustainability marketing strategies; a new consumer-oriented sustainability marketing mix of the ‘4 Cs’ (Customer Solutions, Communications, Customer Cost, Convenience) to replace the outmoded and producer-oriented ‘4 Ps’; and finally an analysis how innovation and marketing can go beyond responding to social change to contribute to a transformation to a more sustainable society. The course is ideally suited to both students and practitioners at many different levels and disciplines, including marketing, innovation, CSR, sustainability and environmental management.

In dieser videobasierten Selbstlernveranstaltung können Sie jederzeit einsteigen, in Ihrem eigenen Lerntempo die Videos durcharbeiten und den Prüfungstermin zum Abschluss der Lehrverantaltung frei wählen.

Weitere Infos finden Sie hier bei Stud.ip oder auf unserer Website

Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich gern an:

Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau
Dr. Oliver Ahel
Dr. Christiane Bottke