
Lehrveranstaltungen SoSe 2022

Epidemiologie, M.Sc.

4. Semester (ab WiSe 2016/2017 bis SoSe 2024)

9-E Begleitseminar zur Masterarbeit

Modulverantwortliche: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte

Pflichtmodul, 3 CP
VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
11-M66-4-M9-E-1Begleitseminar zur Masterarbeit


wöchentlich Di 14:00 - 16:00 Online Online (2 SWS)
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Dagmar Bolte

Ergänzende Veranstaltungen

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
11-PH-MA-E-ZusatzQuantitative Forschungswerkstatt


Mi 24.01.18 10:00 - 11:30 GRA4 A1010/1020 (EEG-Labor)
Mi 28.02.18 10:00 - 11:30 GRA4 A1010/1020 (EEG-Labor)
Mi 28.03.18 10:00 - 11:30 GRA4 A1010/1020 (EEG-Labor)
Mi 25.04.18 10:00 - 11:30 GRA4 A1010/1020 (EEG-Labor)
Mi 23.05.18 10:00 - 11:30 GRA4 A1010/1020 (EEG-Labor)
Mi 27.06.18 10:00 - 11:30 GRA4 A1010/1020 (EEG-Labor)
Mi 25.07.18 10:00 - 11:30 GRA4 A1010/1020 (EEG-Labor)
Mi 22.08.18 10:00 - 11:30 GRA4 A1010/1020 (EEG-Labor)
Mi 26.09.18 10:00 - 11:30 GRA4 A1010/1020 (EEG-Labor)
Mi 24.10.18 10:00 - 11:30 GRA4 A1010/1020 (EEG-Labor)
Mi 28.11.18 10:00 - 11:30 GRA4 A1010/1020 (EEG-Labor)
Mi 23.01.19 10:00 - 11:30 GRA4 A1010/1020 (EEG-Labor)
Mi 27.02.19 10:00 - 11:30 GRA4 A1010/1020 (EEG-Labor)
Mi 27.03.19 10:00 - 11:30 GRA4 A1010/1020 (EEG-Labor)
Mi 24.04.19 10:00 - 11:30 GRA4 A1010/1020 (EEG-Labor)
Mi 22.05.19 10:00 - 11:30 GRA4 A1010/1020 (EEG-Labor)
Mi 26.06.19 10:00 - 11:30 GRA4 A1010/1020 (EEG-Labor)

Termin: jeden vierten Mittwoch im Monat

Dr. Stefanie Dreger

2. Semester (ab WiSe 2016/2017 bis SoSe 2023)

4-E Epidemiologische und statistische Methoden

Modulverantwortliche: PD Dr. Karin Bammann

Pflichtmodul, insgesamt 9 CP
VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
11-M66-2-M4-E-1Epidemiologische Methoden und Studiendesigns I


wöchentlich Do 12:00 - 14:00 UNICOM 3.0220 Seminarraum 4 (2 SWS)
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Dagmar Bolte
Prof. Dr. Karin Bammann
11-M66-2-M4-E-2Statistik in der Epidemiologie I


wöchentlich Do 14:00 - 16:00 UNICOM 3.0220 Seminarraum 4 (2 SWS)
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Dagmar Bolte
Prof. Dr. Karin Bammann

5-E Spezielle epidemiologische Themen I

Modulverantwortliche: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Haug

Pflichtmodul, insgesamt 9 CP
Es werden pro Semester 3 Seminare angeboten, aus denen die Studierenden 2 Seminare auswählen.
VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
11-M66-2-M5-E-1Introduction to systematic reviews and meta-analyses in health research (Online-Seminar)


Mo 13.06.22 09:00 - 15:00 Online
Mo 20.06.22 09:00 - 15:00 Online
Mo 27.06.22 09:00 - 15:00 Online
Mo 04.07.22 09:00 - 15:00 Online
Mo 11.07.22 09:00 - 15:00 Online

Online-Seminar: Der entsprechende Zoom-Link wurde Ihnen bereits von der Dozentin zugeschickt.

Seminar prerequisites
Knowledge of basic concepts in epidemiology and statistics

Short description
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses present results by combining and analyzing data from different studies based on a specific research topics. In recent years, systematic reviews and meta-analyses have been actively used in epidemiology and other health research fields. This seminar will introduce the students to the main principles, uses and methods used to perform systematic reviews, evidence synthesis and meta-analyses of various epidemiological studies in the context of evidence-based health research.
The topics range from formulating an adequate and scientifically relevant research question to understanding the steps in conducting a systematic review. The students will learn how to define inclusion and exclusion criteria, conduct literature search, extract data, conduct methodological assessment of study quality and risk of bias, perform a meta-analysis and interpret relevant summary statistics, evaluate publication bias and report results taking overall research context into account. They will also learn about the various guidelines for conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses and how to use them to improve quality of their planned reviews.

The seminar will be practice-oriented and interactive with a mixture of lectures, class exercises and discussions, as well as group and individual exercises.
Upon successfully completing this course, participants will be able to:
- Outline the role of systematic reviews and meta-analyses in the research process
- Develop and formulate answerable research questions
- Plan the required steps in conducting a systematic review
- Have knowledge about how to collect and extract data from various epidemiological studies
- Describe methods to critically assess the study quality and evaluate the risk of bias
- Use and interpret the results of systematic reviews and meta-analyses in the context of epidemiology and health research.

Recommended reading: Introduction to Meta‐Analysis-2nd Edition. 2009. Author(s):Michael Borenstein, Larry V. Hedges, Julian P. T. Higgins, Hannah R. Rothstein. DOI:10.1002/9780470743386
Further materials and suggested readings will be provided during the course.

Course requirements

In-class exercises and discussions: Students will be asked to read various articles that provide examples of various systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The students will briefly present the studies using a list of predefined questions. They should learn to address the appropriateness the research question, the methodological aspects related to the used study design, and data analysis/interpretation.

Final project: Planning a systematic review addressing a particular research question
The students can make a choice for conducting a systematic review and/or meta-analysis addressing a specific research question in epidemiology and public health. Using the guidelines of the preselected journals, they will plan and conduct a literature review in which they should clearly present the research question and identify gaps and existing inconsistencies that need to be addressed by the review. They will suggest a strategy for collecting the literature and appropriate methods and data presentation. The students should show that they can clearly describe the research question, provide justification and supporting literature; critically appraise quality of the study designs and apply risk of bias assessment, as well as demonstrate critical thinking.
Final presentation: Each student will present their final work as a 20 minute presentation + 5-10 min discussion.

Prof. Dr. Krasimira Aleksandrova
11-M66-2-M5-E-2Kontext- und raumbezogene Epidemiologie


wöchentlich Fr 10:00 - 12:00 GRA2 0180 (2 SWS)
Dr. Stefanie Dreger
Dr. Klaus Telkmann


wöchentlich Do 09:00 - 11:00 Achterstr. 30 1.550 (2 SWS)
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Haug

6A-E Projektstudium Epidemiologische Forschung I

Modulverantwortliche: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte

Pflichtmodul, insgeamt 12 CP
VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
11-M66-2-M6-E-2aForschungsprojekt: Projektbegleitung Gruppen A und B


wöchentlich Mi 14:00 - 16:00 GRA2 0080 (2 SWS)
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Dagmar Bolte
11-M66-2-M6-E-2bForschungsprojekt: Projektbegleitung Gruppen C und D


wöchentlich Mi 14:00 - 16:00 GRA2 0180 (2 SWS)
Prof. Dr. Karin Bammann
11-M66-2-M6-E-3aFortgeschrittene Datenauswertung/SAS-Kurs


wöchentlich Di 14:00 - 16:00 Cog 0320 (2 SWS)
Jonas Czwikla
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Dagmar Bolte
11-M66-2-M6-E-3bÜbungen zum SAS-Kurs


wöchentlich Di 16:00 - 18:00 Cog 0320 (2 SWS)
Dr. Klaus Telkmann
11-M66-2-M6A-E-1Epidemiologische Feldforschung
Epidemiological Research Module Seminar 1


wöchentlich Di 10:00 - 12:00 Achterstr. 30 1.550 (2 SWS)
Prof. Dr. Hajo Zeeb, M. Sc