
Lehrveranstaltungen WiSe 2021/2022

General Studies und Schlüsselqualifikationen am FB 11

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VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
11-GS-2021-RIntroduction to R for Health Scientists (oline, englisch) (in englischer Sprache)


Mo 14.02.22 - Fr 18.02.22 (Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr) 10:00 - 12:00 ZOOM-Veranstaltung

The seminar is a gentle introduction to the statistical programming language R. The goal of the seminar is to introduce students with no or minor prior knowledge of R to the program. Background knowledge in epidemiological and statistical methods would be an advantage. The following topics will be covered in the seminar:
• Working with R and R-Studio
• Basic principles of R programming language
• Data types in R (vectors, dataframes, lists, etc.)
• Generate and recode variables
• Working with packages
• Descriptive statistical measurements (frequencies and distributions)
• Graphical data representation (histogram, bar chart, scatter plot, line chart)
• Measures of association
• Simple linear regression
• Working with example data, collected in a malaria project conducted in rural Ghana

Students of health sciences, epidemiology, or related fields who wish to learn the R programming language. Students who want to analyze their own data sets for their bachelor, master or PhD theses.

Teilnahmevoraussetzungen und Vorbereitungsmöglichkeiten:
Participants must have R and R Studio installed on their computer. Prior knowledge of the R programming language is not required. A basic understanding of epidemiological and statistical methods would be an advantage.

Seminarstruktur/ Lernorganisation:
This is a blocked course taught over 5 days. The seminar includes both lectures and hands-on sessions analysing data from a malaria research project. The seminar is an online course conducted via Zoom.

Art des Leistungsnachweises:
A non-graded certificate of performance equivalent to 1 CPs is offered. Students have to apply the analysis steps learned in the course to a data set and submit a working, annotated analysis syntax. This work can be done in small groups of up to 3 people.

N. N.


VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
SZHB 0619Fachenglisch für GesundheitswissenschaftlerInnen (B2.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Academic English for Public Health (B2.2)
Eingangsniveau: B2.1


wöchentlich Mo 10:15 - 11:45 GW2 A4270 (CIP-Raum FZHB) (2 SWS)

Martina Behrens

Uniweites General Studies-Angebot

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Angebote zentraler universitärer Einrichtungen wie Career Center, FZHB, Studierwerkstatt etc. finden Sie am Ende des Veranstaltungsverzeichnisses unter "Fachbereichübergreifende Studienangebote".
VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
eGS-VA-SM-10Sustainability Marketing (in englischer Sprache)


Whether it is coping with ‘Peak Oil’, meeting the challenge of climate change, helping farmers in poorer countries through fair trade, or finding ways to keep discarded products out of the landfills, sustainability issues are the biggest challenges facing businesses. The course shows how the complexities of sustainability issues can be integrated into marketing. The systematic, step-by-step approach of sustainability marketing involves: an analysis of socio-ecological priorities to complement conventional consumer and market research; an integration of ethical values into marketing strategy; the development of sustainability marketing strategies; a new consumer-oriented sustainability marketing mix of the ‘4 Cs’ (Customer Solutions, Communications, Customer Cost, Convenience) to replace the outmoded and producer-oriented ‘4 Ps’; and finally an analysis how innovation and marketing can go beyond responding to social change to contribute to a transformation to a more sustainable society. The course is ideally suited to both students and practitioners at many different levels and disciplines, including marketing, innovation, CSR, sustainability and environmental management.

In dieser videobasierten Selbstlernveranstaltung können Sie jederzeit einsteigen, in Ihrem eigenen Lerntempo die Videos durcharbeiten und den Prüfungstermin zum Abschluss der Lehrverantaltung frei wählen.

Weitere Infos finden Sie hier bei Stud.ip oder auf unserer Website

Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich gern an:

Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau
Dr. Oliver Ahel
Dr. Christiane Bottke
eGS-VA-WIT-15World in Transition (in englischer Sprache)


The lecture “World in Transition” is offered by members of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU). The WBGU is an independent, scientific advisory body to the German federal government. Its principal tasks are to analyse global environment and development problems and to elaborate recommendations for action and research. In this lecture, the WBGU presents its flagship report “World in Transition – A Social Contract for Sustainability”. The lecture starts with an interview providing a comprehensive overview of the global transformation towards a low-carbon society. Subsequent lectures highlight the characteristics of the so-called »anthropocene«, including the main impacts of climate change. A detailed view on concepts of transformation is presented and aspects of technical and economic feasibility are adressed in detail. The role of the state and change agents in the transformation process are also examined. Finally, you will become familiar with some instruments and measures that can advance the great transformation towards sustainability. A special lecture focuses on the role of scientific advice in policy making and explains the functioning of the WBGU and how it produces scientific policy advice.

In dieser videobasierten Selbstlernveranstaltung können Sie jederzeit einsteigen, in Ihrem eigenen Lerntempo die Videos durcharbeiten und den Prüfungstermin zum Abschluss der Lehrverantaltung frei wählen.

Weitere Infos finden Sie hier bei Stud.ip oder auf unserer Website

Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich gern an:

Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau
Dr. Oliver Ahel
Dr. Christiane Bottke