Offene Stellen
2 PhD Researchers (f/m/d)
Institute of Intercultural and International Studies
Fachbereich 8 - Sozialwissenschaften
Entgelt- / Besoldungsgruppe E 13 - Teilzeit 75%
Kennziffer: A256-24
Bewerbungsfrist: 01.10.2024
Öffentliche Ausschreibung
At the University of Bremen Faculty 8 (Social Sciences), Political Science, the group of Prof. Philipp Genschel at InIIS (Institute of Intercultural and International Studies) invites applications for the following academic positions
2 PhD Researchers (f/m/d)
Salary Scale TV-L 13, part-time 75%, start date: January 1st, 2025.
(according to §2 WissZeitVG)
Reference number: A256-24
The position is fixed term for four years and part of the project: “Competence, control and joint procurement in the EU” that is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of the Research Unit “Reconfiguring Europe between competence and control” (speaker: Prof. Dr. Markus Jachtenfuchs, Hertie School). This research group brings together over 20 leading senior and junior scholars working on European integration across 5 institutions, with the Hertie School as the project coordinator (more on the project can be found at
Project Description:
When will EU member states centralize public procurement at the EU level? When will they decided to purchase ammunition, vaccines, energy supplies, space rockets, or surveillance services jointly rather separately? The question is relevant since the 1950s, when the (failed) Treaty on the European Defense Community provided for the creation of a common army in 1954, and the Euratom treaty set up a common supply agency for all member states. It gained salience in recent years when crisis events such as the Covid-pandemic and the Russian attack of Ukraine triggered calls for more joint procurement.
The project analyses the creation, configuration, and use of instruments of joint procurement in the EU. It traces the emergence (and phasing out) of EU procurement instruments empirically over time (1957-2022) and across sectors. It accounts for variance in the creation, configuration, and use of procurement instruments theoretically based on the competence-control framework. It combines observational and experimental, and quantitative and qualitative approaches perspective analytically in a mixed-methods design. Comparative case studies will trace success and failures of joint procurement in defence, health and energy.
Your responsibilities:
- Dissertation in the context of the project. Participation in the course programme of the doctoral school BIGSSS is possible.
- Close collaboration with other members of the team, in qualitative and quantitative analysis. Contribution to project publications. Continuous interaction with other member of the research unit at InIIS, in Berlin, Zurich, and Leipzig.
- Completed scientific university degree (Master /Uni-Diploma) in Political Science, or related.
- Expertise in qualitative and/or quantitative methods.
- Interest in European politics and integration
- Creativity and independence
Allgemeine Hinweise
Please address queries to:
Prof. Dr. Philipp Genschel
Email:genschelprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Open to unconventional approaches in research and teaching, the University of Bremen has retained its character as a place of short distances for people and ideas since its founding in 1971. With a broad range of subjects, we combine exceptional performance and innovative potential. As an ambitious research university, we stand for research-based learning approaches and a pronounced interdisciplinary orientation. We actively pursue international scientific cooperation in a spirit of global partnership.
Today, around 23,000 people learn, teach, research and work on our international campus. In research and teaching, administration and operations, we are firmly committed to the goals of sustainability, climate justice and climate neutrality. Our Bremen spirit is expressed in the courage to dare new things, in supportive cooperation, in respect and appreciation for each other. With our study and research profile and as part of the European YUFE network, we assume social responsibility in the region, in Europe and in the world.
The university is family-friendly, diverse and sees itself as an international university. We therefore welcome all applicants regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion/belief, disability, age, sexual orientation and identity.
As the University of Bremen intends to increase the proportion of female employees in science, women are particularly encouraged to apply.
Disabled applicants will be given priority if their professional and personal qualifications are essentially the same.
Applications including a cover letter explaining your motivation, CV, copies of degree certificates, should be submitted with the reference number A256-24 as a single unencrypted PDF file to fb08.bewerbungprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de or by postal mail to:
Universität Bremen
Fachbereich 8 – Sozialwissenschaften
FB 8/4 – Reference number A256-24
Postfach 33 04 40
28334 Bremen
The application deadline is October 1st, 2024
We kindly ask you to send us only copies (no portfolios) of your application documents, as we cannot return them. They will be destroyed after the selection process has been completed. Any application costs cannot be reimbursed.