Frankfurt am Main

  • Frankfurt am Main

    All information about our regional group in Frankfurt am Main!

  • Frankfurt am Main

    All information about our regional group in Frankfurt am Main

  • Frankfurt am Main

    All information about our regional group in Frankfurt am Main

Impressions from the Frankfurt regional group

Regional Group Meeting in Frankfurt a Big Hit

Eight Bremen alumni met for a second time in Frankfurt on March 19 only six weeks after the first meeting there. Together they came together in a small kitchen that is under a preservation order although it is used in everyday operations. The event helped to build bridges between the generation of recent graduates and those pursuing a doctorate in Frankfurt and Wolf Gunter Brügmann, a true institution at the University of Bremen.

Successful Start: First Meeting of the Newly-Established Regional Group in Frankfurt

On February 5, the first meeting of the Frankfurt regional group took place. At the first meeting, a total of ten participants came. This makes Frankfurt our currently biggest regional group of Bremen graduates.

Frankfurt: Wolf Gunter Brügmann Friedeborn

On an Espresso with Wolf Gunter Brügmann-Friedeborn

In the newsletter we interview our members about their time at Bremen University. In this issue Wolf Gunther Brügmann-Friedeborn answered our questions.

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