Democracy. Diversity. Open-Mindedness.

Demo gegen Rechts auf dem Bremer Marktplatz

The executive board of the alumni association (Alumni der Universität Bremen e.V.) has, with its own appeal, endorsed the joint declaration made by all Bremen academic institutions in the U Bremen Research Alliance (UBRA) and the Landesrektor:innenkonferenz (LRK) in favour of “Demokratie. Vielfalt. Weltoffenheit.” (Democracy. Diversity. Open-Mindedness.). On the initiative of Jutta Günther, university rector, chairwoman of the UBRA and of the LRK, the joint declaration of Bremen's academic institutions was formulated in mid-January and has elicited a large response nationwide, including reports in the ARD and ZDF news programmes and a one-hour talk show on Deutschlandfunk.

The day before the “Laut gegen Rechts” rally on 21 January, the largest demonstration in Bremen in recent decades with around 50,000 participants, the board of the alumni association made its own public statement:

"Any form of discriminating against and excluding people and any attempt to discredit and delegitimise democratic institutions and their representatives are unacceptable," said alumni association chairman Dr Tim Nesemann. "Any attack on democratic values and principles, freedom, and human dignity must be resolutely opposed by all democratic institutions and people standing firmly together. As graduates of the University of Bremen, we share common values, including those of our university, which since its founding in 1971 has always been committed to open public discourse. The enriching culture of diversity and active cooperation at our university and in our association is substantially shaped by people with a migration background as well as international students and academics. We emphasise the value of diversity and an open society. We take a firm stance against populism and hate speech."

The executive board of the alumni association called on everyone to stand together and take part in the demonstrations against marginalisation and discrimination across Germany.