Lemex News

Invitation to the Future Concepts Bremen - DemoDay

Five student teams from the business administration course Consulting, Corporate and Startup Innovation Projects present their digital business models at DEMO DAY. The student teams have worked together with cooperation partners from practice. The following teams and topics are participating:

Team Cellumation on the topic of last mile logistics
Team Senator for Economics, Labor and Europe & Digital Hub Industry-Startnow on the topic of Social Workplace
Team Encoway on the topic of Company Slots for the Digital Hub Industry (DHI)
Team HIPS on the topic of VR training simulator in medicine
Team TOPAS on the topic of LinkedIn marketing
The presentations will be presented in a pitch of about 15-20 minutes.

Be part of this DEMO DAY and don't miss any exciting projects!

When? 01.07.2021, 09:00 -12:30 hrs
Where? Online via Zoom
How. Directly via the following link: uni-bremen.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMrdO2spjgoE9JoDFuhR6GB5kOpVRmsK2Nr
