Course Catalog

Study Program WiSe 2018/2019

Wirtschaftspsychologie, M.Sc.

Module für das 1. Fachsemester (FS) gemäß der Prüfungsordnung vom 24. Juni 2020

MPO 2019 Modul 1: Kompaktkurs Psychologie und BWL - Pflichtmodul - (9 CP) (Modulverantwortl.: PD Dr. Iris Stahlke)

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
11-M60-1-M1-1Compact Course Psychology

Seminar (Teaching)

fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Tue. 14:00 - 17:00 SFG 0140 (2 Teaching hours per week)
PD Dr. Iris Stahlke
11-M60-1-M1-2Compact Course Business Administration

Seminar (Teaching)

fortnightly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 14:00 - 18:00 WiWi1 A3290 (2 Teaching hours per week)
Dr. Nadine Husenbeth

MPO 2019 Modul 2: Forschungsmethoden für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften - Pflichtmodul - (9 CP) (Modulverantwortl.: Prof. Dr. Iris Stahlke)

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
11-M60-1-M2-1Introduction to Qualitative Methods I

Seminar (Teaching)

fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Wed. 14:00 - 18:00 WiWi1 A3290 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Additional dates:
Wed. 17.10.18 16:00 - 18:00 WiWi1 A3290
Prof. Dr. Georg Müller-Christ
PD Dr. Iris Stahlke
11-M60-1-M2-2Introduction to Quantitative Methods II

Seminar (Teaching)

fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Wed. 18:00 - 20:00 WiWi1 A3290 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Additional dates:
Wed. 17.10.18 18:00 - 20:00 WiWi1 A3290
Prof. Dr. Georg Müller-Christ
PD Dr. Iris Stahlke

MPO 2012 Modul 3: Einführung Wirtschaftspsychologie - Pflichtmodul - (12 CP) (Modulverantwortl.: Prof. Dr. Georg Müller-Christ)

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
11-M60-1-M3-1Introduction to Fields of Research (lecture series)

Lecture (Teaching)

fortnightly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 17:00 - 19:00 SFG 2040 SFG 0150 (2 Teaching hours per week)
Prof. Dr. Georg Müller-Christ
Michael Schottmayer, Dipl.-Psych.
11-M60-1-M3-2Introduction to Business Psychology

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Mon. 15.10.18 10:00 - 18:00 SFG 0140
Mon. 12.11.18 10:00 - 13:00 SFG 0140
Mon. 26.11.18 10:00 - 13:00 SFG 0140
Mon. 10.12.18 10:00 - 13:00 SFG 0140
Mon. 07.01.19 10:00 - 13:00 SFG 0140
Mon. 28.01.19 10:00 - 13:00 SFG 0140

Auftaktveranstaltung am Montag, d. 15.10.2018 von 10-18 Uhr in SFG, 0140

Michael Schottmayer, Dipl.-Psych.

Module für das 3. Fachsemester (FS) gemäß der Prüfungsordnung vom 12.Juni 2019

MPO 2012 Modul 7: Arbeitswissenschaften - Pflichtmodul - (6 CP) (Modulverantwortl.: Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann)

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
11-M60-3-M7-1Organisation and Analysis of Work

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Wed. 17.10.18 16:00 - 20:00 SFG 0150
Wed. 07.11.18 16:00 - 20:00 WiWi1 A1070
Wed. 14.11.18 16:00 - 20:00 WiWi1 A1070
Wed. 21.11.18 16:00 - 20:00 WiWi1 A1070
Wed. 28.11.18 16:00 - 20:00 WiWi1 A1070
Wed. 12.12.18 16:00 - 20:00 WiWi1 A1070
Wed. 19.12.18 16:00 - 20:00 WiWi1 A1070
Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann, Dipl.Psych.
11-M60-3-M7-2Work Law

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Fri. 19.10.18 14:00 - 18:00 UNICOM 3.0220 Seminarraum 4
Fri. 02.11.18 14:00 - 18:00 UNICOM 3.0220 Seminarraum 4
Mon. 12.11.18 14:00 - 18:00 SFG 0140
Mon. 26.11.18 14:00 - 16:00 SFG 1040
Mon. 26.11.18 16:00 - 18:00 SFG 0140
Mon. 10.12.18 14:00 - 16:00 SFG 1040
Mon. 10.12.18 16:00 - 18:00 SFG 0140
Amel Saric ((LB))

MPO 2012 Modul 8: Spezielle Methoden - Pflichtmodul - (6 CP) (Modulverantwortl.: NN)

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
11-M60-3-M8-1Project Management and Quality Management

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Wed. 16.01.19 14:00 - 16:00 GW2 B3009 (Großer Studierraum)
Wed. 16.01.19 16:00 - 19:00 GW2 B1820
Thu. 17.01.19 09:00 - 12:00 GW2 B1632
Thu. 17.01.19 12:00 - 16:00 GW2 B3009 (Großer Studierraum)
Thu. 17.01.19 16:00 - 18:00 GW2 B1400 NUR Mi. - So.
Fri. 18.01.19 09:00 - 12:00 GW2 B1400 NUR Mi. - So.
Fri. 18.01.19 12:00 - 18:00 GW2 B3009 (Großer Studierraum)
Sat. 19.01.19 09:00 - 13:00 SFG 1020
N. N.
11-M60-3-M8-2Development of Organisations and Personnel

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Mon. 29.10.18 10:00 - 18:00 SFG 0140
Mon. 03.12.18 10:00 - 18:00 SFG 0140
Mon. 17.12.18 10:00 - 18:00 SFG 0140
Michael Schottmayer, Dipl.-Psych.
11-M60-3-M8-3Work and Development of Personnel

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Sat. 03.11.18 10:00 - 17:00 SFG 2020
Sat. 24.11.18 10:00 - 17:00 SFG 1020
Sat. 08.12.18 10:00 - 17:00 SFG 1020
Jürgen Koewitsch ((LB))

MPO 2012 Modul 9: Führung und Organisation - Pflichtmodul - (6 CP) (Modulverantwortl.: Prof. Dr. Georg Müller-Christ)

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
11-M60-3-M9-1Power, Authority, Leadership in Organisations

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 14:00 - 16:00 WiWi1 A3290 (2 Teaching hours per week)
Prof. Dr. Georg Müller-Christ
11-M60-3-M9-2Modern Executive Management

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 16:00 - 18:00 WiWi1 A3290 (2 Teaching hours per week)
Prof. Dr. Georg Müller-Christ

MPO 2019 Modul 10A: Forschungsfeld A - Flexibilisierung von Arbeits- und Lebenswelten (12 CP) (Modulverantwortl.: NN)

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
11-M60-3-M10A-1Subjectivity and Debordering in flexible Forms of Working

Seminar (Teaching)

fortnightly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 3150 (1 Teaching hours per week)
Michael Schottmayer, Dipl.-Psych.
11-M60-3-M10A-2Transition to Flexibility and Chances of Self-Actualization

Seminar (Teaching)

fortnightly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 14:00 - 16:00 SFG 0140 (1 Teaching hours per week)
Michael Schottmayer, Dipl.-Psych.
11-M60-3-M10A-3Methods for Flexibility Research II and Research Project

Colloquium (Teaching)

fortnightly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 16:00 - 18:00 SFG 0140 (1 Teaching hours per week)
Michael Schottmayer, Dipl.-Psych.

MPO 2019 Modul 10B: Forschungsfeld B - Nachhaltigkeit (12 CP) (Modulverantwortl.: Prof. Dr. Georg Müller-Christ)

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
11-M60-3-M10B-1Sustainable Ressource Management II

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 WiWi1 A3290 (1 Teaching hours per week)
Prof. Dr. Georg Müller-Christ
11-M60-3-M10B-2Sustainable Leadership II

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 16:00 - 18:00 WiWi1 A3290 (1 Teaching hours per week)
Prof. Dr. Georg Müller-Christ
11-M60-3-M10B-3Methods of Sustainability Research II and Research Project

Colloquium (Teaching)
Prof. Dr. Georg Müller-Christ

MPO 2019 Modul 10C: Forschungsfeld C - Markt und Konsum (12 CP) (Modulverantwortl.: Dr. Michael Schade)

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
11-M60-3-M10C-1Marketing Psychology II

Seminar (Teaching)

fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Tue. 14:00 - 16:00 UNICOM 3.0200 Seminarraum 1 (1 Teaching hours per week)
Dr. Michael Schade
11-M60-3-M10C-2Business Studies (Marketing, Brand Management)

Seminar (Teaching)
Dr. Michael Schade
11-M60-3-M10C-3Methods of Market and Consumer Research II and Research Project

Colloquium (Teaching)
N. N.

MPO 2019 Modul 10D: Forschungsfeld D - Interkulturalität (12 CP) (Modulverantwortl.: NN)

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
11-M60-3-M10D-1Interculturalism II

Seminar (Teaching)

fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Wed. 16:00 - 18:00 GRA2 0080 (1 Teaching hours per week)
Clara Christine Schließler
11-M60-3-M10D-2Globalisation II

Seminar (Teaching)
Clara Christine Schließler
11-M60-3-M10D-3Methods of Intercultural Research II and Research Project

Colloquium (Teaching)

fortnightly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 16:00 - 18:00 GRA2 0080 (1 Teaching hours per week)
N. N.