
New Offer for Freshers – Still Some Places Available for the September Academy

Starting on 16th September this year, the University of Bremen is offering an innovative new program to help get freshers fit for their upcoming studies. Registration has already begun. However, there are still some places remaining to be allocated in a few subjects, especially in the humanities. Students still have time to register for some attractive foundation workshops on methodology and other relevant subject matter.

What was Bremen’s attitude towards foreigners during the Weimar Republic? Is it possible to derive expressions of emotion from grammatical text patterns? What causes a piece of literature to give us aesthetical pleasure? Among other interesting research questions, these are some of the topics that will be dealt with in the area of cultural studies, linguistics and literary studies. Freshers in the Law Faculty can become involved in the preparation and implementation of a law debating club. In the field of political science and sociology, attendees of the September Academy will be investigating how parliaments function in non-democratic states and exploring how welfare states deal with unemployment. Ranging from source analysis, through empirical methods, and up to media analysis, students of religion will learn how to apply a broad catalogue of methodological tools to test some of the statements made by religion.

The main concept behind the September Academy is that freshers learn how to adopt an interdisciplinary approach to a topic and get a taste of the difference between school learning and university studies.

Registration is possible up to 17th September 2013. For additional information, details of the program, and online registration, go to

For more information contact:
Universität Bremen
Zentrale Studienberatung
Phone: +49 421 218 67401
email: darochaprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
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Junge Menschen lernend an einem Tisch
In den Vorkursen der Septemberakademie erhalten Studienanfänger Einblicke ins bevorstehende Studium.