Emmanuel Opoku

Foto von Emmanuel Opoku

Research Assistant


Max-von-Laue-Straße 1
28359 Bremen
WIWI 2, Raum F2340



Personal Details

1995 born in Kumasi, Ghana
2014-2018 Bachelor's degree in Business Administration at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Techiman, Ghana
2018-2019 Research assistant at the KNUST School of Business, Kumasi, Ghana
2021-2023 Studies in Finance at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
2022-2023 Research assistant at the KNUST School of Business, Kumasi, Ghana
since 2023 Research assistant at the Chair of General Business Administration, especially Finance, University of Bremen


Boamah, N.A., Opoku, E. and Zamore, S. (2023): The integration of real estate investment trust: A wavelet coherency analysis, China Finance Review International, doi.org/10.1108/CFRI-02-2023-0021

Sarpong-Danquah, B., Oko-Bensa-Agyekum, K. and Opoku, E., (2022): Corporate governance and the performance of manufacturing firms in Ghana: Does ownership structure matter?, Cogent Business & Management9(1), p.2101323.

Boamah, N.A., Opoku, E. and Appiah, K.O., (2022): Efficiency, foreign banks presence, competition and risk exposure of banks in middle-income economies. SN Business & Economics2(8), pp.1-21.

Boamah, N.A., Opoku, E. and Boakye-Dankwa, A., (2022): Capital regulation, liquidity risk, efficiency and banks performance in emerging economies, Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance.

Poku, K., Opoku, E. and Ennin, A, P., (2022): The influence of government expenditure on economic growth in Ghana: An Ardl approach, Cogent Economics & Finance, 10(1), p.2160036.

Boamah, N.A., Boakye-Dankwa, A. and Opoku, E., (2021): Risk-taking behavior, competition, diversification and performance of frontier and emerging economy banks, Asian Journal of Economics and Banking, 6(1), pp. 50-68.