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Digitale Medien und Nachhaltigkeit – Medienpraktiken für ein gutes Leben

A new monograph by Prof. Dr. Sigrid Kannengießer (open access, in German)

How do individuals, non-governmental organizations and companies use digital media to contribute to a sustainable society? In this open access publication, SigridKannengießer reconstructs the socio-ecological consequences of current digitization processes and uses three case studies to show how different actors (want) to make digitization more sustainable: In addition to repairing media technologies in repair cafés, the production and appropriation of fair media technologies was examined using the example of the Fairphone, as well as online platforms that promote sustainable consumption using the example of If these are examples of media practices that pursue the goal of sustainability, the comparative analysis also reveals limits and ambivalences of this practice.

The open access publication is available here (in German):

Medienpraktiken und Nachhaltigkeit