Reception for International Researchers
We Welcome: Prof. Dr. Anja Becker – Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies
Universities to Work More Closely Together on Digitization
Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Astrobiologist Cyprien Verseux
CAMPUSiDEEN Ideas Competition: Projects Honored
NordWest Award for #MOIN Model Region Industrial Mathematics
New Concept for the Protection of Marine Biodiversity: The AGELESS Project
AI Strategy for Public Administration
University of Bremen Enters the Race for Excellence with Two Clusters
Meeting with Bremen Parliament President Antje Grotheer
University of Bremen Mourns the Loss of Willi Lemke
University President Appointed to Board of Trustees of Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg
Places Available at Informatica Feminale and International Summer University for Women in Engineering
Mayor Bovenschulte Visits Forum at Domshof
Sustainability on the Agenda: Jutta Günther on "SciencemanagersForFuture" Podcast
"Future of Care" Cluster Investigates Technological Innovations in Care
Researching Heat Waves in the Mediterranean with the Diving Community
International Day: Experience the University's International Flair
President Jutta Günther: "Academic System in Bremen Is Unique in Germany"
Studying at the University of Bremen
Whether it be the compact campus, the diverse study programs on offer, or the green cycling city – a degree at the University of Bremen has a lot to offer.
You can choose from a broad range of degree program at the University of Bremen:
- more than 100 bachelor’s and master’s degree programs
- the state examination in law
- international degree courses and further training offers
The University of Bremen is one of Germany’s medium-sized universities. In its mission statement, the university prioritizes:
- research-based learning
- a focus on students
- diversity
- internationality