Continuing Your Education

Life-Long Learning
A university's role in education does not end with the completion of a bachelor's or master's degree. It is important to keep learning throughout life. Therefore, the University of Bremen offers various opportunities for continuing education. These include part-time study programs for professionals, advanced training for job-seeking university graduates, student returnees, and studies for senior citizens.
Academy of Continuing Education
+ 49 (0)421 218-61610
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Central Area / Bibliothekstraße 2A
Unicom Building / Mary-Somerville-Straße 3
All Continuing Education Programs at
Continuing Education for Careers

Continuing education is one of the keys to professional success and satisfaction. Whether it's updating knowledge, a specialization or professional reorientation – continuing academic education can advance your career and personal development.
Regardless of which type you choose and how much time and resources you invest in your further education, the job-related programs of the University of Bremen are of high professional quality and created with customized educational expertise and practice orientation to suit individual target groups.

LIFE Module Study for Working People
LIFE stands for innovative, flexible and successful learning. With LIFE you can take part in selected modules from the various University of Bremen degree programs, take examinations, and earn credit points. LIFE is aimed at working people, job seekers and those returning to work. If you would like to keep up to date with the latest research in your field, you can take individual modules that suit your professional work priorities. If you would like to reorient your career or deepen your skills in a certain field, LIFE certificate programs combine modules into a qualification profile.
LIFE studies are offered in the following fields:
>> Computer Science and Digital Media
>> Health and Nursing Sciences
>> Aeronautical Engineering, Energy Systems and Process Technology
>> Sustainability and General Studies
[Learn more about LIFE]
Studies for Senior Citizens
Education Can Energize You – At Any Age
Learning is fun, keeps you fit, and encourages social contact. Have you always been interested in philosophy? Would you have liked to study Art History but actually worked for a bank? Senior studies offer you the opportunity to build on your long-held wishes. What counts now is only what you are really interested in.
Semester Program
Every semester, you can have the opportunity to attend selected courses at the university. In addition, the courses offered by the Academy for Continuing Education – especially on popular topics and exclusively for course students – complete the program. More information in German.
moreLecture Program
There's no lecture-free semester break in senior studies.
In the spring and the fall, you can explore interesting topics through our series of lecture and daily seminars – all compactly and professionally delivered. More information in German.
Academy of Continuing Education
Senior Studies
Central Area / room B0670
Bibliothekstraße 2A
+49 421 218-61 616
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Scientific Educational Trips
It is well known that travel broadens the mind.
This is especially true for our scientific educational trips. We take you, by train, bus or plane, to destinations that are designed to fit the context of the semester or lecture program. More information in German.
moreThe Academy of Continuing Education
Competence in Scientific Continuing Education
The Academy for Continuing Education is the central point of contact for all aspects of continuing education at the University of Bremen. Together with the faculties and institutes, it offers a wide range of continuing education programs and is thus an important partner for the transfer of science into society.