Teaching at secondary schools : Gymnasium/Oberschulen
For the professional goal of teaching at grammar schools and secondary schools, you study two subjects in the consecutive Bachelor / Master structure:
- Two-subject Bachelor with teaching option
6 semesters, 180 CP , standard period of study 3 years
- Master of Education High School (from winter semester 2014/15)
4 semesters, 120 CP , standard period of study 2 years
For any questions:
- regarding your studies in general: Central Student Advisory Service
- regarding the change of university and M.Ed.: Studienzentrum Lehramt
- regarding school internships: Praxisbüro Lehramt
- regarding the teaching subjects: Studienzentren der Fächer
Subject combinations

Teacher Education for secondary schools (high schools )
You study two subjects to the same extent. At least one of them must be a compulsory subject. As a second subject you can choose one of the other compulsory subjects or an elective.
Required subjects
- Biology
- chemistry
- German / German
- English / English-Speaking Cultures
- French / French-Romance
- Art Media Aesthetic Education
- Mathematics
- Music education
- Physics
- Religion / Religious Education
- Slavic Studies / Subject Russian (in cooperation with the University of Oldenburg)
- Spanish / Hispanic Studies
When studying two subjects, overlapping of courses can not always be avoided. However, the University of Bremen is endeavoring to provide a largely non-overlapping course offer .
It is not always possible to completely avoid overlapping when studying three courses at the same time. However, the University of Bremen strives to provide a largely non-overlapping course offer.