University sports are open to all students, other members of the University, and also externals. They can attend the sports courses offered by Hochschulsport e.V. (Association for University Sports) and use the "UniFit" Power and Ergo Room and the offers of the AStA. The sports activities take place on campus and at other sports facilities.
In addition, the students of the Bachelor's degree program in Business Administration with a specialty in “Sports Economics” regularly organize events such as tournaments in the Bubble Ball or black-light football. They inform about new events on Facebook.

Sports Courses
The Hochschulsport e.V. organizes the sports offerings at the University of Bremen. For a small fee, students can take advantage of a wide range of courses. Employees as well as externals can also participate in the course program. Sport-related activities take place in several halls and rooms in the Sports Tower building, the outdoor facilities and other sports facilities in Bremen.
The courses can be booked on the Hochschulsport e.V. website.

Gym "Uni-Fit"
The gym, also called "UniFit", offers training opportunities for a wide range of experience levels on about 300 square meters. The rowing ergometers, modeled on the models in Olympic training centers, constitute a very special feature. Registration for the UniFit is under the keyword “Fitness (UniFit/Fitnessstudio)” on the Hochschulsport e.V. website.

AstA Sports Offers
The AStA has leased the University’s halls and sports fields. The Kraft and Ergoraum "UniFit" can also be used free of charge via the AStA at certain times. Students can book the space via the AStA.
University and top-class Sports
As a member of the German University Sport Federation (adh) and a partner university of top sport, the University of Bremen supports active students who wish to take part in national and international university competitions. In order to make it easier for cadre athletes to strike a balance between studying and top-class sport, adh supports and promotes top-class student athletes. You can find more information on the website of the adh.
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