News 2019

Logo der Universität in der Glashalle

Increase in Unstable Employment Types

Unstable employment types have increased in the past decades. This was shown in a study conducted by the Institute for Labor and Economy (iaw) at the University of Bremen. According to the study, temporary employment, mini jobs, fixed-term contracts, and small-scale self-employment are on the rise.

[Translate to English:]

Is Hate Speech the Reason for Close Election Outcomes?

Are hostile political messages the reason for the close election and poll outcomes that have become more regular recently? Scientists working with Professor Stefan Borndholdt at the Institute for Theoretical Physics have proven these connections using a physics-inspired model.


University of Bremen Planning Core Facility

The MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes will receive 750,000 euros from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the planning of a core facility for material analysis. A collection of highly valuable, scientific analysis equipment from several disciplines is to be used there in the future.

DFG-Fachkollegien gewählt

Bremen Expertise for German Research Foundation (DFG)

The University of Bremen will be represented by 10 scientists on the DFG review boards. 10 professors were successful in the election. The 49 review boards are important advisory bodies during the allocation of DFG funds.

Portrait of a young woman

“A Bridge Builder”: DAAD Prize for Indian Student

Prachi Dadhich has won the DAAD Prize for outstanding achievements of foreign students. The Indian national was honored for her scientific performance and her exceptional social commitment at the University of Bremen.

Drei Studierende lächeln in die Kamera

Summer Semester 2020: Apply Now

From applied philosophy to physics or mathematics – The University of Bremen is now accepting new students for the coming semester for 2 bachelor’s and 15 master’s degree programs. Applications can be submitted from now until January 15, 2020.

Abbildung: ESA.

ESA Realizes University of Bremen CarbonSat Concept

The European Space Agency has agreed on the construction of a new greenhouse has satellite and released the corresponding funds – and research at the University of Bremen was decisive. The new satellite is based on the CarbonSat concept from the Institute for Environmental Physics (IUP).

[Translate to English:] Studierende im Hörsaal

Two University of Bremen Teachers receive Berninghausen Prize

At 6 p.m. on Wednesday, December 4, 2019, this year’s Berninghausen Prize for excellence in teaching will be awarded in the Shütting. Two teaching staff members from the University of Bremen will receive prizes in the categories “Outstanding, Innovative Course” and “Student Prize”.

Man with burning things

Glowing Electric Pickle and Gummy Bears in Hell

Gummy bears in hell are part of this year’s traditional Christmas chemistry lecture with Dr. Stephan Leupold, Katharina Schneider, and Anne-Marie Lilje. The show starts at 4 p.m. on Friday, December 6, in the large lecture hall C1, NW 2 building, block C, on Leobener Straße.

Collage with fotos of marine animals and plants

International Coral Reef Symposium 2020 Holds Photo Competition

“Colorful diversity, white death – what can colors tell us about coral reefs?” is the motto of the photography competition being held in the frame of the next International Coral Reef Symposium, which will be held in Bremen for the first time in July 2020. Entries will be accepted until February 29.

Hands on a table with building blocks

Outpatient Care Receives Higher Benefits without Better Quality

New housing and care types form the core of the Care Report for 2019. The report is published yearly by a team of authors from the SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy at the University of Bremen. The contracting party is BARMER.

3d, anatomy, blue, body, brain, cerebellum, cerebral, cerebrum, cortex, head, health, human, illness, illustration, intellect, intellectual, intelligence, isolated, medical, medicine, memory, mind, neurology, organ, people, power, profile, psychology, radiology, ray, scan, science, scientific, technology, test, think, thoughts, transparent, wisdom, x-ray, xray, molecola

“Mind Talks” Series Presents Innovations from Brain Research

What makes our brain flexible? What mechanisms allow us to process the immense amounts of sensory information that we receive every second? The “Mind Talks” lecture series at the university presents understandable answers from brain research in Bremen and surrounding areas.


Ethiopian Ambassador Solomon Visits IGS Doctoral Students

The new Ethiopian ambassador in Berlin, Mulu Solomon, visited Bremen. She took time to find out more about the International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics (IGS) at the University of Bremen. The program is a structured doctoral program within the LogDynamics research network.

young woman with her host

Humboldt Scholarship Holder Researches Civil Society in Russia

The social scientist Daria Skibo from St. Petersburg is visiting the Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen as a Humboldt research fellow. Moreover, she is a “foreign agent”.

What Are Nanoparticles? Early-Career Researchers Explain in a Video

Nanotechnology is seen as being one of the most important key technologies. PhD students within the NanoCompetence graduate school at the University of Bremen are researching its chances and risks. In order to make the topic understandable, they have produced a playful explanation video.


“Knowledge4Retail”: Artificial Intelligence in Retail

The University of Bremen was extremely successful in the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy AI competition. Based on research findings from the Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IAI), the project with funding of 13 million euros will incorporate AI into retail in the future.

Haus im Eis

Climate Change in the Arctic: Collaborative Research Center Continues

Good news for the university’s Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP): The Collaborative Research Center (CRC) Transregio 172 “(AC) 3 Arctic Amplification“, in which the IUP has been a participant since 2016, has been extended for a further four years by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Die Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten des Deutschlandstipendiums.

High Achieving and Socially Committed: Deutschlandstipendium Awarded

They stand out due to their great performance and are active in the community: 104 Students from the University of Bremen will receive a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship. The scholarship includes financial support and free workshops for the development of soft skills.

Eisberg im Meer

University of Bremen Supports Climate Week

The university is supporting the campaign week from November 25 – 28, 2019, which was proposed by the Students for Future climate movement. There will be daily events. The aim of this protest is to draw more attention to the issues highlighted by Fridays for Future.


Christmas Physics Show for the Whole Family

The Faculty of Physics of the University of Bremen invites you to their traditional show "Physics in Advent". The university scientists will present a sequence of physical phenomena from the fields of mechanics, acoustics, and vacuum physics on Saturday, November 30, at 11 a.m.. Admission is free.

Studierende vor der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek

“Image Propaganda in the Weimar Republic“: Exhibition at the SuUB

Propaganda in the Weimar Republic. In the politically charged atmosphere, this meant sharp attacks on the enemy and image propaganda played an important role in that. An exhibition with original documents from magazines will open at the SuUB on Friday, November 22.

Group of men and women

Creating a European University Together: Panel Discussion on Diversity

Which chances and challenges arise when you establish a European university? That is what experts from the YUFE partner universities will be discussing at a panel discussion in the mensa (cafeteria) at 3:30 p.m. on November 27. The topic is diversity.

Birgit Mahnkopf

Birgit Mahnkopf Is Guest Speaker at Fifth Senghaas Lecture

“The War Against the Planet” is at the center of the fifth Senghaas Lecture of the Institute for Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS). The talk by Birgit Mahnkopf will take place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, November 27, 2019, at the Haus der Wissenschaft (House of Science).

Bremen, Deutschland, Marum, Orte, Uni Bremen

Geosciences Collection Open Day

The open day of the Geosciences Collection of the University of Bremen on November 23, offers a fascinating insight into past worlds. Visitors can marvel at minerals, stones, and fossils. There will also be presentations and a tombola. Entry is free-of-charge.

Der Besuch der ONOC ist kostenfrei und für jeden offen.

Open Night of Code at the University of Bremen

Once a term, everything at the University of Bremen is all about programming for one night. On November 22, it is happening again: At the Open Night of Code, students of computer science and other interested people can work together on projects. The free event at the MZH starts at 6 p.m.

Zuhörer in einem vollen Seminarraum.

New joint Research Training Group funded by the DFG

Great success for a joint project of Jacobs University and the University of Bremen: The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved funding for a Research Training Group at the jointly operated Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS).

Two men discussing

Scholarship Holder from Western Siberia Researches Philosophy of Law

Professor Vitaly Ogleznev is visiting the University of Bremen with a Humboldt research fellowship. The Russian scientist chose the Bremen philosopher of law, Professor Lorenz Kähler, as his host. He will carry out research and publish with him for one and a half years.

Portrait of a man with glasses

“Played a Decisive Role in the University Founding”

The University of Bremen is in mourning for its honorary citizen and sponsor Moritz Thape. The Bremen politician was the senator for science at the time of the founding of the university and was a constant advocate of the institution.

[Translate to English:] Leute stehen rum

NorShiP Is Launching: Bundled Competence for Cybersecurity and Data Protection

Cybersecurity and data protection are among the most important topics of our time. The Bremen initiative NorShiP, in which the University of Bremen is involved, will in future bundle the areas of competences for research and education in northern Germany.

Five young people at an exhibition

10th Bremen StartUp Lounge Invites Interested Parties

“Ingenuity." is the motto of the tenth Bremen StartUp Lounge, which will take place on Wednesday, November 13, 2019. It is organized by the BRIDGE university initiative, which is the main point of contact for students and members of Bremen universities on the subject of business start-ups.

Foto with two women and European flag on the Uni-Boulevard

The Development of a European University: Panel Discussion in the City

With funding from the EU Commission, the University, as part of a consortium of eight European partners, is designing one of the first European universities. What this means for the city and its inhabitants is the topic of a panel discussion at 5 p.m. on Monday, November 11, at EuropaPunktBremen.

Exponate aus dem Nachlass des Kunsthistorikers Igor Golomshtok

FSO Collaborates with World-Class Moscow Museum

An online platform from the Research Centre for East European Studies (FSO) at the University of Bremen and the renowned Moscow museum “Garage” are combining worldwide-unparalleled inventories of contemporary Russian art. The aim is to promote and simplify the research into this archive material.

Änderungen der Landnutzung durch den Menschen haben die Bodenerosion schon lange vor der Industrialisierung verstärkt.

Accelerated Soil Erosion by Humans Already Existed for 4,000 Years

Changes in human land use intensified soil erosion long before industrialization. This is the result of a study involving the University of Bremen, in which sediments in more than 600 lakes worldwide were analyzed.

Fos­si­le Kalt­was­ser­ko­ral­len auf ei­nem Ko­ral­len­hü­gel vor der Küs­te Na­mi­bi­as, die erst­mals bei der Ex­pe­di­ti­on M122 mit dem For­schungs­schiff Me­te­or ent­deckt wur­den. Un­ter­sucht wur­den Pro­ben von der Ober­sei­te der Ko­ral­len­hü­gel, um fest­zu­stel­len, wann die Kalt­was­ser­ko­ral­len aus­star­ben.

Study: Cause of Stony Cold-Water Coral Death Found

When and why did the stony cold-water corals off the coast of Namibia, which were first discovered in 2016, die? Leonardo Tamborrino from MARUM and his co-authors provide the answers in a study that has been published in Geology journal.

Prof. Brinksmeier

Professor Ekkard Brinksmeier Enters Retirement with Farewell Colloquium

Professor Ekkard Brinksmeier has now entered into retirement with a farewell colloquium. During his many years at the Leibniz Institute for Material Engineering (IWT) and University of Bremen, the renowned production engineer received several awards – amongst others the Leibniz prize in 1999.

first.stage ermöglicht die Platzierung von Figuren und Objekten im virtuellen Raum. Bewegungen werden mit Hilfe der farbigen Markierungen geplant und umgesetzt.

EU Project: Virtual Reality for Theater and Film Productions

With the help of virtual reality applications, film and theater producers can plan realistic scenes. The technology was developed in the “first.stage” project under the direction of the University of Bremen. The EU has provided funding of around three million euros for the project.

Rektor Bernd-Scholz Reiter und Fernando Silva bei der Vertragsunterzeichnung

Permanent Partnership with Santander Sealed

The University of Bremen and Santander will continue their partnership, which started in 2013, indefinitely. In the next three years, the BISIP, U Bremen Research Alliance Welcome Center, and Deutschlandstipendium projects will be supported by Santander Universities.

Gruppenbild mit zwei Frauen und einem Mann

YUFE: Political Support for European University

Together with seven partner institutions, our University is designing one of the first European universities. The YUFE alliance (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) is receiving a great deal of international, political support. This was shown at a meeting at the University of Cyprus

Konzentrierte Arbeitsatmosphäre: Rund 100 Interessierte diskutierten, wie die Europäische Universität von morgen aussehen kann.

“The European University is a Great Opportunity”

Around 100 participants at the University of Bremen learnt about and discussed what the European university of the future could look like. The event took place as part of the “Das Rektorat Informiert” series along with a World Café.

[Translate to English:] Universität Bremen begrüßt Frühstudierende

It is not only regular first semester students that are currently beginning their studies at the University of Bremen. The university is also welcoming 19 school pupils. The talented and interested young people are taking part in some foundation courses in the frame of the “Early Study” program.

Mann lächelt in Kamera

Hans-Koschnick-Professor John W. Meyer Holds Talk on Liberalism

At 6 p.m. on October 17, 2019, Stanford sociologist John W. Meyer will be holding a talk on education and the university as an institution in the House of Science (Haus der Wissenschaft). He is a guest this fall at the University of Bremen in the frame of the Hans Koschnick Professorship.

Crypto currency on a digital display

Diginomics Research Talks: Digital Experts Hold Public Talk Series

Work 4.0, digital project management, and digital currency are topics of an event series from the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics. The series begins on Tuesday, October 22, 2019, in the Kontorhaus Passage, is free of charge and open to anyone who is interested.

Ambulance on the way

Taken to Hospital by Ambulance: Nobody Wanted to Take Responsibility

A study of the University of Bremen led by the University of Oldenburg indicates that nursing home residents are very often unnecessarily admitted to emergency rooms and hospitals. In Germany, the number of hospitalization of nursing home residents seems to be much higher than in other countries.

Eine Gruppe Studierender bei einer Campusführung

University of Bremen Welcomes around 5,000 New Students

Around 5,000 students will begin their studies at the University of Bremen in the winter semester 2019/20 with a mix of preparatory courses, information events, guided tours, as well as parties.


CAMPUS AWARD 2019/2020: Submit Your Nominations Now!

The organizers of the CAMPUS AWARD: Research for a Sustainable Future are looking for the best theses at the University of Bremen on sustainable use of resources and protection of the environment, the climate and the oceans. The nomination round is open until December 6, 2019.

/Gesellschaft/Engagement, /Person/Auszeichnung, /Person/Paar

Federal Cross of Merit for Marine Biologist Antje Boetius

High honor for a renowned marine biologist: Antje Boetius, director of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and professor at the University of Bremen, received the Federal Cross of Merit from the federal president.

A student in the work place.

Learn Languages This Winter

The Foreign Languages Centre for the Universities in the Land of Bremen (FZHB) is offering various courses where you can learn a new language, refresh your language skills or take exams in the coming months.

Professor Hoffmeister überreicht Preise an zwei Schülerinnen

Dr. Hans Riegel Awards for Outstanding Research by Pupils

On September 26, 2019, the University of Bremen and the Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation honored pupils from the region for their outstanding prescientific papers. The Dr. Hans Riegel Awards are endowed with a total of approximately 5,200 euros.

Young Man smiling

Geographers Honor Ivo Mossig’s University Teaching

Professor Ivo Mossig has received an award for innovative teaching. The association for geography at German-speaking universities and research institutes has honored him for his module “Introduction Project.” Students already start researching independently in their first bachelor’s semester.


Economy in Practice: Students Trained as Certified Derivatives Traders for the First Time

Practical teaching: at the University of Bremen, prospective economists have successfully passed the examination to become a certified derivatives trader of Deutsche Börse AG for the first time. The special training is part of the economist Professor Lars Hornuf’s course.

YERUN Cooperation Network: Scholz-Reiter Voted New President

The President of the University of Bremen, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, has been voted president of the YERUN network – Young European Research Universities. The aim of the 17 universities in 11 countries is to give young universities in Europe a voice as part of the cooperation network.

Andreas Caspari / Universität Bremen TZI

Swarm of Satellites to Make 5G Mobile Communication Available Nationwide

A Bremen consortium from industry and science is now developing a software platform for the optimization of satellite networks. This involves the establishment of a satellite-based layer of communication for 5G mobile radio, which supports the network on the ground.

Gunnar Spreen

MOSAiC Expedition: Dr. Gunnar Spreen Starts His Adventure in the Ice

It is the most important scientific work of his career: Dr. Gunnar Spreen, Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, is taking part in MOSAiC, the biggest Arctic expedition ever. On September 20, 2019, he will depart from Tromsø (Norway) to carry out month-long research in the ice.

Gruppenbild: Die Gewinner des KI-Innovationswettbewerbs

Competence Center for AI in Medicine

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Enegy (BMWi) has declared itself in favor of the funding of a North German competence center for AI in medicine. The University of Bremen and the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) are project participants.

portrait of a young man

Study: Personality Is More Dependent on Genes than Assumed

A University of Bremen study has shown that personality differences between people in one family are more dependent on genes than has been assumed until now. The research group has published its findings in the current issue of the international “Zeitschrift für Psychologie” (Journal of Psychology).

Atmosphärischer Beobachtungsdom auf dem NW1 der Universität Bremen. In dem Dom befindet sich der Sonnenfolger der das Sonnenlicht in das Spektrometer leitet, mit dem die Spurengase in der Atmosphäre vermessen werden.

New Cooperation to Significantly Improve Climate Models

To be able to make better predictions for air quality as well as for weather and climate is the aim of a new cooperation in which the University of Bremen is involved. The work of the Research Infrastructure for the observation of Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases (ACTRIS-D) starts in 2021.

Zwei Mädchen sitzen am Tisch und schauen auf ein Tablet

Understand Math: Innovation Award for University of Bremen and the Oberschule im Park

Man kann nur etwas erklären, das man verstanden hat. Diesen Leitsatz verfolgt ein Projekt der Universität Bremen, das in der Oberschule im Park in Bremen-Oslebshausen inklusiven Unterricht mit digitalen Medien unterstützt. Jetzt wurde es mit dem Innovationspreis der Sieben Faulen ausgezeichnet.

Young scientist working in a laboratory

University of Bremen: Even Better Career Chances for Young Academics

Young academics at the University of Bremen now have even better chances for a plannable career. 6.6 million euros from the Federal Government and Länder Program for the funding of junior academics make it possible for the university to fill seven further tenure-track professor positions.

Polarstern, Arktis, Expedition 2012, ARK XXVII-3, sea ice, Meereis

Low Sea-Ice Cover in the Arctic: Second-Lowest September Minimum

Only 3.9 million square kilometers of the Arctic Ocean are covered by sea ice, according to researchers from the University of Bremen and Alfred Wegener Institute. This is the second time that the annual minimum has dropped below four million square kilometers since satellite measurements began in 1

Handelskammer, Universität, Bridge, start up

CAMPUSiDEEN 2019 Award Winners

The winners in the categories "Business Idea" and "Business Plan" of the CAMPUSiDEEN start-up competition have been announced. Four of the six winners come from the University of Bremen. The prizes were awarded on September 3, 2019, at a ceremony held at the Chamber of Commerce.

digitaler nachlass, tod, testament, nachlass, digital, sterben, beerdigung, konto, konten, account, nutzer, zugang, kreuz, tot, friedhof, online, internet, daten, datengrab, erbe, bestattung, löschen, anteilnahme, ende, trauer, beileid, computer, nutzer, nutzerdaten, web, social media, profil, besitzer, email, e mail, konto, schwarz, weiß, blau, symbol, digitaler nachlass, tod, testament, nachlass, digital, sterben, beerdigung, konto, konten, account, nutzer, zugang, kreuz, tot, friedhof, online, internet, daten, datengrab, erbe, bestattung, löschen, anteilnahme, ende, trauer, beileid, computer, nutzerdaten, web, social media, profil, besitzer, email, e mail, schwarz, weiß, blau, symbol

Digital Inheritance: What Happens with My Data after Death?

A research network, in which the University of Bremen is involved, is developing a comprehensive study on digital inheritance. The aim is to create recommendations for testators, heirs, and the law.

Three rainbow flags were hoisted outside the university.

CSD: University of Bremen Raises Rainbow Flags

The University of Bremen has officially raised the rainbow flags in order to mark Bremen’s Christopher Street Day (CSD) on Saturday, August 31, 2019.

Eine männliche Person interagiert mit einem virtuellen Industrieroboter

New Research Project: Ready for the Working World of Tomorrow

A new project at the University of Bremen is investigating how humans can be prepared for working together with robots. The focus is especially on vocational school students: in a virtual environment, they will experience working together with industrial robots.

Young people work at a laptop.

You Can Still Apply to the University of Bremen

Attractive degree possibilities are still available for those who did not receive their desired study place at the University of Bremen or did not apply on time: Registrations for non-restricted bachelor programs and for six master programs are still being accepted from September 1 to 15.

Mann und Frau stehen in einer Telefonzelle

TZI Researches the Use of Chat Bots in the Bremen Bürgerservice

In the future, artificial intelligence could help answer citizens’ questions around the clock: the Senator for Finance has commissioned the Technology Center Informatics and Information Technology (TZI) at the University of Bremen to research a chat bot that automatically processes text messages.

Professor Cristiano Mazur Chiessi

Humboldt Scholarship Holder Researches Effects of Climatic Change on Rainforest and Gulf Stream

How have past climatic changes affected the Amazonian rainforest and the Gulf Stream? Professor Cristiano Mazur Chiessi is looking into this question for six months at MARUM in the frame of the research fellowship for experienced researchers awarded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

Personen am Tisch in einem Seminarraum.

Mediation Training: Solving Conflicts Amicably

In January 2020, a 17-month mediation course is starting at the Academy of Continuing Education, University of Bremen. Interested persons can learn more about the contents and aims of the training at three info events from 5p.m. to 6 p.m. on August 21, and September 6 and 17, 2019.

Eine Studierendengruppe vor dem Bunker Valentin

Interactive Remembrance of Soviet Prisoners of War

In the frame of a joint historical project, students at the University of Bremen and students from the Ukraine and Russia have investigated how their countries remember the Soviet prisoners of war. The results are now presented on an interactive internet platform.

Frauen lernen

LIFE: Flexible Further Training at the University of Bremen

Further training at the University of Bremen: The application phase for the further training program LIFE is now open until September 15, 2019. Interested persons can learn more about the offer at information evenings on August 21, and September 4, as well as via a webinar on August 27, 2019.

technical photo

Blood Is Thicker Than Water and Flows Differently

An international team from the field of physics, engineering sciences and medicine intends to investigate instabilities in blood flow. The Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) from the University of Bremen is taking part.

Eine Lehrende vor einer Gruppe Zuhörer in einem Seminarraum.

Continuing Education Course in Social Sciences Begins in October 2019

The Centre for Labor and Political Education (zap) at the University of Bremen will start their social sciences continuing education course, which runs for two years, on October 15, 2019. Interested persons can learn more about the offer at two information evenings on August 22, and September 5.

University of Bremen Nominated for European Eco-Management Award

The University of Bremen’s eco-management is outstanding and sustainable, which is why it has been nominated as the German representative for the EU Commission EMAS Award 2019. Environmental protection, biodiversity and the incorporation of sustainability in teaching make the university stand out.

Porträt Dr. Cordula Weißköppel

Bremen’s Colonial History: Expert Demands Better Processing

On August 11, a remembrance service in Bremen will commemorate the victims of genocide in Namibia. The cultural scientist Dr. Cordula Weißköppel from the University of Bremen criticizes what she believes to be the hesitant addressing of Bremen’s colonial past.

workplace, computer, office, laptop, programmer, technology, business, work, job, software, desktop, concept, programming, device, typing, people, keyboard, code, internet, young, support, company, casual, education, modern, desk, corporate, data, coding, creative, information, communication, worker, program, network, colleagues, digital, students, start-up, team, successful, developer, employee

Self-Determined Learning with Studio-Quality Videos

The Zentrum für Multimedia in der Lehre (Center for Multimedia in Teaching – ZMML) has developed new digital teaching offers together with the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics. The highlight: the offers are not just for future business and economy scientists but rather for all students and

Junge Leute

Three Weeks of Practical Experience: Students at Summer Camp

From August 5, 2019, 52 students are taking parts in the third practical summer camp of the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics. 12 interdisciplinary teams, some of which are international, will work on practical projects for three weeks. The results will be presented on August 23.

Tropical Nature Tourism: How Can Wastewater Management Be Improved?

Social-ecological research and a new working group at the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) in cooperation with the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Bremen are being funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with nearly 2 million euros.

Prof. Dr. Dana Schmalz

Maritime Rescue: “Europe Must Assume Responsibility”

Rescuing people in distress at sea is an obligation under international law according to the legal scholar Dana Schmalz. She points out the connection to the Dublin Regulation with regard to responsibility for asylum seekers and argues for a European solution.

Young man in front of a screen

Bremen Economist Analyzes Federalism in Russia and China

At the University of Bremen, Professor Michael Rochlitz is comparing the political economy systems in Russia and China and has yielded astounding results. He is an expert on both countries.

Im Projekt OPA3L arbeiten Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Universität Bremen an der Weiterentwicklung des Autonomen Fahrens.

Map Material for Autonomous Driving

In order to equip autonomous cars for the road, Scientists from the OPA3L project at the University of Bremen will measure the Bremen district of Borgfeld to the exact centimeter using several laser scanners.

Qualiservice ist am SOCIUM-Forschungszentrum Ungleichheit und Sozialpolitik der Universität Bremen angesiedelt

Success: Qualiservice Research Data Center Accredited

The German Data Forum (RatSWD) has accredited the Qualiservice research data center of the SOCIUM Research Center at the University of Bremen. The German Data Forum works as an independent advisory board for the government and is active in optimizing infrastructures for research data.

Professor Benedikt Buchner und Professor Alex Boniface Makulilo

Big Data in Medicine: Project with the Open University of Tanzania

A team from the University of Bremen and Open University of Tanzania will investigate the challenges connected to the data protection laws in the healthcare sectors of both countries for the next three years. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is funding the project with around 48,000 euros.

two men discussing

Guest from Cameroon Researches German Migration Literature

Humboldt scholarship holder Dr. Serge Yowa from Cameroon is currently a guest at the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies at the University of Bremen. The scholar of German from Central Africa will research German migration literature in the next two years. His host is Professor Axel Dunker.

Man sitting in a chair testing virtual reality glasses. Spectators are standing around.

AI for Surgery and the Fight Against Infectious Diseases

How can researchers support the work in surgical theaters and help to contain infectious diseases? An international cooperation between the University of Bremen and Mahidol University in Bangkok is working on answering these questions. In August, they will meet at a symposium in Bremen.

Roboter kurz vor einem Mittelfeldschuss beim Gruppenspiel gegen das SPQR Team auf dem RoboCup 2019 in Sydney.

Success Story Continues: B-Human Wins World Cup for the Seventh Time

With a 2:1 finish, B-Humans - the joint team from the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) – reclaimed the world champion title in Sydney, Australia.

Professorin Kerstin Schill

University of Bremen Represented in DFG Executive Committee and Senate

The University of Bremen is now represented in Germany’s largest research support organization: Professor Kerstin Schill was elected as one of the German Research Foundation’s (DFG) Vice Presidents. Professor Michael Schulz is a new senate member.

two men

Participants Needed for Psychological SPeADy Study

The Department of Psychology is looking for monozygotic and dizygotic twins from 14 years of age onwards who would like to take part in a study. A 30-minute questionnaire is to be filled out by varying age groups. The aim is to find out how personality changes over the course of a lifetime.

Preisträgerin Iris Pigeot, Wissenschaftssenatorin Eva Quante-Brandt, Preisträger Andreas Fischer-Lescano und Konrektor Andreas Breiter (v.l.n.r.)

Prize for Doctoral Supervision Awarded for the First Time

For the first time ever, the University of Bremen has honored outstanding PhD supervision. Two first place awards were given to the mathematician Iris Pigeot and the jurist Andreas Fischer-Lescano. The Alumni Network of the University of Bremen donated the prize money of 2,000 euros per person.

display of a smartphone with a robot

School Pupils Bring Pepper the Robot into Play

Robots that relieve you of all day-to-day tasks – many people dream of such intelligent helpers. When will you never have to tidy your room again or hoover? During a summer vacation workshop from the “smile” project, school pupils from grades 7 to 9 can have fun getting creative.

Landschaft mit Felden und Bäumen und Hecken dazwischen

Hedgerows: The Older, the More Species-Rich

A research team from the Institute of Ecology at the University of Bremen has compared the plant community of old and young hedgerows in Schleswig-Holstein. This showed that there were significantly more forest plant species in the old shrubs.

Die Universität aus der Luft

University of Bremen Conferences in July 2019

Gender research in Turkey, the digital world of work and English linguistics are the topics that are on the University of Bremen’s conference calendar in July 2019.

RBei der RoboCup 2018, nahm B-Human an dem Wettbewerb für gemischte Teams zusammen mit rUNSWift aus Sydney, Australien, teil. Das Foto zeigt einen schönen Querpass.

RoboCup World Championship: B-Human Is Travelling to Sydney with High Hopes

World championship fever is growing in the B-Human team – the joint team from the University of Bremen and the DFKI. From July 2–8, the current German champion and vice world champion will take part in the RoboCup World Championship to win back the trophy.

Woman with a book

Summertime Means It Is Language Learning Time

The Foreign Languages Center for the Universities in the State of Bremen (FZHB) has many offers for the non-lecture period from July to September 2019. Interested persons can learn a new language, refresh their skills, take exams or prepare themselves linguistically for university admission.

[Translate to English:] Mann an Maschine

Faserinstitut e.V. is Turning 50!

From cotton assessment to multifunctional fibers and fiber composites: Faserinstitut e.V. (Fiber Institute - FIBRE) is celebrating its 50th birthday! The institute has had a cooperation agreement with the University of Bremen since 1987 and is involved in research and teaching.

[Translate to English:]

European YUFE University: University of Bremen and Network Successful

In the frame of a pilot process, the EU Commission has chosen the YUFE alliance – Young Universities for the Future of Europe – to create one of the first European universities. YUFE will receive 5 million euros in the next three years. The University of Bremen is part of the network.

Two musicians with bassoons

Strange Stories Told Musically

Grotesque music from Berlin and Leningrad in the 1930s is planned for the traditional semester end concerts of the University of Bremen orchestra and choir. They will take place on Tuesday, July 2, 2019 and Wednesday, July 3, 2019 at “Haus am Walde” and in the Gutsscheune Stuhr in Varrel.

Die in der Ausstellung portraitierte Frauen- und Geschlechterforscherin Gülay Toksöz

At Risk: Gender Studies in Turkey

University of Bremen researchers are providing insights into three decades of women’s and gender studies in Turkey. An exhibition at the Haus der Wissenschaft, a public talk held by the renowned gender researcher, Professor Andea Petö, and a summer school will take place at the start of July.

Yasemin Karakaşoğlu

University of Bremen Represented Again in DAAD Executive Committee

Major commendation for University of Bremen internationalization work: Professor Karakaşoğlu has been elected onto the DAAD executive committee for the second time. The previous Vice President for International Affairs and Diversity will begin her role on January 1, 2020. Her term will end in 2023.

Three young women on stage

Theater InCognito Presents Arthur Miller’s ‘The Crucible’

The university theater group InCognito invites you to the premiere of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible on Friday, June 28, 2019 at 8 p.m. The performance will take place in the theater of the university, which is located on the ground floor of the canteen on the boulevard.

Photo of a woman with flowers in her hand and a man

Vice President Approved for Second Term in Office with Vast Majority

Continuity on the University Executive Board: Professor Eva-Maria Feichtner will continue her role of Vice President for International and Diversity at the University until 2022. The Academic Senate recently approved the nomination by the President, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, with vast majority.

Rund 20.000 Gäste kamen zum vierten OPEN CAMPUS an der Universität Bremen

Large Crowds at Fourth OPEN CAMPUS

Experiments, talks, fun for children and open-air concerts: On Saturday, June 15, 2019, there was a large crowd of around 20,000 visitors at the OPEN CAMPUS event of the University of Bremen. In the evening, the hip-hop stars Namika and Megaloh set the party mood on campus.

Professorin Rozena Maart, Professor Alex Makulilo, Rektor Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter und Dr. Natascha Zaun (v.l.)

University Strengthens International Network

University President Prof. Bernd Scholz-Reiter named three new research ambassadors during a reception. They are to raise awareness of local research activity and promote scientific exchange.

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IPP Is now a WHO Collaborating Centre

The World Health Organization (WHO) has named the Department of Social Epidemiology at the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research, University of Bremen as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health Inequalities under the direction of Professor Gabriele Bolte.

Gaestehaus im Dunkeln

Guesthouse Celebrates its Birthday: 25 Years in the Heart of the City

Jubilee at Teerhof: The ambitious university with its guests from all over the globe needs a place that can accommodate all international guests. That was the initial idea for the construction of the guesthouse in the city, which is now celebrating its 25th birthday.

Junge Menschen schauen in einen Laptop

The Fight against Malaria: Gaining a Better Understanding of Infection Paths

Computer Science students are significantly contributing to reducing the spread of malaria in Thailand. In the frame of a practical project, they are developing an app-based system together with the Mahidol University in Bangkok. The aim is to gain a better understanding of the paths of infection.


Uni KLEX: Career Support through Flexible Childcare

The University of Bremen already has a good reputation as a family-friendly university – now it is getting even better in this respect: with the flexible childcare system Uni KLEX, scientists in the qualification phase will in future also receive targeted support in the off-peak periods.

Studierende im Gespräch in der Cafeteria des GW 2.

Orientation in the Subject Jungle of Degree Options

High school graduation is over – and what now? The Study Pilot project allows for people interested in doing a degree to take a look into the day-to-day life at the university and supports them in making a decision.

Computer keyboard.

Promoting Digital Change in Teaching

The University of Bremen is in the middle of a digital transformation and will now receive strategic support for teaching from renowned, external experts. The university was able to win said support from the Higher Education Forum for Digitalization (Hochschulforum Digitalisierung).

Teilnahmeberechtigt sind Studierende, Mitarbeitende und Ehemalige der Universität Bremen, der Hochschule Bremen, der Hochschule Bremerhaven und der Jacobs University Bremen sowie aus deren Instituten und Forschungseinrichtungen.

CAMPUSiDEEN 2019: Apply now as the best start-up idea

Bremen start-up founders, please pay attention: Once again this year, the CAMPUSiDEEN competition honours the best business ideas and business plans from Bremen’s higher education landscape. The closing date for applications is 25 June.

Projektgruppe vor Auto

Will Shuttle Buses and Cars in Sharing Schemes Be Driving Themselves Soon?

Within the new OPA3L project, which currently has a project volume of 5.3 million euros, mathematics and computer science groups from the University of Bremen are working on the development of autonomous driving. The aim is to move from the university parking lot to the city roads.


OPEN CAMPUS: Experiencing Science with all Senses

From 2 p.m. onwards on June 15, 2019, the University of Bremen is opening its doors for the fourth time for OPEN CAMPUS. Some of the events on offer include short talks, tours and a poetry slam. Namika and Megaloh, two stars of the German music scene, will perform in the evening.

Ziel des Projekts ist es, Musterprotokolle – sogenannte Domain-Data-Protokolle (DDPs) – für den Umgang mit Forschungsdaten der Bildungsforschung zu entwickeln.

Qualiservice – Better Preparation of Research Data

The research data center QAULISERVICE at the SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy, University of Bremen, will receive funding from the BMBF for the development of data-specific, flexible tools for research data management together with ten partners.

Zwei Ärzte vor einem Computerbildschirm, der einen virtuellen Operationssaal zeigt.

Augmented Reality and 3D Printing for Surgery

A group led by the University of Bremen is combining virtual reality, augmented reality and 3D printing in order to improve the planning and realization of surgeries. The technologies can also be used for the training and continuing education of doctors.

brain, cerebral, intellect, 3d rendering, robotic, robot, technology, electronic, artificial intelligence, cyborg, cybernetic, futuristic, android, automaton, clever, wise, smart, brilliant, intellection, power, humanoid, circuit, convolution, wisdom, ai, programming, intellectual, machine, learning, neural, computer, neuro, science, network, digital, board, connect, motherboard, processor, shape, automatic, automation

University of Bremen Plays an Important Role in Development of Artificial Intelligence

The University of Bremen plays an important role in German artificial intelligence (AI) development. Three of the university’s professors are either one of the ten formative thinkers or are responsible for some of the most significant technologies in German AI history, according to an expert jury.

An der Universität Bremen spielt Nachhaltigkeit auch in Zukunft eine wichtige Rolle

Sustainability: University of Bremen is Forerunner

The University of Bremen has been accepted into the circle of partner universities of the sustainability network “HOCH-N”. For this, the university had to show how it is dealing with sustainability in teaching, research, operation and even transfer into civil society.

Drei Männer und eine Frau in Gruppe lächeln in die Kamera

Kristina Vogt Explains Left-Wing Economic Policy

As part of the series “Economists talk to top candidates for the state election,” the department welcomes Kristina Vogt from Die Linke, the Left party, as its guest this time.

Zwei Männer und eine Frau lächeln in die Kamera

Eva Schöck-Quinteros Awarded the Federal Cross of Merit

The Bremen historian Dr. Eva Schöck-Quinteros received the Federal Cross of Merit from the German Federal President Frank Walter Steinmeier. The award was given for her work in historical-political education with the successful project “Aus den Akten auf die Bühne” (From the Files onto the Stage).

two women and a man sitting on a table

Scholarship Holders from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Carry Out Computer Science Research

Professor Martha Yifiru Tachbelie and her husband, Professor Solomon Teferra Abate from Ethiopia are guests of the Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science of the University of Bremen. The scientists were each awarded a Georg Forster Research Scholarship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

Die Artenzusammensetzung von planktonischen Foraminiferen aus der Vergangenheit wird im Sediment gespeichert.

Marine ecosystems have entered the Anthropocene

Researchers from MARUM the University of Bremen, and the University of Oldenburg have shown that the associations of marine plankton in the present are markedly different from those of preindustrial times. The team has published their results in the journal Nature.

Die Fassade der Glashalle.

Who Has a Spare Room in July and August?

For the summer courses at the University of Bremen, the Foreign Languages Centre for the Universities in the State of Bremen (FZHB) is still looking for rooms for international guests.

Luftaufnahme der Sportstätten

University Sport Facilities: School Sports Can Take Place

The University of Bremen’s sport facilities can be used as usual. “The normal training, sport and school activities in the sports halls should be possible in the fall and winter”, stated Dr. Martin Mehrtens, Director of Finance and Administration at the university.

Frierende Menschen vor Schiff

38 Days in the Ice: IUP PhD Students end Russian Arctic Expedition

May 20, port of Murmansk: The Russian research icebreaker “Akademic Treshnikov” is running in – a further milestone of the Russian-German cooperation in Arctic research is ending. Arantxa Triana Gómez and Dmitrii Murashkin, PhD students from the Institute of Environmental Physics were on board.

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Buzzing for the City

Right on schedule for World Bee Day on Monday, May 20, 2019, two beekeeping groups will be launched in Osterholz-Tenever and Vahr under the instruction of researchers from the University of Bremen. The initiative stems from a research project, which investigates food production on a district level.

two men with laptop

Study: Digitalization as the Way Forward for Inclusion in Schools

Frank J. Müller, Junior Professor for Inclusive Education at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences at the University of Bremen has investigated open educational resources in Norway in a current study. Freely available educational materials could set a precedent in Germany’s schools.

Three men and a woman smiling

Top Candidate from the Green Party (Die Grünen) Debates with the Economists

“Sustainable management – how does that work?” The top candidate from the Green Party and chair of the party in the Parliament of Bremen, Maike Schaefer, was invited by the Faculty of Economics to discuss this challenging topic.

Prof. Dr. Ludwig Huber

In Mourning for Ludwig Huber

The University of Bremen is in mourning for Professor Ludwig Huber. “The passing of Ludwig Huber is a great loss”, stated Thomas Hoffmeister, Vice President for Academic Affairs. “He accompanied our university as a friend and advisor. We will miss his exceptional mind.”

Group of two young men and one young woman.

CAMPUS PREIS for Three Excellent Works

One junior researcher and two master’s graduates have received this year’s “CAMPUS PREIS: Forschen für nachhaltige Zukunft.” The jury honored Dr. Anna Schwachula for her dissertation. Daniel Ortiz and Philipp Kenkel each received prizes for their master’s theses.

Bremer Bürgermeister und Alumnus der Universität: Carsten Sieling

“I Do Not Fear for Bremen”

An important visitor to the Faculty of Economics in two senses: the guest, Carsten Sieling, was not only in attendance as the Mayor of Bremen but also as an alumnus of the University of Bremen. The podium discussion focused on the future of local economic policy.

Four teenagers standing in front of a poster

Food for Thought: Summer Academy for Young People

“Your brain is hungry? We’ll feed it!” – under this motto, the university is once again inviting high-performing high school students to the summer academy, which will take place in the first week of the Bremen summer break from July 8 to 12. Applications can be submitted until June 16.

Students sitting in an auditorium

CHE Ranking: Good Grades for the University of Bremen

In the current university ranking by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE), the University of Bremen occupies the top positions for degree courses in linguistics, literature, engineering, education, and psychology.

Karoline Linnert und Johann Bizer (sitzend), Henning Lühr, Bernd Scholz-Reiter und Andreas Breiter (stehend, von links)

Digital management: New Endowed Professorship at University of Bremen

The University of Bremen will receive a new endowed professorship for “Digitale Transformation der öffentlichen Verwaltung (E-Government). The chair is located within Faculty 3 and is funded by the Bremen State Finance Department and Dataport (IT service provider for public administration).

Entwurfsansicht des BIOM

Modern New Building for Biology

The Faculty of Biology at the University of Bremen will receive a new modern teaching and research building – the BIOM. The almost 6,000-square-meter building on James-Watt-Strasse is to provide space for around 1,000 students and around 100 employees. Construction starts on May 06, 2019.

Entspannt und erfolgreich studieren: Dabei unterstützt die Studierwerkstatt der Universität Bremen seit 20 Jahren.

20 Years of the Studierwerkstatt at the University of Bremen

The Studierwerkstatt study workshop at the University of Bremen teaches students the basics of scientific work, supports them in dealing with learning and examination stress, and prepares them for lectures and examinations. The center turns 20 this year, which it will celebrate on May 8.

Logo des March for Science Bremen

March for Science: Together for Strong Science

On Saturday, May 4, 2019, the March for Science in Bremen once again calls for people to take to the streets for the value of academic and scientific freedom. The University of Bremen supports the movement and invites everyone who wants to make a strong statement for science to participate!

University Glas Hall Buildingshalle

University of Bremen Conferences in May 2019

Family portraits in film and depictions of living in magazines are topics of the May conference program of the University of Bremen.

Kinder und Erwachsene experimentieren am Computer

Senator Bogedan Visits School Laboratories

On the occasion of the Children’s University, Senator for Education Dr. Claudia Bogedan visited the school laboratories at the University of Bremen. In total, more than 10,000 schoolchildren take part in the activities of the school laboratories every year and experience the campus as an exciting ou

Symbol der Uni an der Glashalle

Lecture Series on Goals for Sustainable Development Begins

The artec Sustainability Research Center will start a lecture series on Tuesday, April 30, 2019, on the topic “Goals for sustainable development: ambivalences of a global agenda.”

women with bicycles

University of Bremen Launches Survey on Active Mobility in Old Age

In mid-May, health researchers from the University of Bremen sent out 11,000 questionnaires to 117 communities in 11 administrative districts of the Metropolregion Nordwest (northwest metropolitan region). The large-scale survey is intended to show how mobile people aged 65 and over are.

Two men in front of a screen

BIMAQ Provides Software for Measuring the Flow around Rotor Blades

The Bremen Institute for Metrology, Automation and Quality Science (BIMAQ) has now handed over the “Transition Finder” software to Deutsche WindGuard GmbH in Bremerhaven. It is the result of a joint development.

Four men smiling

Carsten Meyer-Heder Wishes the University Would Offer “a Bigger Picture”

After Christian Lindner comes Carsten Meyer-Heder. For the second time, the Department of Economics invited a politician to ground the academic world. Moderated by Dean Professor Jochen Zimmermann, the focus was on the digital economy in Bremen from a critical viewpoint.

hands of elderly men and women

Study Begins: Reducing Hospitalization in Dementia Sufferers

“DemWG” – a research project of the University of Bremen, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, and the AOK Bremen – is under way. It focuses on reducing hospitalization of people with dementia in outpatient assisted-living communities. A total of 1,260 residents from various cities are participating.

Das neue Jahrbuch der Universität Bremen gibt Einblicke, wie ihre Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter Transfer weiterdenken und leben.

Transfer: Broadening Perspectives

Transfer plays a significant role at the University of Bremen. It encompasses much more than just cooperation with business and industry. The new yearbook tells you all about what transfer means to the university and how its employees are involved in this area.

Luftaufnahme der Sportstätten

University Sports Facilities: Unrestricted Use Possible

The sports facilities of the University of Bremen can still be used without any restrictions. “The facilities will operate as usual,” says Dr. Martin Mehrtens, Director of Finance and Administration of the University. The facilities would be available to school classes and sports clubs as agreed.

Gruppenbild mit Frauen und Männern

Science Awards for Graduates of the University of Bremen

Three graduates of engineering and social sciences at the University of Bremen have been awarded the OLB-Wissenschaftspreis (OLB science prize). They received the awards together with five other prizewinners from Bremen and Lower Saxony.

The university of Bremen

Free Social Science Education Course Begins

On May 10, 2019, the university’s Centre for Labour and Political Education will launch the six-month course titled “Wege in ein sozialwissenschaftliches Studium” for people with refugee and migration experience. An info event will be held on Friday, April 5, 2019. The offer is free of charge.

Tractor sprays pesticides in a field

Pesticides: Research Team Demands New Thinking

The approval practice for pesticides fails to meet the desired environmental standards and contributes to the loss of biological diversity, which is why an international group of experts, including from the University of Bremen, is calling for a change to the approval procedure.

Personen stehen mit einem Tisch mit Postern herum

New Digital Teaching Formats

Five projects for the digitization of university teaching and learning have been launched. They are just some of the measures of the Quality Pact Teaching at the University of Bremen. The projects aim to tap into new sources of didactic potential and generate freely available educational materials.

Young girls sitting

Bremen Youth Welfare in Dark Years

The State and University Library (SuUB) is now showing an exhibition on youth welfare and educational homes in Bremen from 1933 to 1945. The title of the traveling exhibition is taken from the quote “Denn bin ich unter das Jugendamt gekommen” (Because I was put in the care of youth welfare).

Zwei Wissenschaftler im labor

“Biological Bandage” Could Help Heal Wounds

Scientists at the University of Bremen have now developed a three-dimensional protein structure that could help to heal wounds. It is conceivable that one day this structure could be produced as “biological bandage” from the blood of the person who will use it.

Mädchen dreht an einem Rad

“Kinder-Uni”: School Classes on Campus

The university will welcome 1,600 schoolchildren from the third to sixth grades to the “Kinder-Uni” children’s university on campus. In eleven lectures, there will be research news from areas ranging from English studies to physics.

Zwei Männer auf Treppe

Important Progress in the Fight against Testicular Cancer

Researchers at the University of Bremen have made great progress in the fight against testicular cancer. An important biomarker has been developed further in a comprehensive study and is almost ready for clinical application. The results have now been published in a prestigious scientific journal.

Bundesbildungsministerin Anja Karliczeck überreicht Professorin Konstanze Plett das Bundesverdienstkreuz

Order of Merit for Law Professor Konstanze Plett

Professor Konstanze Plett of the University of Bremen has been awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. This award honors the special merits of Konstanze Plett for the recognition of intersex rights.

Zwei Männer im Gespräch

U Bremen Excellence Chairs: Close Cooperation with International Experts

The university is strengthening its cooperation with international experts: it has gained selected experts from all over the world for the U Bremen Excellence Chairs. These visiting professors conduct research closely with colleagues of the university.

Runde diskutiert

Federal Minister Hubertus Heil Visits SOCIUM

Another high-ranking politician visited the university. A good week after Christian Lindner, leader of the FDP party, visited, Hubertus Heil, Federal Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, was also a guest. Current legislative proposals and the state of social policy research were discussion topics.

Zettel mit der Aufschrift Hashtag zapweekly

The Countdown Is On: 12 Tweets until the State Election

Facts about election day, pros and cons of voting, voter turnout and Bremen regional politics. The Centre for Labour and Political Education (zap) of the University of Bremen is posting short tweets with a varied mix of information about the upcoming 2019 state election.

Junge Frau liest Buch

Sunday Opening of the SuUB: First Phase Was Successful

For the first time, the headquarters of the Bremen State and University Library (SuUB) was also open on six weekends from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturdays and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays. The offer was very well received. Up to 1,200 visitors came on Sundays.

Two young women smiling

Mentoring Program: “I’m Glad I Joined In.”

A mentoring program is part of women’s advancement in the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics. After being part of the program for one year, a mentor and mentee tandem will now discuss what it has achieved. The program will be continued.

group of persons on a staircase

Alumni in Bremen Parliament

Great interest in an offer from the alumni association of the University of Bremen: The parliament visit and the discussion on science policy was a complete success. Instead of the planned 30 participants, the number of interested parties doubled.

Das MZH mit Fallturm im Hintergrund.

Mathematical Olympiad: Award Ceremony of the Bremen’s Best

A total of 169 schoolchildren from Bremen and Bremerhaven took part in the final round of the mathematical olympiad state competition at the end of February. The best performers will be honored at the University of Bremen on Friday, March 8, 2019, at 3:30 p.m.

Professorin Annelie Keil

Professor Annelie Keil will be awarded the senate medal for art and science by the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen.

The Senate of Bremen Honors Annelie Keil’s Services to Social and Health sciences for the University and the state of Bremen with the Senate Medal of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen.

Logo of the University of Bremen.

Bremen-Cardiff Alliance: Facing Brexit with Collaboration

The University of Bremen and Cardiff University are entering into a strategic partnership – the Bremen-Cardiff Alliance. A cooperation agreement will be signed in Bremen and Cardiff on March 8 and 25 respectively. The aim is to promote the development of joint research activities and cooperation.


Important linguistic expert meeting at the university

Around 500 linguists are expected at the University of Bremen from March 6 to 8, 2019, for the 41st Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society. It is one of the largest linguistic conferences in Europe.

Group of people

Outstanding Theses Receive Bremen Study Prize

The association of “unifreunde” – Gesellschaft der Freunde der Universität Bremen und der Jacobs University will award the Bremen Study Prize for outstanding theses on Thursday, February 28, 2019, starting at 6:30 p.m. A special prize will be donated by Bruker Daltonik GmbH.


University of Bremen helps build a European University

The University of Bremen is joining forces with seven other universities from as many different European countries. Together they form the YUFE alliance (Young Universities for the Future of Europe).

Two Women with a book

State and University Library Returns Book to DGB

The State and University Library (SuUB) was again able to hand over a book to the rightful owner through systematic searches for Nazi loot. Pen drawings by Julius Mühlfeld, published 1873, are now in the possession of the German Trade Union Confederation in Bremen.

A woman smoking cigarette

Institute Is Looking for Smokers for Study

The Institut für Public Health und Pflegeforschung is looking for participants for a new study. “Smoking in everyday life” is the name of the research topic. The institute is looking for people who smoke at least ten cigarettes a day on average.

Uni-Logo an der Glashalle

University of Bremen Conferences in March 2019

An expert conference of linguists, theoretical political science discussions on the relationship between democracy and truth, a meeting of young chemists, and current issues in the wind energy industry – these are the topics of the conferences at the University of Bremen in March 2019.

Man shows a key of a flat

“I’m Afraid the Apartment Is Already Taken, Ms Gülbeyaz.”

A study by Bremen linguist Inke Du Bois has already attracted international attention: students called landlords in four Bremen districts and spoke to them with a Turkish accent, an American accent, and High German pronunciation. However, not all of them received an apartment viewing.

Zwei Männer auf Sofa

Torben Klarl and Lars Hornuf among Top Economists

Good news for the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics at the University of Bremen: the two economics professors Torben Klarl and Lars Hornuf are among the top ten percent of German economists in terms of current research performance. This is the result of a highly regarded ranking.

DFG-Projekt Chip-Fertigung

New DFG Project for the Manufacturing of Computer Chips

Over the next three years, the DFG will provide around 300,000 euros in funding for a project that will make it possible to manufacture computer chips that simultaneously store and process data. The head of the project is Professor Rolf Drechsler from the Computer Architecture working group (AGRA).

Zwei Studierende mit dem Duden

Foreign Languages Centre Supports Teachers from around the World

Teachers from around the world will be supported by the FZHB in the development of their professional German language skills. The offer of a tutorial and an individual coaching session is made possible by a program in the “Integration durch Qualifizierung” network.

Mann mit Roboterarm

How Humans and Robots Can Work Hand in Hand in the Future

How can humans and robots work together safely? A project that has begun at the BIBA addresses this question. Together with partners, an autonomous assistance system for this interface is to be developed by 2020. The federal government is funding the project with 1.3 million euros.

Professor Michael Beetz und drei Roboter

Robotics Expert Michael Beetz Awarded Honorary Doctorate in Sweden

Computer Science Professor Michael Beetz has received an honorary doctorate from the Swedish Örebro University for his outstanding achievements in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics.

The logo of the University of Bremen on the Glass Hall building.

State of Bremen Advocates Freedom of Science – Four Scholarships Awarded

The state of Bremen has set up a scholarship program for junior researchers from abroad who are in precarious situations. In the first round of applications, two scholarships for postdocs and two graduation scholarships for doctoral students will be awarded. Deadline for applications is March 31.


Nationwide Data Service Center Now Also for Ethnology

The QUALISERVICE data service center at the SOCIUM – Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy of the University of Bremen receives further funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Thus, for the first time, an area for ethnological research data can be established.

Auf der Polarstern-Expedition PS 104

Second Bremen Ocean Day at the University of Bremen

On Bremen Ocean Day on February 13, 2019, around 500 high school students will have the opportunity to get a taste of marine research. Scientists will talk about their research and everyday scientific life.

Das FZHB hat im Februar und März 2019 viele Angebote im Programm

Implementing New Year’s Resolutions – Language Courses at the Foreign Languages Centre

In February and March 2019, the Foreign Languages Centre for the Universities in the Land of Bremen (FZHB) has a range of offers in its program to refresh language skills or even learn a new language. Participation is open to all interested Bremen residents.

Zwei Männer stehen vor einer Tafel und diskutieren.

“Doping” for Atomically Thin Materials

Scientists at the University of Bremen are investigating new mechanisms for the targeted alteration of the conductivity of nanomaterials. They recently published their discovery in the internationally renowned journal “Nature Communications.”

Gerold Wefer erhält Senatsmedaille

Professor Gerold Wefer Receives Senate Medal for Art and Science

This is cause for celebration at the University of Bremen too: Professor Gerold Wefer, who for decades has been a driving force in the development of marine sciences not only at the university, has been awarded the senate medal for art and science of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen.

[Translate to English:] Stephan Leibfried

Focusing on Poverty and Anti-Poverty Policy: Stephan Leibfried Conference on February 1 with Panel Discussion

How can we fight poverty? What can be done to ensure that poverty does not become entrenched? What does a modern anti-poverty or social policy look like? These issues will be discussed on February 1 at the Stephan Leibfried conference of the SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy.

Mann am Mikrophon

Memorial Symposium for Professor Stefan Gößling-Reisemann

How can energy systems be designed to be sustainable and resilient? This was Professor Stefan Gößling-Reisemann’s research topic. His sudden death in July 2018 was a shock to his staff. He is to be remembered with a symposium on March 6, 2019.

In den IT-Workshops des smile Projekts sollen Mädchen selbst aktiv werden.

Exciting IT Workshops for Girls

The smile project offers insights into cutting-edge IT research for schoolgirls from the fifth grade up to university entry. The BMBF-funded workshops at the University of Bremen aim to present the attractiveness and diversity of computer science professions to schoolgirls.

Ein Bleistift mit der Aufschrift "Universität Bremen Zentrum für Weiterbildung" liegt auf einem Tisch in einem vollen Seminarraum.

Flexible Continuing Education with LIFE

The application deadline for the summer semester of the LIFE continuing education program is March 1, 2019. Those interested can find out more about the continuing education courses offered at two information events on January 29 and February 26, 2019, and in a webinar on February 6, 2019.

Uni-Logo an der Glashalle

University of Bremen Conferences in February 2019

A symposium around the presentation of the National (Model) Curriculum “Communicative Competences in Nursing” and an expert meeting on air pollution in European and Asian megacities – these are the topics of the conferences at the University of Bremen in February 2019.

Zwei Stolpersteine

Holocaust Remembrance Day: University of Bremen Events

As part of the Holocaust Remembrance Day for the victims of Nazism, the University of Bremen is holding several events. The central commemoration ceremony, with a lecture by scientific historian Professor Dieter Hoffmann, will take place on January 28, 2019, as part of the “Dies Academicus”.

“A Child of Our Time”: End-of-the-Semester Concert from the University’s Orchestra and Choir

The choir and orchestra of the University of Bremen will present Michael Tippett’s “A Child of Our Time” at the Bremen Cathedral.

Annette Ramelsberger

The NSU Protocols: Interview with Annette Ramelsberger

The NSU trial is the subject of a seminar hosted by the University of Bremen on January 21, 2019. History students will discuss the knowledge gained from criminal proceedings with trial observer Annette Ramelsberger of the Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Neujahrsempfang der unifreunde in der Oberen Rathaushalle

unifreunde and Universities’ New Year’s Reception in the Town Hall

The New Year’s reception of unifreunde e.V. and the two Bremen universities traditionally marks the start of the current academic year. On January 21, representatives of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University will meet in the upper room of the town hall at 6 p.m.

Modellprojekt Sonntagsöffnung der SuUB

SuUB Has Begun its Pilot Scheme to Open on Sundays

In January and February, the Bremen State and University Library (SuUB) will temporarily extend its opening hours during weekends, as has been repeatedly requested by students. The first time that the library will open on a Sunday will be on January 13.

Prof. Dr. Dekorsy, TZI - Universität Bremen (FB1) Adaptive Communication

Wireless Technology for Industry 4.0

A consortium led by the Center for Computing and Communication Technologies (TZI) at the University of Bremen has developed the basis of a new wireless standard for industry as part of the “HiFlecs” project. Production processes in factories can thus be made much more efficient.

Junge Frau lächelt in Kamera

Bremen Study on the Trump Effect Becomes Media Hit in the USA

The sociologist Lara Minkus did not expect this sort of media response. Her study on the Trump Effect in Europe, which she published together with two colleagues from Florence and Magdeburg, was reprinted by many US newspapers.

Mikronapf FEM

CRC “Micro Cold Forming” Finished: 12 Years of Successful Research

After the maximum funding period of 12 years, the term of the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 747 “Micro Cold Forming” at the University of Bremen came to an end on December 31, 2018.

Mädchen und Jungs werden bei der Kinder-Uni selbst zu Nachwuchsforschenden

Start of the 2019 Bremen “Kinder-Uni”

This spring, the Bremen “Kinder-Uni” (children’s university) invites schoolchildren between the ages of eight and 12 to discuss exciting research questions with scientists. The events take place during the winter break and Easter vacation as well as in the last week of March.


New Master’s Program: “Angewandte Philosophie” (Applied Philosophy)

The new “Angewandte Philosophie” (applied philosophy) master’s program will start at the University of Bremen in the 2019 summer semester. The degree course is open admission and applications can be submitted until January 15, 2019.