Italian founder of welfare economics.
Fundamental work: "Der Tugendmythos und die unmoralisierte Literatur", 1911
Italian founder of welfare economics.
Fundamental work: "Der Tugendmythos und die unmoralisierte Literatur", 1911
Masterminds of the social market economy from Germany.
Fundamental work: "Grundlagen der Nationalökonomie", 1939
German sociologist and economist.
Fundamental work: " Der moderne Kapitalismus", 1902
Inventor of the "invisible hand".
U. a.: "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations", 1776
English developers of the supply and demand curve.
Fundamental work: "Principles of Economics", 1890
German professor at the universities of Hannover and Munich.
U.A.: "European Communication Council Report: E-Merging Media, Kommunikation und Medienwirtschaft der Zukunft", 2004
Developer of the theory of comparative cost advantages.
Fundamental work: "Principles of Political Economy and Texation", 1817
US-American Nobel Prize winner for economics.
U.a.: "Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action", 1990
Founder of modern German business administration after the Second World War.
U.a.: "Die Unternehmung als Gegenstand betriebswirtschaftlicher Theorie", 1929
German representative of the dynamic balance theory.
Fundamental work: "Dynamische Bilanz", 1956
Founder of the Austrian capital theory.
Fundamental Work: " Kapital und Kapitalzins", 1884
Austrian Nobel Prize winner for economics.
Fundamental Work: "Preise und Produktion", 1931
German economic theorist.
Fundamental Work: "Das nationale System der politischen Ökonomie", 1841
US-American Nobel Prize winner for economics.
Fundamental work: "The Economics of Discrimination", 1957
German-Austrian economist.
Fundamental work: "Die deutsche Wirklichkeit", 1948
Professor at Yale University.
Fundamental Work: "The Rate of Interest", 1907
British economist.
Fundamental work: "Theorie der unvollkommenen Konkurenz", 1933
US-American Nobel Prize winner for economics.
Fundamental work: "Essays on Game Theory", 1996
British economist.
Fundamentak work: "A Treatise on Money", 1930
Austrian economist.
Fundamental work: "Kapitalismus, Sozialismus und Demokratie", 1942
German social theorist.
Fundamental work: "Das Kapital", 1867
French developer of the theory of marginal utility.
Fundamental work: "Théorie de la monnaie", 1886
Austrian-American economist.
Fundamental work: "Nationalökonomie", 1940
German sociologist and economist.
Fundamental work: "Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft", 1922
US-American Nobel Prize winner for economics.
Fundamental work: "Capitalism and Freedom", 1962
Only German Nobel Prize winner for economics.
U.a.: "Macht Einigkeit start? Spieltheoretische Analyse einer Verhandlungssituation", 1977
American economist.
Fundamental work: "Economics: An Introductory Analysis", 1948
US-American pioneer of modern management theory.
Fundamental work: "The Practice of Management", 1954
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