Faculty of Business Studies and Economics

  • Matej Meza


    to Faculty 07 - Business Studies and Economics

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„Die hkk Krankenkasse arbeitet seit Jahren erfolgreich mit dem Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Bremen zusammen. Dabei schätzen wir insbesondere die hohe fachliche Qualität gepaart mit ausgeprägter Praxisnähe.“


Lutz Trey

hkk Krankenkasse, Stellvertreter des Vorstands, Bereichsleiter Kundenservice, Markt und Unternehmenskommunikation

„Wir freuen uns über die Möglichkeit, unsere Forschungsergebnisse den Studierenden direkt in den Vorlesungen zu vermitteln. Der Fachbereich 7 gibt uns die Möglichkeit, unsere Forschungsergebnisse sofort mit Studierenden und Wissenschaftlern zu teilen.“


Prof. Dr. Sarianna M. Lundan

Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Internationales Management und Governance

„Der Fachbereich bietet mir mehr als nur eine gute fachliche Ausbildung. Er gibt mir die Möglichkeit, wertvolle Erfahrungen – unter anderem als studentischer Tutor – zu sammeln und mit dem erlangten Wissen auch außerhalb der Universität neue Wege zu beschreiten. Außerdem überzeugt der Fachbereich durch die Vielfalt seiner Studierenden.“


Johannes Voshaar

Werkstudent bei Ernst & Young GmbH und studentische Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling

"Mit der Kombination aus einer breiten betriebswirtschaftlichen Ausbildung, anspruchsvollen Vertiefungen und einer internationalen Ausrichtung ist das Studium am Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft ein verlässliches Fundament für erfolgreiche Karrieren in Management und Beratung."


Dr. Philipp Volmer

Experte für Sanierung und Turnaround bei KPMG, Alumni des FB7

„Meine Zugehörigkeit zur Graduiertengruppe Digitalisierung ermöglicht es mir, mich mit anderen Promovierenden über zukunftsweisende Fragestellungen auszutauschen. Die Unterstützung, die ich dabei vom markstones Institute bekomme, ist erstklassig.“


Hendrik Hinrichs

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Graduiertengruppe „Digitalisierung"

"Forschen und Lehren am FB 7 – in offener, wertschätzender und zugewandter Atmosphäre."


Prof. Dr. Kristina Klein  

Professorin für BWL, insbesondere Marketing und Konsumentenverhalten am FB 7

„Der Bezug des Fachbereichs zur Praxis ist ein echter Mehrwert. Das Curriculum ist geprägt von Vorträgen namenhafter Referenten aus der Wirtschaft. Außerdem bieten zahlreiche Projektmodule die Chance, die erlernte Theorie direkt in Kooperationen mit Praxispartnern anzuwenden. Dadurch bekommt man als Studierende/r schon früh die Chance sich ein Netzwerk in der Wirtschaft aufzubauen.“


Simon Hinz

Masterstudent BWL und studentische Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl für innovatives Markenmanagement

"Der Kurs stimmt: interdisziplinär und praxisbezogen mit neuen Antworten auf neue Fragen."


Prof. Dr. Franz Jürgen Marx

Hochschullehrer im Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft seit 1998

„Die Promotion am Lehrstuhl ermöglicht mir eine hervorragende akademische Ausbildung und eine optimale Förderung meiner Kompetenzen.“


Steffen Guder

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für ABWL, Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling

"Begeisterung für Statistik als Schlüsselqualifikation für Wissenschaft, Beruf und Alltag bei den Studierenden zu wecken, folgt dem Selbstverständnis eines empirisch forschenden Fachbereichs und ist mir und meinem Team ein steter Ansporn!"


Prof. Dr. Martin Missong

Professor für Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung und angewandte Statistik

"Die Promotion am Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft eröffnet neue Horizonte und fördert die Begegnung und den Austausch mit vielen interessanten Menschen und Persönlichkeiten."


Julie Thies

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für ABWL, Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling

"Einfallsreiche Lehre braucht innovative Forschung, einfallsreiche Forschung braucht innovative Lehre; dafür stehen wir am Fachbereich 7."


Prof. Dr. habil. Martin G. Möhrle

Leiter des Instituts für Projektmanagement und Innovation & Associate Editor der „World Patent Information“ und bekannt für Flipped-classroom-Angebote

"Durch meine Promotion am Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft habe ich das Gefühl, bestmöglich auf zukünftige fachliche und persönliche Herausforderungen vorbereitet zu sein."


Dr. Michael Streit

Geschäftsführung Streit Datentechnik GmbH 

"Jede gute Praxis benötigt zunächst einmal eine gute Theorie, am Besten wie am Fachbereich Wirtschaft: eine gute Theorie mit Praxisrelevanz!"


Prof. Dr. Heiko Staroßom

Vorstand der Sparkasse Bremen für Firmenkunden und Treasury sowie Honorarprofessor für Unternehmensfinanzierung



Group of students and Mr. Decius are surrounded by an old stone building

Teaching Cooperation with Transformation Consultancy HRpepper and Lernhacks

On January 20, 2025, students in the bachelor's module in organizational and business psychology, led by Dr. Julian Decius, were guests in Berlin at the transformation consultancy HRpepper. During the winter semester, the students had reviewed literature and conducted interviews with employees and…

[Translate to English:]

Accounting & Finance Research Seminar with Sebastian A. Tideman-Frappart

On January 7, 2025, from 4:00 to 5:00 PM, Sebastian A. Tideman-Frappart, Assistant Professor in Accounting at Syracuse University, will present a research paper titled “Analysts and Recency Effects: The Case of Earnings Conference Calls” as part of the Accounting & Finance Research Seminar. The…

Delegation der Wirtschaftsuniversität Odesa (Ukraine) zu Besuch in Bremen – Neue Kooperation

Studiendekan Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. André W. Heinemann konnte in der ersten Dezemberwoche eine Delegation der Odesa National Economic University (Ukraine) am Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft willkommen heißen. Konrektor Assoc. Prof. Wolodymyr Shynkarenko, Prof. Dr. Maryna Slatvinska,…

fritz kola

Ankündigung Gastvortrag Till Tietje

Gastvortrag von Till Tietje, Head of E-Commerce Sales bei fritz-kola, am 11.12.

Shows Professor Sven Hartlieb of the University of Insbruck

Accounting & Finance Research Seminar with Sven Hartlieb

On December 10, 2024, from 4:00 to 5:00 PM, Sven Hartlieb, Professor of Auditing at the University of Innsbruck, will present a lecture titled “Spillover Effects of Joint Financial Statement Audit and Sustainability Assurance: Insights on Audit Efficiency” as part of the Accounting & Finance…

Norddeutscher Rundfunk Logo

Prof. Klein über Black Friday bei NDR Info

Experteninterview zu den dahinter liegenden Mechanismen von Black Friday Prof. Klein im Radio

Shows the text “Psychologi and marketing”

Neue Veröffentlichung in Psychology & Marketing

Dr. Anna Sophie Hollstein, Dr. Michael Schade, Prof. Christoph Burmann (alle markstones Institute) und Prof. Christopher Kanitz (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria) haben einen wissenschaftlichen Beitrag mit dem Titel „Identification as a Sword in the War for Talent: Understanding…

Accounting & Finance Research Seminar Yilong Xu

Am 29. Oktober 2024 von 16:00 bis 17:00 Uhr wird Yilong Xu, Assistant Professor of Finance an der Utrecht University, einen Vortrag zum Thema „Higher order risk preferences and economic decisions” im Rahmen des Accounting & Finance Research Seminars halten. Der Vortrag findet im WiWi1-Gebäude Raum…

Students during campus tour

Information on the O-Woche (orientation week)

Welcome to the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics!

Perhaps you have already visited our homepage and the UNI-Start-Portal to get a first insight into your study program? In addition, you can find the schedule of the O-Woche (orientation week) of our faculty for our programs in Business…

Prof. Klein on NDR2 radio

For the show “Too good to be true?! “The scam with influencers” of NDR2, Prof. Klein was interviewed as an expert on influencer marketing. You can listen to the full piece here: https://www.ndr.de/ndr2/sendungen/ndr2spezial/NDR-2-Spezial-Das-Thema,sendung1471068.html

New publication in the Journal of Marketing Research

The article “Driving Mobile App User Engagement Through Gamification” by Jens Paschmann, Hernán A. Bruno, Franziska Völckner, Harald van Heerde and Kristina Klein can now be found online at the Journal of Marketing Research (VHB A+) . The article focuses on the question to which extent gamification…

Accounting and Finance Research Seminar

Announcement "Accounting & Finance Research Seminar" in Winter Semester 2024/2025

In the winter semester 2024/2025, the "Accounting & Finance Research Seminar" will host international researchers at our faculty. This offers a unique opportunity to find out about their latest research and engage in personal discussions. Afterwards, there will be the opportunity for a personal…

Das markstones Institut gleich doppelt bei butenunbinnen vertreten

In der Sendung von butenunbinnen war das markstones Institut gleich mit zwei Beiträgen vertreten. Zum Einen waren die Studierenden von Professor Christoph Burmann mit ihrer Plakatkampagne vertreten und zum anderen informierte Professorin Kristina Klein zu der "Trinkgeldtaste" in der Gastronomie.

Grinning person

Accounting & Finance Research Seminar Stefan Zeisberger

On April 30, 2024 from 11:00 to 12:00, Stefan Zeisberger, Professor of Financial Economics at Radboud University Nijmegen and Associate Professor for Fintech and Experimental Finance at the University of Zurich, will give a talk on “Why Do People Invest Sustainably? Evidence From New Robo Advisor…

Cover with the text Sustainable Transport and Livability

Bremen engages in Sustainable Logistics through new Taylor & Francis scientific journal "Sustainable Transport and Livability"

Prof. Aseem Kinra from the professorship of Global Supply Chain Management, Professor Ashish Verma from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore, and Dr. Meng Li from Tsinghua University have jointly launched a pioneering initiative to tackle the current sustainability and livability…

Person with brown hair, glasses and white shirt laughs

Accounting & Finance Research Seminar Marco Ceccarelli

On April 16, 2024 from 11:00 to 12:00, Marco Ceccarelli, Assistant Professor of Finance at VU Amsterdam, will give a lecture on "Climate Transition Beliefs" as part of the Accounting & Finance Research Seminar. The lecture will take place in WiWi1 building room A1020.

Several students around a table, one student holding a yellow sticky note.

Master Wirtschaftspsychologie: Bewerbungsfrist bis 31. Mai 2024

Du möchtest dich für einen zukunftsweisenden Masterstudiengang bewerben? Dann ist jetzt deine Chance gekommen! Die Bewerbungsfrist für den Master in Wirtschaftspsychologie läuft noch bis zum 31. Mai 2024.

Shows the text: "Tobin Hanspal" On the left side is a friendly grinning person

Accounting & Finance Research Seminar Tobin Hanspal

On April 9, 2024 from 11:00 to 12:00 Tobin Hanspal, Assistant Professor of Finance at the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, will give a talk on "Educating Investors about Dividends" as part of the Accounting & Finance Research Seminar series. The talk will take place online.


Accounting & Finance Research Seminar

Announcement "Accounting & Finance Research Seminar" in Summer Semester 2024

In the summer semester 2024, the "Accounting & Finance Research Seminar" will host international researchers at our faculty. This setting offers a unique opportunity to dive into their latest research and engage in personal discussions afterward. Afterwards, there will be the opportunity for a…

Virtueller Vortrag an Münchener Schule

Virtual Talk at Munich School

As part of the science communication strategy of the field of Organizational Psychology, Dr. Julian Decius gave a virtual lecture to students of the Gymnasium Nymphenburger Schulen (Munich). The invitation from the school was facilitated by the BMBF-funded networking project "Forschungsbörse". The…

Virtual Talk at Munich School

As part of the science communication strategy of the field of Organizational Psychology, Dr. Julian Decius gave a virtual lecture to students of the Gymnasium Nymphenburger Schulen (Munich). The invitation from the school was facilitated by the BMBF-funded networking project "Forschungsbörse". The…

Person reads in a book

Book Publication in Book Series on Personnel Psychology Practice

Prof. Dr. Timo Kortsch, Dr. Julian Decius, and Dr. Hilko Paulsen authored the German book "Learning in companies – formal, informal, self-regulated" recently published in the renowned "Praxis der Personalpsychologie" book series from Hogrefe. The book transfers scientific findings on work-related…

Best in Track Paper Award auf der 2024 Winter AMA Conference

Auf der 2024 Winter AMA Conference (23.02. – 25.02. in St. Pete Beach, FL, USA) wurden Dr. Michael Schade, Dr. Maik Dulle, Dr. Jan Wiezorrek und Stephan Buttgereit (alle markstones Institute of Marketing, Branding & Technology) gemeinsam mit Prof. Christopher Kanitz und Prof. Andreas Zehetner (beide…

The picture shows a grinning person.

Diginomics student Fabian Siekmann successfully presents his research at the HICSS conference (Hawaii, US)

Fabian Siekmann, PhD student at the Professorship for Global Supply Chain Management and member of the Diginomics Research Group, presented his research paper "Exploring the Role of Social Data in Resolving Paradoxes of Behavioral Visibility in Online Product Reviews for New Product Development" at…

Two people shake hands

Neuer Honorarprofessor für Institutionenökonomik und Ocean Governance am Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft

Der Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Universität Bremen freut sich, Prof. Dr. Achim Schlüter als neuen Honorarprofessor begrüßen zu dürfen. Mit Beginn des Sommersemesters wird Professor Schlüter das Gebiet der Institutionenökonomik und Ocean Governance am Fachbereich vertreten und sowohl in…

Text: Journal of Finance

Paper zur Veröffentlichung im Journal of Finance angenommen

Das Paper „Pockets of Predictability: A Replication“ von Prof. Thorsten Poddig, Tobias Neumaier (beide Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft) und weiteren Koautoren wurde zur Veröffentlichung im „Journal of Finance“ (VHB: A+) angenommen.

Shows a presentation

WiWi Onboarding Challenge

Am vergangenen Mittwoch fand das große Finale der diesjährigen WiWi Onboarding Challenge statt.

Shows a stand with the text Faculty 7 Economics. Next to it, from left to right, Professors Kensbock, Eisenbeiß and Heinemann

Neues Dekanat übernimmt am Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Universität Bremen

Der Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Universität Bremen begrüßt zum 1. Dezember 2023 sein neues Dekanat, bestehend aus Prof. Dr. Maik Eisenbeiß als Dekan, Prof. Dr. Julia Kensbock als Prodekanin und Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. André Heinemann als Studiendekan.

Vortrag von LinkedIn Co-Founder Konstantin Guericke

Wir freuen uns, Konstantin Guericke, Co-Founder von LinkedIn, Mittwochabend begrüßen zu dürfen. Der Vortrag findet im Rahmen des Mastermoduls „Digital Marketing Management I: Strategie & Instrumente" von Prof. Dr. Maik Eisenbeiß statt.

Showes the text:¨Research Talk Prof. Dr. Maren Becker ESCP Europe¨

Einladung zum markstones Research Talk feat. Diginomics Group

Am 25. Oktober um 12 Uhr findet der Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Maren Becker von der ESCP Europe zum Thema "Indulge in Redemption? When and Why Customers Uptrade in Cashback Loyalty Programs" in Raum F4090 im WiWi2-Gebäude statt. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen.

Neue A-Publikation veröffentlicht

Professor Maik Eisenbeiß hat zusammen mit Manuel Berkmann, Werner Reinartz und Nico Schauerte einen Artikel im Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science veröffentlicht.

Shows the image of a person in the background is a screen with the WTCRS logo

Doktorand Debarshee Bhardwaj erhält Prestige-Stipendium für innovative Forschung; World Conference on Transportation Research Society (WCTRS) - Montréal 2023

Debarshee Bhardwaj, Doktorand am Lehrstuhl für Global Supply Chain Management, präsentierte auf der World Conference on Transportation Research Society (WCTRS) 2023 in Montreal. Seine Forschungsarbeit mit dem Titel "How Do Managers Develop Hierarchies for Global Facility Location Country Selection…

Showes the cover of Journal of Vocational Behavior

Publication in the Journal of Vocational Behavior

Dr. Julian Decius (Organizational Psychology in Business Psychology) has published an article in the prestigious Journal of Vocational Behavior (IF = 11.1). Together with his co-authors Prof. Dr. Niclas Schaper (Paderborn University), Dr. Katharina Klug (University of Bremen) and Dr. Andreas Seifert…

Shows a group of people in front of the administration building

Start of the Competence Center RessourcE

Dr. Julian Decius, in cooperation with Dr. Peter Bleses from the Institute for Work and Economy (iaw), has acquired the BMBF-funded regional competence center for labor research "RessourcenEntwicklung in Dienstleistungsarbeit" (RessourcE) for a five-year period starting July 1, 2023. Twenty funded…

[Translate to English:]

New publication: Communication quality affects performance of astronauts and support teams through increased workload: Insights from the AMADEE-20 analog Mars mission

Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann (Chair of Business Psychology and Human Resource Management) and her colleague Lara Watermann have published an article in Acta Astronautica. Together with Dr.-Ing. Christiane Heinicke (University of Bremen, Centre for Applied Space Technology and Microgravity) and Dr.…

Several people can be seen in front of a beamer projection

Teaching Cooperation with Football Club Bayer 04 Leverkusen

On 05.07.2023, the students of the Bachelor project seminar "Applied Organizational Psychology" led by Dr. Julian Decius were guests of the Bundesliga football club Bayer 04 Leverkusen. During the summer semester, the students had researched literature and conducted interviews with Bayer 04…

Publication on Work-Related Learning and Employability

Dr. Julian Decius (Head of Organizational Psychology) has published an article in the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology (IF = 4.867). Together with Dr. Michael Knappstein (ISM Dortmund) and Dr. Katharina Klug (University of Bremen), he investigated the question of whether…

Showes the text:"Research Policy"

New Publication: Firm innovation and generalized trust as a regional resource

Ann Hipp has published an article in the international leading-edge journal „Research Policy“ (VHB: A) together with Thore Sören Bischoff und Petrik Runst (ifh Göttingen).

Shows the lettering Research Talk underneath it says Prof. Dr. Lopo L. Rego

Research Talk mit Prof. Dr. Lopo L. Rego

Am 19. Juni um 16 Uhr hält Prof. Dr. Lopo L. Rego von der Indiana University einen Vortrag zu "Boardroom Ethnic Diversity, Marketing Strategy, and Firm Performance". Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen.

Shows a lecture hall in which a presentation is beamed onto the wall and four people are displayed.

Prof. Dr. Kristina Klein gewinnt den IJRM Best Paper Award 2022

Vom 23.05.2023 bis zum 26.05.2023 waren Prof. Dr. Christoph Burmann und Prof. Dr. Kristina Klein gemeinsam mit internen und externen Doktorand:innen des markstones Institut auf der EMAC Konferenz in Odense (Dänemark). Eines der Highlights der diesjährigen EMAC Konferenz war die feierliche Award…

Shows the text: "Mathematik im Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften"

2. Auflage des Lehrbuches „Mathematik im Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften“ von Lothar Walter

Seit der ersten Auflage des Lehrbuches „Mathematik im Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften – Hinführung, Vorlesungen, Prüfung“ sind knapp über drei Jahre vergangen, und ich habe sehr viel positives Feedback erhalten. Gleichwohl gab es auch Hinweise, die mich auf diverse Tippfehler, Zahlendreher…

Shows multiple People with flowers in their hand

Förderpreis der Nürnberger Steuergespräche 2022

Am 28. April 2023 wurde Herr Dr. Ersen-Mert Kilincsoy für seine Dissertation mit dem Förderpreis der Nürnberger Steuergespräche 2022 ausgezeichnet. Die Dissertation trägt den Titel „Grundsätze und Methoden zur Abbildung von Prognosen im Bilanzsteuerrecht“ und wurde am Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine…

Spitzenplätze im CHE Ranking

Bachelor BWL mit Spitzenplatzierung im CHE Ranking 2023

Eine Buchpräsentation von Professorin Sibylle Heilbrunn!

Am 08.06. stellt Professorin Sibylle Heilbrunn ihr Buch „Dark Sides of the Startup Nation Winners and Losers of Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Israel“ vor. Herzlich eingeladen sind hier alle Interessierten!

Die Veranstaltung findet um 11 Uhr im Wiwi1 Gebäude in Raum A1220 statt.

Ein neuer Workshop von Professorin Sibylle Heilbrunn!

Am 07.06. bietet Professorin Sibylle Heilbrunn den englischsprachigen Workshop „Challenges of Data Gathering: How to Overcome Cultural Barriers” für Phd-Studierende an. Hier lernen Teilnehmende, mit den Herausforderungen von kultureller Vielfalt in Forschungsgebieten umzugehen und diese für eine…

Einladung: Vorsitzender der FDP-Bundestagsfraktion am Fachbereich 7

am Donnerstag, den 04.05.2023 kommt Christian Dürr, Vorsitzender der FDP-Bundestagsfraktion zwischen 11:30–13:30 Uhr an den Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft.

Zeigt den Text Research Talk Prof. Dr. Thomas Scholdra University of Cologne. Trick or Treat ? The Stock Market Impact of Fake Reviews

Research Talk mit Professor Dr. Thomas Scholdra (Universität zu Köln)

Am kommenden Mittwoch findet der Research Talk mit dem ehemaligen Doktoranden des markstones Institut Professor Dr. Thomas Scholdra zum Thema "Trick or Treat? The Stock Market Impact of Fake Reviews" statt. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen.

Showes the text which says World Patent Information. At the top left corner is the logo of the Elsvier company

New Publication on Assessment of Patentability by Means of Semantic Patent Analysis

Valentin J. Schmitt, Lothar Walter and Frank C. Schnittker from the IPMI published a new paper in the World Patent Information journal titled „Assessment of patentability by means of semantic patent analysis – A mathematical-logical approach“.

In the top right corone it shows the logo of Lemex in the middle is a text which says "Neue Veranstaltung! - New Course!"

New Course from LEMEX!

In the upcoming summer semester of 2023, Professor Sybille Heilbrunn will offer "Who are the Winners and the Losers of Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship?" in English.

2021 Best Paper Award in der Kategorie "Highly Commented"

2021 Best Paper Award in the category "Highly Commented"

The article "The Injection of Resources by Transnational Entrepreneurs: Towards a Model of the Early Evolution of an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem," authored by Aki Harima, Jan Harima, and Jörg Freiling, was selected by the Editorial Board of the journal "Entrepreneurship & Regional Development".

Quynh Duong Phuong und Leon Marquardt

LEMEX in Neapel

On 16 Nov 22, the RENT Conference was held in Naples, Italy, under the heading "Re-thinking Entrepreneurship After the Crisis." This year, the focus was on exploring the impact of the COVID pandemic on start-up activity and the survival of start-ups and entrepreneurs.

Publikation Tenzin Harima Freiling

New publication by Tenzin Yeshi, Aki Harima, and Jörg Freiling in European Management Journal on: "Resilience on an emotional rollercoaster: Refugee entrepreneurship under adversity."

Refugee entrepreneurs need to develop and maintain a high degree of resilience in pursuing an entrepreneurial path despite adversities.

International Journal of Operations & Production Management

Aseem Kinra joins the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Operations & Production Management (IJOPM)

Professor Aseem Kinra has joined the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Operations & Production Management (IJOPM). IJOPM is a leading journal in the field and is listed as a rank 4 (A) journal within Operations and Technology Management in the prestigious Academic Journal Guide (AJG).…

International Journal of Production and Research

New article by Aseem Kinra in the International Journal of Production Research analyses global supply chain productivity impacts of Covid-19

Aseem Kinra, together with Xavier Brusset, Davide La Torre and Morteza Javari have published a new article in the International Journal of Production Research (IJPR). In their article, the authors demonstrate the spatio-temporal spread of the Covid-19 pandemic along supply chain networks, visualize…

Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik

New Publication: Comprehensive Patent Data of the German Democratic Republic 1949-1990

Ann Hipp, Michael Fritsch, Maria Greve, Jutta Günther, Marcel Lange, Christian Liutik, Beate Pfeifer, Mariia Shkolnykova und Michael Wyrwich published a research paper entitled „Comprehensive Patent Data of the German Democratic Republic 1949-1990“ in the Journal of Economics and Statistics.



New Publication on Identification of Patent-based Inventor Competencies

Lothar Walter and Jonas Frischkorn from the IPMI, together with Laura Johanna Karwehl and Simone Kauffeld from the TU Braunschweig, have published a new paper entitled „Identification of patent-based inventor competencies: An approach for partially automated competence retrieval in technological…

Finance Research Letters

Maik Eisenbeiß and Lars Hornuf Publish New Article in Finance Research Letters

Lars Hornuf, Maik Eisenbeiß and Sven Hartmann have published a new article on "Social Media Marketing for Equity Crowdfunding: Which Posts Trigger Investment Decisions?" in Finance Research Letters.

Jessica Birkholz

New Publication: “Do not judge a business idea by its cover: The relation between topics in business ideas and incorporation probability”

Jessica Birkholz has published an article in the international peer-reviewed journal “Journal of Technology Transfer ” on the relation between narratives in business ideas, their degree of novelty and the foundation of a company.

DGO-Kongress Berlin

First Congress of the German Society for East European Studies in Berlin

On October 6 and 7, the first Congress of the German Society for East European Studies took place in Berlin. Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz co-organized the congress, and moderated the opening panel.


Workshop at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg

Jan-Matti Dollbaum and Michael Rochlitz organized a workshop at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg on the future of social science research in and about Russia and Ukraine.


Susanne Schattenberg and Michael Rochlitz on the podcast Go Global! of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce

Together with Boris Felgendreher from the Bremen Chamber of Commerce, Prof. Dr. Susanne Schattenberg and Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz discussed the impact of the war in Ukraine on economic relations in Europe.

Sommerakademie Vilnius

Course on Artificial Intelligence at the European Summer Academy Vilnius

David Karpa and Michael Rochlitz from the research group "Institutional Economics" gave a course at the European Summer Academy Vilnius of the German National Academic Foundation with the topic "Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Political Regimes: Towards a New Systemic Competition?".

Podcast Zaren, Daten, Fakten

Podcast of the German Chamber of Commerce in Moscow

Michael Rochlitz spoke with Thomas Baier of the German-Russian Chamber of Commerce in Moscow about the impact of the sanctions on the Russian economy.

Publication alert!

"Determinants of Consumers' attitudes towards digital advertising - A meta-analytic comparison across time and touchpoints" is the title of a new article published by the markstones members Maik Eisenbeiss and Maximilian Fiedler in the Journal of Business Research.


Science podcast: Privacy and data sovereignty

For this year's conference platform LABOR.A of the Hans Böckler Foundation on the topic of "Good Work in the Transformation", the Chair of Business Administration, especially Financial Services and Financial Technology has created a science podcast on the topic of data protection and data…

National Bureau of Economic Research

Presentation at the NBER Summer Institute in Boston

At the 2022 Summer Institute of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Ruben Enikolopov and Michael Rochlitz presented their paper "The Effect of Independent Online Media in an Autocracy."


Book Presentation on Russia’s Energy Exports by Margarita Balmaceda

Is Russia using its energy exports for political purposes? And which actors profit along the value chain of Russian energy exports? On Tuesday July 19 at 16:15, Margarita Balmaceda (Seton Hall and Harvard University), will present her new book on the topic.


Prof. Andrei Yakovlev’s visit to the University of Bremen

Professor Andrei Yakovlev from the Higher School of Economics in Moscow has visited the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics at the University of Bremen for a short research stay on June 26-July 2, 2022.

TV Rain

New Working Paper on the Effect of Independent Media in an Autocracy

Using two field experiments conducted in Russia, the paper – written by Ruben Enikolopov, Michael Rochlitz, Koen Schoors and Nikita Zakharov – examines the effect of independent media on political behavior in an autocracy.

European Academy of Management

Dr. Kirsten Hillebrand and Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf receive EURAM «Best Paper Award»

Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf and his former PhD student Dr. Kirsten Hillebrand received the «Best Paper Award» for their study of data philanthropy at the EURAM Conference.

In their paper «Social Dilemma of Big Data: Donating Personal Data to Promote Social Welfare» Dr. Kirsten Hillebrand and Prof. Dr.…

European Operations Management Association

Uni Bremen well-represented on the supply chain resilience and sustainability agenda at the most prestigious Operations Management scientific conferences

The EurOMA2022 conference focuses on the development and application of new knowledge in manufacturing and service operations. The prestigious EurOMA conference is one of the leading worldwide institutions extending the knowledge on operations management (OM) by bringing OM scholars together. This…

Diginomics Working Paper 17

New Working Paper - Digital Transformation of Maritime Supply Chains Focusing on Ocean Shipping, Port Management and Hinterland Connection

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Dietrich Haasis and Hapsatou have published a new working paper entitled "Digital Transformation of Maritime Supply Chains Focusing on Ocean Shipping, Port Management and Hinterland Connection".

Dr. Tobias Wendler

Research visit to the University of Oxford

From May 16-19, 2022 Tobias Wendler visited on invitation the Oxford Martin School at the University of Oxford in the UK. The research visit served to continue a joint study on the innovation behavior of companies with regard to climate risks. In addition, Tobias Wendler presented a joint research…

Dr. Tobias Wendler

Tobias Wendler receives DFG funding for research stay at Tilburg University

Tobias Wendler has successfully obtained funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the Walter Benjamin Program. This will enable him to implement a research project during a six-month stay at the "Tilburg Sustainability Center" with Professor Sjak Smulders.

Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane

Honorary doctorate awarded to Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane

The University of Bremen has awarded an honorary doctorate to Professor Caren Sureth-Sloane from the University of Paderborn

Working Paper 16

New Working Paper - Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Big Data

David Karpa, Prof. Dr. Torben Klarl and Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz have published a new working paper under the title "Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Big Data".

Diginomics Working Paper

New Working Paper - Asset Pricing in Digital Assets

Steffen Günther, Tobias Glas and Prof. Dr. Thorsten Poddig have published a new working paper entitled "Asset Pricing in Digital Assets".

Podiumsdiskussion Sparkasse

Panel discussion of Sparkasse Bremen on network organizations

Upon invitation of Sparkasse Bremen, Dr. Julian Decius, head of Organizational Psychology, participated in a panel discussion on "Sparkasse as a Network Organization" as part of the "Umdenkwerkstatt" on topics of "New Work" and "New Learning" on May 03, 2022. Together with Pranjal Kothari (Board…

Diginomics Working Paper

New Working Paper - Machine Learning in Accounting Research

Dr. Christian Fieberg, Matthies Hesse, Prof. Dr. Thomas Loy and Daniel Metko have published a new working paper entitled "Machine Learning in Accounting Research".

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Europe Chapter

Successful participation in the HFES conference in Turin

From April 20-22, 2022, the conference of the "Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Europe Chapter" (HFES) was held in presence in Turin.

World Patent Information

New Publication on Digitalization Trends in Patent Information Databases and Interrogation Tools

Dr. Lothar Walter, Nils Denter and Jan Kebel published a new paper in the World Patent Information journal titled “A review on digitalization trends in patent information databases and interrogation tools”.

Working Paper 13

New Working Paper - Social Media Marketing for Equity Crowdfunding: Which Posts Trigger Investment Decisions?

Prof. Dr. Maik Eisenbeiss, Sven A. Hartmann and Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf have published a new working paper entitled "Social Media Marketing for Equity Crowdfunding: Which Posts Trigger Investment Decisions?".

Refugee Entrepreneurship

Workshop on Refugee Entrepreneurship

23 May 2022 from 9.00 a.m. (CET) The Department of Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Business Creation (LEMEX) invites interested scholars to participate in this workshop on Refugee Entrepreneurship on May 23, 2022.

Diginomics Wortking Paper No. 12

New Working Paper - Digital Dark Nudges

Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf and Dr. Sonja Mangold have published a new working paper entitled "Digital Dark Nudges".


Publication on gamification in the International Journal of Research in Marketing

The article “All that glitters is not gold: An investigation into the undesired effects of gamification and how to mitigate them through gamification design” by Prof. Kristina Klein, co-authored with Magdalena Bekk, René Eppmann und Franziska Völckner has been accepted at the International Journal…

Journal of Economics & Management Strategy

New Publication in the Journal of Economics & Management Strategy

Professor Dr. Lars Hornuf has published a new article in the Journal of Economics & Management Strategy under the title "The local bias in equity crowdfunding: Behavioral anomaly or rational preference?" The article emerged in collaboration with his PhD student Eliza Stenzhorn and former…

Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz

Analyses and Interviews on the Economic Impact of the War in Ukraine

In order to contribute to a better understanding of the economic and political impact of the war in Ukraine, Michael Rochlitz, Professor of Institutional Economics at the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics, has analyzed the situation in Russia and Ukraine.

Working Paper No. 11

New Working Paper - Virtual Business Incubators: A Support for Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas?

Prof. Dr. Jörg Freiling, Leon Marquardt and Tatevik Reit have published a new working paper entitled "Virtual Business Incubators: A Support for Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas?".

IHK Bremen

Lecture by Michael Rochlitz on the war in Ukraine at the Bremen Chamber of Commerce

Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz discussed the implications of the war in Ukraine for entrepreneurs in Russia, Ukraine, Germany and Bremen with members of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce.

Spiegel TV

The World of Russia’s Oligarchs

Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz gave an expert interview for the Spiegel TV documentary “The World of Russia’s oligarchs”.

In der Wirtschaft

Special edition of the podcast "In der Wirtschaft" about the war in Ukraine

The podcast "In der Wirtschaft" was founded by graduates of the degree program "Plural Economics" at the University of Siegen. In this special issue, Michael Rochlitz discusses with Julia Cremer and Martin Middelanis the economic impact of the war in Ukraine.

InfoRadio Berlin

Interview on InfoRadio Berlin about the consequences of the sanctions for Russia's economy

Michael Rochlitz gave an interview to InfoRadio Berlin on the consequences of the sanctions for Russia's economy. According to Michael Rochlitz, the negative effects are already massive, but could get substantially worse if the war in Ukraine continues.

New Working Paper - Marketing in a Digital World

Prof. Dr. Kristina Klein, Prof. Dr. Maik Eisenbeiss, Maik Dulle, Nastaran Taherparvar, Mirko Wiemann und Jan Wiezorrek have published a new working paper entitled "Marketing in a Digital World".

Veranstaltungen| Praxis|

Career Camp 2022: Career Week of FB07

More than 40 (supra-)regional companies and institutions participate in Career Week. This year, from March 28 to April 01, 2022, mainly virtual, but with two career networking evenings in presence. Registration for single events is now possible ...

New Working Paper - HumanRoboLab: Experiments with Chatbots in Management Education at Universities

Dr. Denis Pijetlovic and Professor Dr. Georg Müller-Christ have published a new working paper under the title "HumanRoboLab: Experiments with Chatbots in Management Education at Universities".

Comparative Political Studies

New Publication in Comparative Political Studies

The study, "Staying Out of Trouble: Criminal Cases Against Russian Mayors," written by Michael Rochlitz together with three co-authors, examines what factors protect Russian mayors from arrest.

New Working Paper - Human Resource Management in a Digital Environment

Professor Dr. Vera Hagemann and Dr. Katharina Klug have published a new working paper entitled "Human Resource Management in a Digital Environment".

International Journal of Research in Marketing

Publication on Influencer Marketing is one of the TOP 25 most downloaded articles in the International Journal of Research in Marketing

The article “How, why, and when disclosure type matters for influencer marketing” by Prof. Kristina Klein, co-authored with Zeynep Karagür, Jan-Michael Becker and Alexander Edeling is among the 25 most downloaded articles from the global International Journal of Research in Marketing in the last 90…

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Live-Stream zum 80. Geburtstag von Rudolf Hickel: Alternative Wirtschaftspolitik

Er ist Wissenschaftler, Berater, Publizist. In diesem Januar feiert Rudolf Hickel seinen 80. Geburtstag.

Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther bei Buten un Binnen

Jutta Günther in an interview on the Climate Enquete

After 18 months, the Enquete Commission "Climate Protection Strategies for the State of Bremen" presented its final report of more than 350 pages on Friday, December 17, 2021. Jutta Günther participated as a scientific expert and member of the commission. In an interview with buten un binnen, she…

Artificial Intelligence Surveillanve and Big Data

New paper on the impact of surveillance and big data on innovation in artificial intelligence

The paper "Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Big Data" has been published by David Karpa, Torben Klarl and Michael Rochlitz on the arXiv server, which is specialized on topics related to AI and digitalization.

Katrharina Friz

Katharina Friz interviewed about "Data Train"

Katharina Friz, like a number of other members of the working group, is a regular user of the data and methods training courses at the University of Bremen. In an interview with up2date, she reports on the valuable offers made by the U Bremen Research Alliance for young scientists in the context of…

Transport Policy

Journal special issue about transport and logistics systems performance evaluation published in Transport Policy

Prof. Aseem Kinra (Professorship of Global Supply Chain Management) in collaboration with Prof. Werner Rothengatter (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) and Prof. Füsun Ulengin (Sabanci University) have recently published a special issue (SI) and editorial in the Transport Policy journal.

The SI…

Ann Hipp

Ann Hipp receives DFG funding for her international scientific network

Ann Hipp receives a grant of 70.000,- Euro from the German Research Foundation for her scientific network on the topic "The Dynamics of Innovation Systems: Perspectives, Influences and Operationalization" for the period from 2022 to 2024.


Professor Lars Hornuf on Tagesschau.de on the BaFin decision to limit the growth of N26

The banking supervisory authority BaFin sets the online bank N26 a limit for further customer growth and accuses it of poor risk management. What are the consequences for the bank and the customers? Read Professor Hornuf's expert assessment here.


"Green hydrogen in Bremen" - Stakeholder-Workshop Online

As part of the "H2B" project, a stakeholder workshop was held with representatives of Bremen's mobility industry on November 11, 2021. Scenarios for the potential of green hydrogen for the mobility industry were discussed and barriers on the way to the realization of the potentials were identified.

Tobias Wendler represents the University of Bremen at the Indo-German Exchange on Sustainability Issues

Together with its newly founded India Chapter, the Alumni Association of the University of Bremen held an online conference (in English) on November 12, 2021 under the topic " Exploring Ways to Sustainability - Learning Experiences from India and Germany". The conference focused on the exchange of…

Dr. Mariia Shkolnykova

Mariia Shkolnykova attends European workshop on "Open Science"

On November 2-4, the European training on "Open Science and Open Access Publishing" started in order to enable young scientists to competently offer teaching units on Open Science and Open Access in the future.

Exploring Ways to Sustainability – Learning Experiences and from Bremen and India

Together with its newly founded India Chapter, the Alumni Association is organising an online conference on Friday, 12 November 2021 on the topic of "Exploring Ways to Sustainability – Learning Experiences and from Bremen and India". The three thematic blocks will focus on models of decentralised…

AI & Finance

Professor Lars Hornuf Speaker at the Workshop on "AI & FINANCE"

Today, Professor Lars Hornuf will present his research project „The Social Dilemma of Big Data“ at the Workshop on "AI & FINANCE“ at Goethe-University Frankfurt.

Matheus Leusin

Matheus E. Leusin participates and presents research results at DRUID 2021 in Copenhagen

After being canceled last year due to the pandemic, DRUID was back this year in an offline format. The traditional conference on innovation, dynamic structural and institutional changes took place in Copenhagen, Denmark, from October 18th to 20th.

Disclosure Deregulation of Quarterly Reporting

New Publication about Disclosure Deregulation of Quarterly Reporting

Professor Dr. Lars Hornuf has published a new article in the CESifo Working Paper Series under the title "Disclosure Deregulation of Quarterly Reporting." The article emerged in collaboration with Vanessa Behrmann and Professor Dr. Jochen Zimmermann.

Analogous to astronauts during an external mission

INTERTEAM has started in the Negev Desert in Israel

After intensive preparations, the isolation phase of the 13th analogue Mars mission AMADEE-20 of the Austrian Space Forum (OeWF) started on 11th of October.

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New Publication in the Journal of Technology Transfer

Professor Dr. Lars Hornuf has published a new article in the Journal of Technology Transfer under the title "Are sustainability-oriented investors different? Evidence from equity crowdfunding."

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Bestseller about the management innovation "open Strategy" from the ranks of our university

Why are some companies able to develop and implement disruptive business models, while others run into difficulties? The new publication "Open Strategy" answers this question.

Attentive audience in the packed lecture hall.

Information for the winter semester 2021/22

Orientation week and events: All current information about orientation week and events in the winter semester 2021/22 will be collected here and updated as needed.

Showes the logo of the SEJ

New Publication in the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal

Professor Dr. Lars Hornuf has published a new article in the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal under the title "Marketplace lending of small- and medium-sized enterprises." The article emerged in collaboration with Prof. Douglas Cumming from Florida Atlantic University.

GISD Susstainable Development Investing Creating a scalable SDI-aligened index

Together with colleagues from the University of Hamburg, Christian Fieberg has been working on behalf of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) over the last few months on the concept of a world equity index that makes the 17 SDG's investable. The concept will serve…

Shows part of a boat with the lable Thiessow

Thiessow Seminar 2021

From September 27 to October 01, 2021, all young researchers of the working group "Innovation and Structural Change" presented and discussed their work in progress at the seminar "Dimensions of Knowledge and Technology Transfer" in Thiessow.

The image shows Tobias Wendler

Tobias Wendler presents at the annual conference of the German Economic Association

From June 26 to September 29, 2021, the annual conference of the German Economic Association took place as an online event. Tobias Wendler presented a recent research paper at this event.

Students sitting around a table

Professor Lars Hornuf at the Research Seminar of SKEMA Business School in Paris

Yesterday Professor Lars Hornuf presented his project Lock-in Effects in Online Labor Markets at the Research Seminar of the SKEMA Business School in Paris.

Shows the WK Cafe

Lars Hornuf talks about the bank in his pocket

Lars Hornuf takes part as a podium guest at the event The bank in your pocket - fast, digital and young.

The picture shows Ms. Hagemann, Ms. Rieth and Ms. Heinemann in front of the AOWI in Chemnitz

Successful participation in the AOWI conference in Chemnitz

The working group of Business Psychology and Human Resource Management took part in the 12th conference of the division of Work, Organizational, Business, and Engineering Psychology of the German Society for Psychology in Chemnitz from September 22 to 24, 2021.

Shows a clip from the Buten un Binnen video, where several container ships and cranes are seen.

Prof. Dr. Kinra in interview on global supply chain disruptions and resilience

Disruptions in global supply chains lead to delivery bottlenecks that also affect customers in Bremen.

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Publication in Psychology & Marketing

An article by Prof. Dr. Kristina Klein, together Franziska Völckner (University of Cologne) and Valentyna Melnyk (UNSW Syndey) has been accepted for publication at the journal Psychology & Marketing. The article deals with the effects of background music on the evaluation of visual stimuli.

Link to…

New forthcoming publication on influencer marketing disclosure in the International Journal of Research in Marketing

An article by Prof. Dr. Kristina Klein, together with Zeynep Karagür and Dr. Alexander Edeling (both University of Cologne) and Prof. Dr. Jan-Michael Becker (now BI Oslo) has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Research in Marketing, the leading European marketing research…

On the left hand side is the moderator of Deutsche Welle on the right hand side is Jutta Günther

Jutta Günther in Deutsche Welle TV interview on green hydrogen

Green hydrogen is seen as a beacon of hope on the road to a climate-neutral economy, especially in the chemical industry and steel production. In the international Deutsche Welle news magazine, Jutta Günther talks about the technical and economic challenges.

To the broadcast (September 13, 2021): h…

Shows a Person who sits near the shore

Film Screening of the Russian cult film “Brat” (Brother)

A screening of the Russian cult film “Brat” (Brother) from 1997 will take place on September 23 at 6:00 pm in the “Krokodil” cinema in Berlin. In the subsequent public discussion, Dr. Julia Langbein and Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz will discuss the film with the audience.

Vogelperspektive SuUB Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek

Library resources for economics - Tobias Wendler gives a presentation at the national meeting of subject librarians

On September 16 and 17, 2021, the digital library meeting for subject librarians in economics was held under the title "Libraries - Support for Science", hosted this year by the Bremen State and University Library. Over 100 participants from university libraries throughout Germany attended.


Showes the logo of the Logistik Management 2021.

Three presentations by the Chair of ABWL and Logistics Management at the 12th Logistics Management (LM 2021) conference

The 12th Logistics Management (LM 2021) conference of the Scientific Commission for Logistics (WK-LOG) of the German Academic Association of Business Research (VHB) took place in Dresden from 15 to 16 September 2021. The biannual conference was organised by the TU Dresden.

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New publication from Michèle Rieth and Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann on the effects of the Covid-19 measures on employees

We are pleased to share our new publication "The Impact of Telework and Closure of Educational and Childcare Facilities on Working People During COVID-19" in the German Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology (Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie).

The markstones institute is present at the conference “DerMarkentag2021”!

The conference “DerMarkentag2021” has become one of the leading platforms of discussing future brand management in the German speaking region and goes live on the 16th of September hosted by the Hochschule Mainz. Taking part in the conference will be Tjark Virkus, PhD student of the working group…

Shows the text privacy on a keyboard

New third-party funded project approved

The Hans Böckler Foundation supports Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf’s and Dr. Ass. Jur. Sonja Mangold’s new research project on "Platform work and data protection in a national and international perspective: market players, problem areas, regulatory requirements." The project, which is carried out in…

Showes an old building surronded by grass. Around that are more old buildings.

Professor Lars Hornuf as speaker at the IFABS conference in Oxford

Today Professor Lars Hornuf presents his research project Do Retail Investors Value Environmental Impact? at the annual meeting of the IFABS-International Finance and Banking Society at the University of Oxford.

Are investors willing to give up a higher return if the investment generates positive…

Showes the EAEPE Logo

Four Presentations at the EAEPE Conference 2021

The 33rd Annual EAEPE Conference (European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy | https://eaepe.org/) took place as an online event from September 02-04, 2021. The theme of the conference was „Recovery from the Covid-19 Pandemic: Re-thinking the role of the State towards safe, cohesive,…

Shows part of the flyer of the Crowdworking Symposium

3rd Crowdworking Symposium

On 17 September the University of Bremen hosts the 3rd Crowdworking Symposium, which provides an international and interdisciplinary forum for research on on-demand online labor. This year, we welcome John Horton (MIT Sloan School of Management) as keynote speaker.

If you would like to participate,…

Showing a wall with Cyrillic characters. Next to it an oil platform. Next to the oil platform is the sign of the Soviet Union.

Photo exhibition on the 35th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster

An exhibition with pictures from Chernobyl will take place in the Haus der Wissenschaft from September 6th to October 15th, 2021. The exhibition, organized by a team from the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics, documents life in the exclusion zone, 35 years after the accident.

Wave crashing water and cloudy sky

New third-party funded project with MARUM: "Aims3"- Investigations on CO2 storage at the ocean crust

Scientists at the MARUM have succeeded in acquiring a project to investigate the potential of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) in the ocean together with a broad consortium, including the working group "Innovation and Structural Change" of the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics. The project has…

It shows a blast furnace pipe with a ladder and several platforms to stand on.

Jutta Günther interview on steel production with green hydrogen

Green hydrogen is seen as a hope for climate-neutral steel production, also at the Bremen site.

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Participation in the AOW conference in Chemnitz

From September 22 to 24 2021, the conference of the Division of Industrial, Organizational and Business Psychology (AOW) of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) will take place in Chemnitz. This year's motto is "Sustainable interaction with people and technology".

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New Publication from Michèle Rieth and Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann

We are pleased to share our new publication “Automation as an equal team player for humans? - A view into the field and implications for research and practice” in the journal “Applied Ergonomics” (Q1 Journal).

Shows the text #2015 for the Bremen Papers on Economics & Innovation

New Publication: Entrepreneurship Perception during the first COVID-19 Shock

Jessica Birkholz published, in collaboration with Jarina Kühn, a discussion paper titled “Entrepreneurship Perception during the first COVID-19 Shock: Mental Representations of Entrepreneurship and Preferences of Business Models during the Pandemic” in the discussion paper series of the ierp…

Shows the cover of the CERR 2021

Three presentations of the Chair of ABWL and Logistics Management at the 6th Colloquium on European Research in Retailing (CERR) 2021

The 6th Colloquium on European Research in Retailing 2021 was held from 15 to 17 July 2021, hosted by SKEMA Business School in Sophia Antipolis, France and organised in a hybrid format.

Shows a crowd of people in black and white

New Publication by Ekaterina Paustyan

Ekaterina Paustyan, postdoc in the research group of Michael Rochlitz, published a new paper in the journal “Russian Politics.” The paper shows how the authoritarian (re-)consolidation in Russia’s regions already started under president Boris Yeltsin during the 1990s.

Pub sign with the inscription "In the economy"

Michael Rochlitz as guest of the podcast “In der Wirtschaft”

The podcast “In der Wirtschaft“ was founded by students of the master program “Plurale Ökonomik” at the University of Siegen. The episode was dedicated to the transformation of the Russian economy during the last 30 years and was hosted by Rudolf Faininger and Martin Middelanis.

The image showes the logo of the federal ministry for economics and energy

Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf speaks to the Young Talent Group of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

In the course of increasing digitalization, the collection, processing and analysis of data are becoming more and more a basis for technical progress and prosperity. Data has become the new “oil” of our digitized world, which enables new business models and innovations to flourish.

Invetation for the ISS Conference 2021

Seven papers presented by the working group “Innovation and Structural Change” at the International Schumpeter Conference 2021

The 18th Conference of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society was held online from July 8-10, 2021, hosted by LUISS in Rome, Italy.

Resilience Project Logo

Prof. Aseem Kinra endowed in new research project on supply chain resilience by the Danish Industrial Foundation

The research project aims to investigate the supply chain resilience for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies

Presentation by Prof. Vera Hagemann at the Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) information event on employee motivation in July 2021

The Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) e.V., a network with over 11,000 members worldwide from industry, trade and logistics, regularly organizes online events on relevant topics, new technologies and exciting projects.

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New Publication: Green Technologies, Environmental Policy and Regional Growth

Philip Kerner published, in collaboration with Torben Klarl and Tobias Wendler, a discussion paper titled “Green Technologies, Environmental Policy and Regional Growth” in the discussion paper series of the ierp (Institute for Economic Research and Policy).

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Supply chain disruptions are the new normal - Prof. Aseem Kinra in an interview with the Weserkurier

The Corona pandemic and its consequences are also a challenge for international supply chains.

Grain moving in the wind, in the background there are wind turbines.

Philip Kerner and Tobias Wendler present at the international EAERE Conference 2021

From June 23 to June 25, 2021, the international European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) Annual Conference took place as an online event. Philip Kerner and Tobias Wendler presented recent research papers.

It shows the paper of Miss Jutta Günther

Special Issue in „The Review of Evolutionary Political Economy” has appeared

Jutta Günther together with Muhamed Kudic, Matthias Müller, Tobias Buchmann and Andreas Pyka published a special issue in the new journal “Review of Evolutionary Political Economy”.

In a circels is a text which says higher school of economics in the middle is the logo and at the bottem stands national research university

HSE / ICSID conference "Political Economy in a Changing World"

The 10th conference of the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) of the Moscow Higher School of Economics will take place from June 7-10, 2021. This year, 4 research teams from the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics will present their work.

The image displays the Södertörns högskola

Presentation by Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz at the University of Södertörn

On May 20th, Michael Rochlitz presented his book „Federalism in China and Russia: Story of Success and Story of Failure?“, published jointly with Alexander Libman, in a seminar at the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) at Södertörn University.

In the forground is a text which says russia analytica digest. In the background is a blue landscape. At the top left coner is the date 06 May 2021 and No. 268.

Two new contributions in the Russian Analytica Digest

Two new contributions of Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz were published in the Russian Analytical Digest. The articles discuss the recent development and future prospects of the Russian economy.

Red waves at the top and bottom. In the middle is a play button on the left hand side is a text which says Roundtable and on the right hand says is a text which says Osteuropa

Podcast „Roundtable Osteuropa“ of the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS)

Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz was invited to join Dr. Fabian Burkhardt (IOS Regensburg) on the Roundtable Osteuropa Podcast by the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS). The topic of the episode was “30 Post-Soviet years: Economic policy and regime stability in Belarus and Russia”.

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Professor Lars Hornuf as Speaker at the Paris Webinar on Financial Technology and Crypto

This week Professor Lars Hornuf presented his paper "The Local Bias in Equity Crowdfunding: Behavioral Anomaly or Rational Preference?" at the Paris Webinar on Financial Technology and Crypto. The paper was written in collaboration with PhD student Eliza Stenzhorn and Dr. Matthias Schmitt.

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New Publication: “Do European firms obey the rules? Environmental innovativeness in light of institutional frameworks”

Tobias Wendler, together with Judyta Lubacha (Jagiellonian University Cracow), has published an article in the international peer-reviewed journal "Industry and Innovation".

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New publication in the “Journal of International Business Studies”

Professor Alexandre Bohas together with Professors Aseem Kinra, and Michael J. Morley have published a new study with the title "Perlmutter revisited: revealing the anomic mindset” in the Journal of International Business Studies.

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Prof. Klein presents research at the EMAC Conference

Prof. Klein presents research project on androgyny at EMAC conference


Presentation by Prof. Dr. Alexander Libman on the political long-term effects of the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline

On May 11th at 16:15, Alexander Libman, Professor of Russian and East European Politics at the Freie Universität Berlin, is going to present his paper "Legacies of Communist Modernization: Evidence from a Natural Experiment" at the seminar of the Institute for Economic Research and Policy (IERP).

Podiumsdiskussion DHI Moskau

Panel discussion on the transition from socialist planning to a market economy

On April 22nd, Michael Rochlitz took part in a panel discussion on the topic of the transition from socialist planning to a market economy. The discussion was organized by the German Historical Institute in Moscow (DHI), and the Center for East European and International Studies in Berlin (ZOiS).

Abbasi Moschee

Keynote-Lecture at the Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan

On March 25th, Michael Rochlitz was invited to give the keynote opening lecture at the „International Conference on Federalism, State and Society“, organized by the Islamia University of Bahawalpur in Pakistan. The yearly conference is the biggest conference in the social sciences in Pakistan.


Tobias Wendler receives the CAMPUS PREIS of the Kellner & Stoll Foundation

For his dissertation on "Green Technologies and their Role for Sustainability" Tobias Wendler received the "CAMPUS PREIS: Research for a Sustainable Future" of the Kellner & Stoll Foundation on April 15, 2021.

The image shows the Professor Doctor Dong Jun Wu

Prof. Dr. Dong Jun Wu at the Diginomics Brownbag Seminar

Time: 14. April 2021, 4 pm, via Zoom Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dong Jun Wu, Georgia Tech Title: IT Knowledge Spillovers, Absorptive Capacity, and Productivity: Evidence from Enterprise Software

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New Publication in the Journal of Corporate Finance

Professor Dr. Lars Hornuf has published a new article in the Journal of Corporate Finance under the title "The relevance of investor rights in crowdinvesting." The article emerged in collaboration with Tobias Schilling and Prof. Dr. Armin Schwienbacher of Skema Business School.

Logos of various North German universities

Science pays off - a contribution to the discussion

The article deals with the importance of science for the state of Bremen. In view of the Corona pandemic, public revenues are declining and the resources for financing science are no longer available to the extent planned.

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Neueste Informationen zu den Prüfungen: Recht, Produktion & Logistik sowie Unternehmensbesteuerung

Mit dem Beschluss zur Verlängerung des Lockdowns bis mindestens zum 18. April müssen die Prüfangebote Recht, Produktion & Logistik sowie Unternehmensbesteuerung angepasst werden. Weitere Informationen können Sie dem Prüfungsplan und der überarbeiteten FAQ Liste entnehmen.

Universität Zürich

Guest Lecture at the University of Zurich

On March 20, 2021, Michael Rochlitz gave a four-hour guest lecture at the University of Zurich on the subject of “Russia's Economic Transformation”, for the module “World Perspectives: Russia” of the master program “Applied History”.

European Journal of Political Economy

New Publication in the European Journal of Political Economy

A new paper by Michael Rochlitz, Evgeniya Mitrokhina and Irina Nizovkina has just been published in the current issue of the European Journal of Political Economy. The study shows how entrepreneurs affiliated with the political opposition are discriminated against by Russia’s state bureaucracy.

Indikatoren für die Messung von Forschung, Entwicklung und Innovation

Katharina Friz and Marcel Lange as co-authors of the book "Indicators for the measurement of research, development and innovation"

Katharina Friz and Marcel Lange are co-authors of the open-access book "Indicators for measuring research, development and innovation: fact sheets with hints for application" published by Springer-Verlag.  The main author is Andreas Kladroba, further co-authors are Tobias Buchmann and Patrick Wolf.…

Small Business Economics

New Publication: „Who benefits from SMEs’ radical innovations?—empirical evidence from German biotechnology”

Mariia Shkolnykova and Muhamed have published an article in the international, peer-reviewed journal “Small Business Economics” on the diffusion of radical innovations of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Georgia Institute of Technology

Professor Lars Hornuf Distinguished Guest Speaker at Georgia Tech

Today, Professor Lars Hornuf will present his research project „The Social Dilemma of Big Data“ at the ITM Distinguished Guest Speaker Series at Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business. By implementing an online experiment among 1,696 US citizens together with his co-author Kirsten Hillebrand, he…

European Commission Horizon

Start of the ITN Projekt “MARKETS”

On March 10th, 2021 the official opening of the EU-funded ITN project "MARKETS" took place. At the University of Bremen, the project is coordinated by Michael Rochlitz (FB 7) and Heiko Pleines (Research Centre for East European Studies), with a budget of 505,576 euros over three years.

INNcentive Workshop 2021

INNcentive Workshop 2021 - Meeting, Exchange and Networking

This year, an INNcentive workshop will take place again, giving all past and current grantees the opportunity to present their research results in compact formats, to exchange ideas and to network.

[Translate to English:] Human Autonomy Teaming

New ebook publication

A special kind of project module: Together, lecturers and students at the chair of Business Psychology and Human Resources wrote a book on the subject of "Human Autonomy Teaming - The teamwork of the future".


Prof. Dr. Aseem Kinra inducted into the Steering and Scientific Committees of the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS)

Prof. Dr. Aseem Kinra at the Professorship of Global Supply Chain Management has been inducted into the Steering and Scientific Committees of the World Conference on Transport Research Society WCTRS.

Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

New Innovation Indicators for Research and Policy - Successful Conclusion of the "Neo-Indikatorik" Project

On February 03, 2021, the conference on "Further Development of Indicators for Research and Innovation" hosted by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) took place.

Matheus Leusin

40 years of Artificial Intelligence: Matheus Leusin presents a paper on the emergence of AI

On January 19th and January 28th, 2020, Matheus E. Leusin presented his working paper entitled “An evolutionary view on the emergence of Artificial Intelligence” in two distinct events.

[Translate to English:]

New Publication: Using Topic Modeling in Innovation Studies: The Case of a Small Innovation System under Conditions of Pandemic Related Change

Jessica Birkholz, Jutta Günther and Mariia Shkolnykova has published together, a discussion paper on "Using Topic Modeling in Innovation Studies" in the discussion paper series of the ierp - Institute for Economic Research and Policy.


INNcentive program for young researchers celebrates its scholarship holders

INNcentive is a program jointly run by the Stifterverband and the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics at the University of Bremen to support young innovation researchers.

Unter Wasser

Playing the Angel: Decomposing the Value of Early-Stage Investors

On Wednesday, January 19, Professor Dr. Lars Hornuf gave a talk about "Playing the Angel: Decomposing the Value of Early-Stage Investors" at the Finance Research Seminar at TU Munich.

Logo der Freien Hansestadt Bremen

Jutta Günther on the expert hearing in the Deputation for Economic Affairs and Labor

On January 13, 2021, the Deputation for Economic Affairs and Labor met for a special session "Expert Hearing on Coping with the Economic Consequences of the Corona Crisis in Bremen".


New research project: Learning sustainability in virtual space

One million euros in support from Volkswagen AG for a research project in the field of sustainable management

Pflege Robotik Buch

New Publication: The Potential of Care Robotics - A Systemic Exploratory Research.

Not only exciting for robots: Denis Pijetlovic has published his PhD thesis as a monograph at Springer Verlag.

Logo Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk

MDR publishes podcast on the panel discussion "30 Years of German Unity"

Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR) has published a podcast resulting from the panel discussion on "30 Years of Economic and Monetary Union: Successes and Mistakes" held on October 22, 2020.

Wake Up Call des VDI Techzentrums

Jutta Günther as a guest at the VDI Technology Center's "Wake-up Call"

On December 8, Jutta Günther, an innovation economist and expert on innovation policy, participated in the early morning hours in the "Wake-up Call", an innovative online event format of the VDI Technology Center Berlin.

[Translate to English:] paul-fiedler-on-Unspalsh

Lars Hornuf becomes member of the FIRM advisory board

Professor Dr. Lars Hornuf has joined the FIRM advisory board. The Frankfurt Institute for Risk Management and Regulation (FIRM) was founded in 2009 and is an important network in the financial and regulatory environment, in which almost all major credit institutions in Germany participate. FIRM…

18 Economists - one study: Consequences of the Corona Pandemic for the economy in the Federal State of Bremen

Jutta Günther (University of Bremen) and Jan Wedemeier (Hamburg Institute of International Economics, HWWI) have jointly edited a study on the consequences of the Corona Pandemic for the economy in the Federal State of Bremen and presented it to the public at a press conference on November 18, 2020.…

[Translate to English:] forschung_und_entwicklung_logo

Jutta Günther appointed by the BMBF as Chairwoman of the Advisory Board for Research Data Collection of German Economy

For further Information please click here...

Corona-Info für den Fachbereich 7

Zur Bekämpfung der Corona-Krise erreichen Sie Ihre Kontaktpersonen derzeit nur über Post, Email und in Einzelfällen telefonisch. Der Fachbereich ist grundsätzlich für den Publikumsverkehr geschlossen. Ausnahmen im Wissenschaftsbereich sind individuell zu vereinbaren. Sie sind im Verwaltungsbereich…

Matej Meza
Attentive audience in the packed lecture hall.
Matej Meza
Students sit on the stairs at the entrance to the MZH Building.
Matej Meza


30. Apr
Sitzung des Fachbereichsrates
WiWi1 A1060
09:00 11:00
21. May
Sitzung des Fachbereichsrates
WiWi1 A1060
09:00 11:00
09. Jul
Sitzung des Fachbereichsrates
WiWi1 A1060
09:00 11:00
29. Oct
Sitzung des Fachbereichsrates
WiWi1 A1060
09:00 11:00
26. Nov
Sitzung des Fachbereichsrates
WiWi1 A1060
09:00 11:00
27. Nov
Festliche Absolventenverabschiedung 2025
Glocke Bremen
16:00 18:00
03. Dec
Sitzung des Fachbereichsrates
WiWi1 A1060
09:00 11:00
All Events

Economist of the month

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Vilfredo Pareto

    Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923)

    Italian founder of welfare economics.
    Fundamental work: "Der Tugendmythos und die unmoralisierte Literatur", 1911

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Walter Eucken

    Walter Eucken (1891-1950)

    Masterminds of the social market economy from Germany.
    Fundamental work: "Grundlagen der Nationalökonomie", 1939

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Werner Sombart

    Werner Sombart (1863-1941)

    German sociologist and economist.
    Fundamental work: " Der moderne Kapitalismus", 1902

  • [Translate to English:] Picture of Adam Smith

    Adam Smith (1723-1790)

    Inventor of the "invisible hand".
    U. a.: "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations", 1776

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Alfred Mashall

    Alfred Marshall (1842-1924)

    English developers of the supply and demand curve.
    Fundamental work: "Principles of Economics", 1890

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Arnold Picot

    Arnold Picot (1944-2017)

    German professor at the universities of Hannover and Munich.
    U.A.: "European Communication Council Report: E-Merging Media, Kommunikation und Medienwirtschaft der Zukunft", 2004

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from David Ricardo

    David Ricardo (1772-1823)

    Developer of the theory of comparative cost advantages.
    Fundamental work: "Principles of Political Economy and Texation", 1817

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Elinor Ostrom

    Elinor Ostrom (1933-2012)

    US-American Nobel Prize winner for economics.
    U.a.: "Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action", 1990

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Erich Gutenberg

    Erich Gutenberg (1897-1984)

    Founder of modern German business administration after the Second World War.
    U.a.: "Die Unternehmung als Gegenstand betriebswirtschaftlicher Theorie", 1929

  • [Translate to English:] Picture of Eugen Schmalenbach

    Eugen Schmalenbach (1873-1955)

    German representative of the dynamic balance theory.
    Fundamental work: "Dynamische Bilanz", 1956

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Eugen von Boehm Bawerk

    Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk (1851-1914)

    Founder of the Austrian capital theory.
    Fundamental Work: " Kapital und Kapitalzins", 1884

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Friedrich August von Hayek

    Friedrich August von Hayek (1899-1992)

    Austrian Nobel Prize winner for economics.
    Fundamental Work: "Preise und Produktion", 1931

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Friedrich List

    Friedrich List (1789-1846)

    German economic theorist.
    Fundamental Work: "Das nationale System der politischen Ökonomie", 1841

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Gary Becker

    Gary Becker (1930-2014)

    US-American Nobel Prize winner for economics.
    Fundamental work: "The Economics of Discrimination", 1957

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Gustav Stolper

    Gustav Stolper (1888-1947)

    German-Austrian economist.
    Fundamental work: "Die deutsche Wirklichkeit", 1948

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Irving Fisher

    Irving Fisher (1867-1947)

    Professor at Yale University.
    Fundamental Work: "The Rate of Interest", 1907

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Joan Robinson

    Joan Robinson (1903-1983)

    British economist.
    Fundamental work: "Theorie der unvollkommenen Konkurenz", 1933

  • John Forbes Nash Jr. (1928-2015)

    US-American Nobel Prize winner for economics.
    Fundamental work: "Essays on Game Theory", 1996

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from John Maynard Keynes

    John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946)

    British economist.
    Fundamentak work: "A Treatise on Money", 1930

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Joseph Schumpeter

    Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950)

    Austrian economist.
    Fundamental work: "Kapitalismus, Sozialismus und Demokratie", 1942

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Karl Marx

    Karl Marx (1818-1883)

    German social theorist.
    Fundamental work: "Das Kapital", 1867

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Leon Walras

    Léon Walras (1834-1910)

    French developer of the theory of marginal utility.
    Fundamental work: "Théorie de la monnaie", 1886

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Ludwig von Mises

    Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973)

    Austrian-American economist.
    Fundamental work: "Nationalökonomie", 1940

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Max Weber

    Max Weber (1864-1920)

    German sociologist and economist.
    Fundamental work: "Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft", 1922

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Milton Friedman

    Milton Friedman (1912-2006)

    US-American Nobel Prize winner for economics.
    Fundamental work: "Capitalism and Freedom", 1962

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Reinhard Selten

    Reinhard Selten (1930-2016)

    Only German Nobel Prize winner for economics.
    U.a.: "Macht Einigkeit start? Spieltheoretische Analyse einer Verhandlungssituation", 1977

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Paul A. Samuelson

    Paul A. Samuelson (1915-2009)

    American economist.
    Fundamental work: "Economics: An Introductory Analysis", 1948

  • [Translate to English:] Picture from Peter Drucker

    Peter Drucker (1909-2005)

    US-American pioneer of modern management theory.
    Fundamental work: "The Practice of Management", 1954

You can discover the economist of the month and further 27 carefully chosen economists on the first floor of the WiWi1 building. The gallery containing portraits and quotes from prominent economists offers you inspiring thoughts on economics. Further information can be found at: https://up2date.uni-bremen.de/campusleben/haus-an-der-allee-hat-jetzt-eine-galerie-der-grossen-koepfe


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  • Go to page: Haasis
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  • Go to page: Hornuf
  • Go to page: Klarl
  • Go to page: Kotzab
  • Go to page: Lundan
  • Go to page: Marx
  • Go to page: Missong
  • Go to page: Moehrle
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  • Go to page: Zimmermann
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