
Das markstones Institut gleich doppelt bei butenunbinnen vertreten

In der Sendung von butenunbinnen war das markstones Institut gleich mit zwei Beiträgen vertreten. Zum Einen waren die Studierenden von Professor Christoph Burmann mit ihrer Plakatkampagne vertreten und zum anderen informierte Professorin Kristina Klein zu der "Trinkgeldtaste" in der Gastronomie.

Grinning person

Accounting & Finance Research Seminar Stefan Zeisberger

On April 30, 2024 from 11:00 to 12:00, Stefan Zeisberger, Professor of Financial Economics at Radboud University Nijmegen and Associate Professor for Fintech and Experimental Finance at the University of Zurich, will give a talk on “Why Do People Invest Sustainably? Evidence From New Robo Advisor…

Cover with the text Sustainable Transport and Livability

Bremen engages in Sustainable Logistics through new Taylor & Francis scientific journal "Sustainable Transport and Livability"

Prof. Aseem Kinra from the professorship of Global Supply Chain Management, Professor Ashish Verma from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore, and Dr. Meng Li from Tsinghua University have jointly launched a pioneering initiative to tackle the current sustainability and livability…

Person with brown hair, glasses and white shirt laughs

Accounting & Finance Research Seminar Marco Ceccarelli

On April 16, 2024 from 11:00 to 12:00, Marco Ceccarelli, Assistant Professor of Finance at VU Amsterdam, will give a lecture on "Climate Transition Beliefs" as part of the Accounting & Finance Research Seminar. The lecture will take place in WiWi1 building room A1020.

Several students around a table, one student holding a yellow sticky note.

Master Wirtschaftspsychologie: Bewerbungsfrist bis 31. Mai 2024

Du möchtest dich für einen zukunftsweisenden Masterstudiengang bewerben? Dann ist jetzt deine Chance gekommen! Die Bewerbungsfrist für den Master in Wirtschaftspsychologie läuft noch bis zum 31. Mai 2024.

Shows the text: "Tobin Hanspal" On the left side is a friendly grinning person

Accounting & Finance Research Seminar Tobin Hanspal

On April 9, 2024 from 11:00 to 12:00 Tobin Hanspal, Assistant Professor of Finance at the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, will give a talk on "Educating Investors about Dividends" as part of the Accounting & Finance Research Seminar series. The talk will take place online.


Accounting & Finance Research Seminar

Announcement "Accounting & Finance Research Seminar" in Summer Semester 2024

In the summer semester 2024, the "Accounting & Finance Research Seminar" will host international researchers at our faculty. This setting offers a unique opportunity to dive into their latest research and engage in personal discussions afterward. Afterwards, there will be the opportunity for a…

Virtueller Vortrag an Münchener Schule

Virtual Talk at Munich School

As part of the science communication strategy of the field of Organizational Psychology, Dr. Julian Decius gave a virtual lecture to students of the Gymnasium Nymphenburger Schulen (Munich). The invitation from the school was facilitated by the BMBF-funded networking project "Forschungsbörse". The…

Virtual Talk at Munich School

As part of the science communication strategy of the field of Organizational Psychology, Dr. Julian Decius gave a virtual lecture to students of the Gymnasium Nymphenburger Schulen (Munich). The invitation from the school was facilitated by the BMBF-funded networking project "Forschungsbörse". The…

Person reads in a book

Book Publication in Book Series on Personnel Psychology Practice

Prof. Dr. Timo Kortsch, Dr. Julian Decius, and Dr. Hilko Paulsen authored the German book "Learning in companies – formal, informal, self-regulated" recently published in the renowned "Praxis der Personalpsychologie" book series from Hogrefe. The book transfers scientific findings on work-related…