Information for Jobholders
Target Agreement
To ensure transparency and process security in the evaluation, it is recommended to conclude a target agreement before or upon taking up the position. The conclusion of a target agreement stands in line with § 2 and § 7 of the Evaluation Regulations for Lecturers and Researchers at the University of Bremen dated February 21, 2018 and § 13 of the Selection Regulations for (Senior) Lecturers and (Senior) Researchers at the University of Bremen of the same date. The target agreement will be taken into account in the evaluation. In the target agreement, the holder of the position and the faculty agree on a number of objectives in the areas of research and teaching by means of which the holder of the position can prove his or her aptitude for independent academic work in research and teaching. The proof of outstanding aptitude for independent academic work in research and teaching in the field of work represented by the Lecturer or Researcher is required to be appointed to the position of Senior Lecturer or Senior Researcher. The target agreement thus sets out what the faculty expects of the Researcher or Lecturer to receive tenure and grant him or her the function of a Senior Researcher or Senior Lecturer. As part of the evaluation, the target agreement serves as a guide for the committee in assessing the performance of the holder of the position.
Please contact the respective faculty regarding the possibility of concluding a target agreement.

The Evaluation
With taking up the position as a Researcher or Lecturer, all candidates receive the promise of a permanent position in the academic mid-level sector. The permanent position is achieved by means of a positive evaluation at the end of the tenure phase. The Evaluation Regulation regulates the evaluation process. During the evaluation, the position holder’s aptitude for independent academic work in the respective field of work is determined. The evaluation takes the teaching and research objectives defined in the target agreement into account. A committee that comprises different members of academic staff in the respective faculty as well as a student representative supervises the evaluation process. In the case of the positive completion of the evaluation process, the holder of the position is assigned the function of Senior Lecturer or Senior Researcher.
Important links, downloads and contact person
Ellen Laurer
Institution University of Bremen (Uni Bremen)
Building/room: SFG 1275
Phone: 0049 421 218 60312
E-Mail: ellen.laurerprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de